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Wellbeing Calendar

Last updated on 1 July 2024
Are you looking for social activities, opportunities to develop yourself alongside your studies or options to improve your physical and mental wellbeing? Find an overview of all initiatives in the Wellbeing Calendar!

The academic year is divided into 7 blocks with corresponding themes and activities. Whether you are looking for workshops, lectures, meditation sessions, sports activities or social events, this calendar reflects the comprehensive overview of opportunities at VU to promote your wellbeing and lead a balanced life. New initiatives and activities are added to this page throughout the year.

Scroll down to discover what VU can offer you!

This month's theme: Summer is here.

Social activities

  • Get-together meeting employees with a disability / chronic illness – 3 July

    In these monthly meetings, employees and students with disabilities or chronic illness can talk, ask questions, exchange tips and share experiences. 

    Upcoming meeting will be on Wednesday, 3 July 2024 from 15.30 – 17.30 P.M. The location is room HG-1A36 (hybrid) in the Main Building . 

    Please sign up (preferred) and/or information:

  • The Courtroom as a Landscape: drawings and art exhibition – 12 July

    Are you interested in a unique combination of art and science, or do you have an affinity for the legal system? We warmly invite you to the opening of our exhibition ‘The Courtroom as a Landscape’!

    After capturing numerous terrorism trials in drawings, a special exhibition will open on Friday, 12 July at 16:00 in the Court of Rotterdam. This informal afternoon begins with a tour of the artworks, followed by a reception to discuss the project with the artists and academics involved. 

    The exhibition is a collaboration between art and academia, aiming to make visible what usually happens behind the closed doors of the courthouse. By using 'The Courtroom as a Landscape' as a lens, you can explore how the court functions as an ecosystem where different actors must collaborate to make justice work. By presenting not only the one-sided image of the court often seen in the media but a broader view of all the actors in the court and in trials, the VU researchers hope to contribute to a more humane and empathetic approach to the judicial process. Just as a painting is a snapshot of a broader landscape, a trial is a snapshot of legal and societal issues. By mapping these out, the makers provide insight into the interconnectedness between law and society.

    We look forward to welcoming you on July 12!

    The exhibition will remain on display in the Court of Rotterdam until the end of September.

    • 16:00 Opening exhibition
    • 16:15 Tour begins
    • 17:30 Closing and reception

    Registration for the opening and tour on July 12 is required. You can register via,, or No registration is needed to visit the exhibition on another day.

    Practical information
    • Date & time: Friday, 12 July 2024 16:00 - 17:30
    • Location: Rotterdam Courthouse, Wilhelminaplein 100-125, 3072 AK Rotterdam (directions)
    • Language: Dutch

    This exhibition is made possible by the Vrije Universiteit, the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, and the Rotterdam Courthouse.

  • Trauma and Collective Healing – 15 July

    Interested in how trauma shapes our daily lives, and how we can collectively heal? 

    Join us for the film “A Wisdom of Trauma” and after-talk with Durwin Lynch from the Athena Institute on Monday, July 15th in Theatre 9 NU-4C51. 

    The screening starts at 13:00 followed by an after talk at 15:00.  Seating is limited, so make sure to reserve your spot here.

    • 12:30 - 13:00 - Doors open, Walk in
    • 13:00 - 13:15 - Introduction
    • 13:15 - 14:45 - Screening of the movie The Wisdom of Trauma (English with Dutch subtitles) 
    • 14:45 - 15:00 - Break 
    • 15:00 - 16:00 - Aftertalk  (English & Dutch) 


  • Consultation hour 'Worries about Israel / Palestine' – 4 & 5 July

    The Diversity Office, together with the spiritual caregivers of VU Amsterdam, is opening a consultation hour for staff and students who seek support following the outbreak of protests around Amsterdam.

    During the consultation hours you can find a listening ear. To receive comfort or guidance for your anxiety, anger, or concerns. We are here for you, and everyone who studies or works at VU is welcome.

    You don't need to sign up or be on time - you can just walk in. You may have to wait in the waiting room if a personal conversation is taking place.

    Location: HG 2G22, the Main building, ground floor, Filosofenhof. 

    • Week 27
      • 4 July between 12:00 – 14:00
      • 5 July between 10:00 – 12:00
  • Meditation sessions – every Monday & Wednesday

    Need a break? join us for meditation in the silence room (HG-1A53).

    More and more people meditate, they do so because of mental health, and longing for rest, focus or balance. Some meditate because of the stress-reducing effects or because of their religious or ideological beliefs. Whatever your reason may be for meditating, it is often easier to do so in communities, where you can make friends and share experiences. So joins us for weekly meditations, in a silent meditation group, a traditional Buddhist and/or a Christian meditation.

    Meditation Group, every Monday 12:55-1:15 PM in the Silence Room (HG-1A53). Join us in silence to meditate in whatever way you prefer. We share our experiences afterwards.

    Buddhist Meditation, every Wednesday 12:45–1:15 PM in the Silence Room (HG-1A53). Join a guided Buddhist meditation, and share a silent practice with each other.

    You are very welcome to use the Silence Room (HG-1A53) for whatever ideological or religious silence practice when no activities take place. 

  • VU in Motion – every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

    Starting April 2, Tai Chi, Salsa and Standing Yoga will take place outside again!

    All exercise breaks are 15 minutes and take place under the tree between the Main Building and the OZW Building on the campus plaza. Please note that even in really bad weather it will continue in the hall of the OZW building. Everyone is welcome for a short, tasty exercise break in your work or study day!  

    Tuesday & Thursday 
    • 12:30 - 12:45 Tai Chi
    • 13:00 - 13:15 Salsa
    • 12.15 - 12:30 Standing Yoga led by Sports Centre VU yoga instructor and personal trainer Mickey Richards.
    All activities are open to all without registration. No sweat, no changing, just move 😊

    VU in Motion   
    VU in Motion aims to get employees and students to move a little more on and around the VU Campus. It has been scientifically proven that (more) movement leads to (more) physical and mental health. VU is also part of the sitting culture that has almost replaced natural movement worldwide. And we want to change that! Each week we will provide a tip or a fun fact to encourage you to meet one of the three movement guidelines. These guidelines for adults and seniors are as follows:   

    • Movement is good; more movement is better. Do at least 150 (preferably 210) minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise, spread over several days.   
    • Do 2-3x/week an intensive(er) workout of 30-60 minutes, focusing on strength and conditioning, for the elderly additionally combined with balance exercises.   
    • And avoid sitting still! In other words, half an hour of movement/sports a day cannot compensate for the damage of further prolonged sitting still. 2 minutes of moderate-intensity movement every 20 minutes has very positive effects. 

Peace and quiet in The Mindfulnest

Peace and quiet in The Mindfulnest

Do you find it difficult to take time for yourself? Do you need a mindful pause, or a responsible way to take a break from studying? You can nestle down and relax in your own way in a cabin that is specifically designed for this purpose - The Mindfulnest. Check it out in the study area NU-1A49 in the NU building on the 1st floor!

More information
Cabin for students where they can take a mindful pause, or a break from studying in a responsible way.

Does your activity belong on the wellbeing calendar as well?

Contact the student wellbeing project group!