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Digital Student Guide

Last updated on 5 June 2024
Welcome to the Digital Student Guide! Here you can find information about online resources for education both online and on campus and the things that come with it, such as privacy and security.

The guide is divided into two parts:

  1. Canvas and Tools: in this section you can find all the information about Canvas and its tools Edubadges, FeedbackFruits, Mentimeter, CodeGrade, OnStage and Perusall and how to use them.
  2. Privacy and Security: in this section, you will find out how to use Zoom in Canvas and how to do it safely (Zoom for studying), how your privacy is ensured when following online education (Privacy and Online Education) and the rules on recordings of lectures, what to do if you encounter inappropriate behaviour during (online) education and where to find information about academic integrity (Academic Integrity).