What can you do with EndNote?
• Import references from literature databases such as Scopus or PubMed
• Organize and manage your references
• Link full text documents to your imported references.
• Automatically insert well-formatted citations into your manuscript in Word
• Automatically reformat the citation style in one click
Employees with a managed (green and orange) workstation can contact the UCIT Service Desk to get EndNote assigned to the workstation.
Students and employees with an unmanaged (red) workstation or a private device can download EndNote at: download.vu.nl (this can also be accessed outside the VU, VU (WiFi) network connection is no longer required)
VUmc employees can request EndNote at the ICT Servicedesk VUmc, the software will then be placed in the user profile under VIEW. VIEW is the secure workplace system of the VUmc. VUmc staff cannot place software on their PC themselves. They can also use EndNote under VIEW at home.