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Onboarding international students

Have you been (conditionally) admitted to VU Amsterdam? Start your onboarding journey here!

What is student onboarding?
Student onboarding is the process of getting you, as an admitted international student, adjusted to your new study environment's practical, social, and academic aspects. 

Through our international student onboarding services, we want to make you feel welcome and help you navigate the next steps in your student journey.

It's our goal to make sure you will experience a sense of inclusion, connection, and belonging, before you even set foot on campus.

Select the Bachelor or Master Onboarding page
It makes sense that prospective admitted Bachelor's students and prospective Master's students have different needs when it comes to onboarding, but also have different levels of experience with living abroad and life at university. Therefore, we have created two different pages with programmes specifically tailored to both target groups.