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Wellbeing Calendar

Last updated on 31 January 2025
Are you looking for social activities, opportunities to develop yourself alongside your studies or options to improve your physical and mental wellbeing? Find an overview of all initiatives in the Wellbeing Calendar!

The academic year is divided into 7 blocks with corresponding themes and activities. Whether you are looking for workshops, lectures, meditation sessions, sports activities or social events, this calendar reflects the comprehensive overview of opportunities at VU to promote your wellbeing and lead a balanced life. New initiatives and activities are added to this page throughout the year.

Scroll down to discover what VU can offer you!

This month's theme: Community first.

Social activities

  • Ceramics – 4 February

    Exam week is finally over! Time to relax and get creative in our ceramics session!

    You could make a plate, statue, jewelry box or something completely different as a present for yourself or someone else! You can find all information and the registration form on our Insta or join our Whatsapp group! If you don't have Insta, you can sign up here. For other questions, you can send us an email at

    Practical information
    • Date & time: Tuesday, 4 February 2025 from 18:00 (you can come later if you want and you decide when you want to leave :-)
    • Location: 3D room
    • Audience: VU students
    • Language: English and Dutch
    • Insta
    • WhatsApp group
    • Sign up here if you don't have Insta
    • For further questions, you can send an email to
  • Movie viewing: Dark Waters – 7 February

    Join us for a movie night!

    The Green Office is hosting a special screening of Dark Waters. Watch as corporate environmental defense attorney Robert Bilott risks everything - his career, his family, and his peace of mind - to expose a chemical corporation’s hidden secrets.

    Enjoy the screening, along with food and drinks!

    Practical information
    • Date & time: Friday, 7 February 2025 16:30-19:30
    • Location: 3D room
    • Audience: VU students and staff
    • Language: English
    • Free event
    • For questions, you can send an email to Green Office.
  • Amsterdam Annual Students Sports Gala – 7 February

    Join us on the 7th of February for the annual Student Sports Gala, a night to celebrate sports, community, and achievements! Expect great music, amazing vibes, and plenty of fun with fellow student athletes.

    Reminder: Don’t forget to nominate your candidates for the Sports Awards! Submit your nominations here.

    Practical information
    • Date & time: Friday, 7 February 21:00 - 03:00
    • Location: Aknathon, Nieuwezijds Kolk 25, 1012 PV Amsterdam
    • Buy tickets here
  • Academic Freedom, the student edition – 10 February

    In this series on academic freedom Jeroen de Ridder takes us on an exploration on academic freedom in the context of higher education, research and scholarship, and university administration.

    In this gathering we discuss what Academic Freedom means for students. One definition is the freedom for students to learn, explore, and challenge ideas while building and sharing your own opinions is the foundation of what is called academic freedom.

    The freedom to learn protects students from unfair treatment based on the student’s opinions and beliefs. It recognizes that student opinions are valuable and should be able to be expressed without fear of retribution. At the same time, the freedom to learn obligates students to follow class assignments and master course content, even if they disagree with it.

    In exercising their academic freedom, educators should be aware of the moral and social consequences of their choices on students. In this session, we will explore opportunities, challenges, and dilemmas for academic freedom regarding our students. So let’s discuss the question of students permitted to protest on university campuses and do professors need to warn students about controversial or emotionally charged course materials? 

    Jeroen de Ridder is professor of Political Epistemology in the Faculty of Humanities at the Vrije Universiteit. 

    Practical information
    • Date & time: Monday, 10 February 2025 16:30-18:00, room opens for coffee and tea at 16:00 
    • Location: 3D room
    • Audience: VU students and staff
    • Language: English
    • Please sign up: max. 50 participants, so please register by sending an email to (also for questions)
    • Free event.
  • Meeting students and staff with a disability or chronic condition – 19 February

    Students and staff with a disability and/or chronic condition often face different and usually more challenges than other students. To discuss these and other matters and to help each other along the way, there is a monthly meeting and exchange meeting in VU The Global Room.

    During these meetings, students and employees with disabilities or chronic conditions can discuss with each other. There is plenty of room to ask questions and share tips and experiences.

    The meeting is approachable, accessible and informal.

    What to expect?

    • In this accessible get-together you meet up with other people having disabilities or chronic illnesses at the VU in a safe and confidential environment. 
    • You are not alone. Other people with comparable experiences better understand how your personal situation influences you job or study.
    • The meeting will be guided by a VU student with a disability / chronic illness and the coordinator of VU debate center 3D
    • During this informal meeting experiences are exchanged and support is offered. 
    • There is plenty of room to share experiences, ask questions and share suggestions.
    • It’s a great place to meet new people.
    Practical information 
    • Who: employees and students with a disability, chronic illness or other affinity in broad sense
    • When: monthly, 19 February 
    • Time: 3:30-5:30 pm
    • Where: Global Room space HG-1A36, Main building, first floor
    • Number of participants: maximum 20
    • Interested? And want to find out about the next meeting? 
    • Please send a message to


    • Door passage accessible for larger wheelchairs.
    • Sensory stimuli are limited.
    • Elevator and stairs nearby. 
    • Quiet area available.
    • Short break in between.
    • Joining for shorter time is possible. 

