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Recordings of lectures

Last updated on 28 March 2024
Recordings of lectures are not automatically made available at VU Amsterdam. VU Amsterdam has a very restrictive policy. Here, you can read why.

It seems so convenient to be able to watch all your lectures always and everywhere. Yet at VU Amsterdam we are of the opinion, and research shows, that this in general does not have a positive effect. When recordings of lectures are automatically made available online, a large group of students decides not to come to campus. That group gets relatively lower grades and is less likely to pass. This is partly because, as a student, you are less engaged with your learning process and are less inspired by your lecturers and fellow students.

So, it is important to know that at VU Amsterdam, recordings are not made automatically available and that you are not entitled to them. Furthermore, you are not allowed to make any recordings yourself on the basis of the Student Charter (Article 8).

Are you a student with a disability? Then contact your Academic Advisor about possibilities. An Acadmeic Advisor has the overview of which guidelines apply within a faculty and what a faculty may or may not be able to offer.

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