If you have any questions about the regulations, then you can contact the Student Desk.
Important regulations
This page lists various regulations adopted by VU Amsterdam.
- Regulations for Application and Enrolment 2024-2025
- Regulations Selection and Placement 2024-2025
- Addendum to the Regulations on Selection and Placement 2024-2025
- Regulations for Application and Enrolment 2023-2024
- Regulations Selection and Placement 2023-2024
- Student Charter 2024-2025
During your studies
- Student Support Regulation (pdf)
- Regulation Registration and deregistration for courses and exams (pdf)
- Regulations for issuing degree certificates
- VU Examination Regulations (pdf)
- Regulations for student participation in decision-making (pdf) (in Dutch)
- Regulations for Knowledge, Intellectual Property and Participation (pdf) (in Dutch)
- Specific Participation Regulations
- Language Proficiency test at the start of your studies
- Academic integrity
- Code of Conduct for the Promotion and Introduction Period of Student Associations in Amsterdam (pdf) (in Dutch)
Participation in decision-making
The regulations relating to employee participation at VU are contained in a compilation document: Nadere Regelingen medezeggenschap VU (Engelse versie)
This document contains the following arrangements:
1. Student University Participation Regulations (in Dutch)
2a. Regulations University Joint Assembly
2b. Rules of Procedure Joint Assembly
3. Faculty Participation Regulations
4. (Electoral Regulations Student Councils
VU participation framework regulations (in Dutch)
Other regulations
- Policy plan on disabilities (pdf) (in Dutch)
- Objection procedure (pdf)
- Studying with a disability covenant (pdf) (in Dutch)
- Code of Conduct for Computer and Network use (pdf) (in Dutch)
- Code of Conduct for Language of Instruction (pdf) (in Dutch)
- Code of Conduct for international students
- Complaint desk
- Reference works (in Dutch)
- Student Ombudsman
- Protection of personal data regulations (pdf)
- Proces Investigation ICT students
- Rules of Procedure of the Examination Appeals Board (pdf) (in Dutch)
- Regeling Inappropriate Conduct
- Camera surveillance regulations (pdf)
Do you have any questions?
Please contact the Student Desk. On Thursday 5 September the desk will be open between 10:30 - 16:00h.