    Tip: You can join later or participate for a shorter time!

    Have any questions? Email to


  • Loneliness: A growing societal issue – 5 February

    Loneliness is a growing societal issue with visible consequences, especially for young people. Do you have personal experiences with loneliness, know someone affected by it, or work with organizations addressing this issue?

    We invite you to join us for an interactive presentation and open discussion on the LONELY-EU project, which will kick-off in February 2025. This European initiative brings together researchers, people with lived experiences, and organizations to develop practical solutions to combat social isolation and loneliness.

    The presentation is followed by an interactive discusussion on the topic of loneliness.

    What to expect
    • Insights into how the Netherlands and Europe are working on solutions to loneliness
    • The opportunity to share your experiences and ideas with researchers and other participants
    • An open platform to discuss what is needed to better understand and tackle loneliness, especially for young people
    • Networking with NGOs, researchers, and others engaged in this field
    Who should attend?

    Everyone is welcome!

    Students, researchers, people with lived experiences, family members, friends, and professionals committed to or interested in addressing loneliness.


    The session is led by Ms. Judith Merkies. With a proven track record in politics, advocacy and network building through her work in public and private sectors, as well as her experience as a Member of the European Parliament and her current academic role at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, she focuses on bridging research and policy to tackle social isolation and loneliness.

    She will be joined by a panel of leading experts on the topic of loneliness: Hans IJzerman (Annecy Behavioral Science Lab, France), Patrizia Catellani (Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy), Katarzyna Growiec (SWPS University, Poland, Katarzyna Growiec), Cristiano Vezzoni (University of Milan, Italy), and Rob Blaauboer’s (FIOTI), all of whom are consortium partners in the LONELY-EU project.

    • 10:30 - 10:45: Presentation of the LONELY-EU project
    • 10:45 - 11:30: Open discussion: share your ideas, experiences, and questions

    To sign up for this event, please go to this page and enter your name and email addres. We look forward to seeing you on February 5!

    Practical information
    • Date & time: Wednesday, 5 February, 10:30 - 11:30
    • Location: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Main Building HG 15A-33, Boelelaan 1105, Amsterdam
  • Wellbeing: Walk to Run – 25 February to 15 April

    Do you often experience a winter dip? Or do you go straight to your studies after college or sit down on the sofa with a series? Despite knowing that exercise and going outside is good for our mental and physical health, it's not always easy to get moving. That is why on 25 February, Sportcentrum VU will start a new Wellbeing series: Walk to Run!

    If you are not feeling good, cannot concentrate well, experience stress or often have low energy, it is good to get moving. With Wellbeing: Walk to Run, you will start building up from walking to running in 8 weeks in a group of 10-20 students under the guidance of a trainer from the Sports Centre. During the sessions, which last 1 hour, we will first focus on walking and your breathing, and slowly build up to running over 8 weeks. All this is done entirely at your own pace.

    By going for a run or walk, you can recharge yourself and reduce stress symptoms. In addition, for 8 weeks you are stimulated to start exercising, and you will also meet new people. Nice, right? Register quickly for Wellbeing: Walk to Run by sending an e-mail to

    Practical information
    • Period: 8 Tuesdays from 25 February to 15 April from 11:00 - 12:00
    • Location: Gather at VU Sports Centre in the OZW building
    • You can sign up by sending an email to
  • Meditation sessions – every Monday & Wednesday

    Need a break? join us for meditation in the silence room (HG-1A53).

    More and more people meditate, they do so because of mental health, and longing for rest, focus or balance. Some meditate because of the stress-reducing effects or because of their religious or ideological beliefs. Whatever your reason may be for meditating, it is often easier to do so in communities, where you can make friends and share experiences. So joins us for weekly meditations, in a silent meditation group, a traditional Buddhist and/or a Christian meditation.

    Meditation Group, every Monday 12:55-1:15 PM in the Silence Room (HG-1A53). Join us in silence to meditate in whatever way you prefer. We share our experiences afterwards.

    Buddhist Meditation, every Wednesday 12:45–1:15 PM in the Silence Room (HG-1A53). Join a guided Buddhist meditation, and share a silent practice with each other.

    You are very welcome to use the Silence Room (HG-1A53) for whatever ideological or religious silence practice when no activities take place. 

  • VU in Motion – every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

    VU in Motion: are you in?

    VU in Motion offers low-threshold activities during your work/study day for a good reset of your body and mind, just get out of your head and into your body. Just in your work clothes, so easy!

    • Tuesday 12.30-12.45 p.m.: Qi Gong* | location: Hall NU building
    • Tuesday 13.00-13.15 p.m.: Salsa (also for beginners) | location: Hall NU building
    • Wednesday 12.15-12.30 p.m.: Standing Yoga | location: hall OZW building
    • Thursday 12.30-12.45 p.m.: Qi Gong* | location: Main Building, in front of the entrance to the VU Bookstore.
    • Thursday 13.00-13.15 p.m.: Salsa (also for beginners) | location: Main Building, in front of the entrance to the VU Bookstore.

    All exercise breaks are 15 minutes. Everyone is welcome for a short, tasty exercise break in your work or study day!  

    VU in Motion   
    VU in Motion aims to get employees and students to move a little more on and around the VU Campus. It has been scientifically proven that (more) movement leads to (more) physical and mental health. VU is also part of the sitting culture that has almost replaced natural movement worldwide. And we want to change that! Each week we will provide a tip or a fun fact to encourage you to meet one of the three movement guidelines. These guidelines for adults and seniors are as follows:   

    • Movement is good; more movement is better. Do at least 150 (preferably 210) minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise, spread over several days.   
    • Do 2-3x/week an intensive(er) workout of 30-60 min, focusing on strength and conditioning, for the elderly additionally combined with balance exercises.   
    • And avoid sitting still! In other words, half an hour of movement/sports a day cannot compensate for the damage of further prolonged sitting still. 2 minutes of moderate-intensity movement every 20 minutes has very positive effects.

    * VU in Motion chooses to substitute Tai Chi for the more approachable Qi Gong. Qi Gong, like Tai Chi, focuses on movement and breathing exercises for health and well-being, but without the complex movement forms of Tai Chi.

    Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese movement form that not only strengthens your body, but balances your whole being (body, mind and spirit) by activating the vital life energy, or Qi.

    This life energy flows through your body via meridians (energy pathways that run through your body and connect all organs). By practising Qi Gong, these meridians can be activated and balanced, leading to greater vitality and inner peace. It improves flexibility and mobility , strengthens the immune system, increases energy, reduces stress, improves focus and concentration, increases emotional balance and breathing. A short 15-minute Qi Gong session already gives great results, so perfect for an invigorating break activity!

Workshops & training sessions

  • Improve your concentration – 3 & 10 February

    Get a grip on your attention again.

    Can you hardly bring yourself to read this text? Do you automatically reach for your smartphone when it's next to you? Does your mind constantly wander when you are at work? Can't close yourself off from the people or sounds around you? Do you often feel rushed and do less than you would like to? Do you lie in bed with a full head?

    It is time for a different approach! In this workshop you get a grip on your attention again. You learn about the ins and outs of attention management and you practise with various concentration techniques. After this course: You know how your brain deals with distractions. You discover how you can better arm yourself against these distractions. You will experience more peace in your head and body.

    Please go this page to find more information and to register.

    Check out the entire range of workshops and training courses for students on the page Courses to optimize studying.

  • Three ways to improve your study Module 3: Take action – 6 February

    Psychologists reveal: THREE WAYS to improve your study (and personal) life!!!

    You are ready to change (the way you study), but are not sure how to get started. 

    This module is part of three modules offered by the VU student psychological counsellors, we will focus on themes that students regularly tell us they struggle with: procrastination, stress and feeling stuck in a negative spiral. 

    The aim of each module is to give you insights into your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours - and a set of practical tools that you can use when you hit the books. 

    A series consists of three modules that you can follow consecutively or separately. It is not obligatory to do all three; you sign up for a single module. This makes it more easily accessible and demand driven. The modules may also be a nice refresher for students who previously met with a student psychological counsellor or completed a training or workshop! 

    In this module we work on behaviour. Sometimes you want to change, but where do you start? We spend time on helping you gain an overview, of both your short- and long-term plans. This is about taking action and getting a grip on your day. Useful for everyone: whether you procrastinate, like to socialise, or cannot see the wood for the trees. 

    Please go this page to find more information and to register.

    This module will also take place on:
    • Friday, 21 March 2025 from 11:00 to 12:00
    • Monday, 2 June 2025 from 11:00 to 12:00.
    Other modules in this series:

    Check out the entire range of workshops and training courses for students on the page Courses to optimize studying

  • Introduction to mindfulness – 21 February, 7 & 21 March, 4 & 25 April

    Do you suffer from concentration problems, fatigue complaints, stress and tension complaints? Do you worry a lot or quickly? Do you feel you spend too much time on the past (for example guilt) or on the future (fears)? Or do you simply want to know what mindfulness entails? 

    This course is an introduction to mindfulness. We introduce you to the principles of mindfulness so you can take the first steps towards a more relaxed attitude in life. During the course you learn - in an accessible way - to live more in the now. You experience how you can live with more attention in daily life. You learn how mindfulness can help you study. There are no mats or candles, the starting point is down-to-earth.

    The course includes 5 meetings: 

    • Friday, 21 February, 7 & 21 March, 4 & 25 April (back-up date 9 May) 10:00 – 12:00 hrs, on campus, 

    Please sign up here.

    This course is also offered in Dutch look for more information about the entire programme on the page Courses to optimize studying.

  • How to feel more confident during presentations – 3, 10 & 17 March

    How to give a presentation with more self-confidence and persuasiveness? 

    For all students who are looking forward to presenting and would like to give a presentation with more self-confidence and persuasiveness, participate in a presentation round or other forms of public speaking.

    Do you feel uncomfortable during a presentation or even more than that? Would you like to experience more self-confidence and daring when you get the floor? In this training you will experiment in a safe environment and play with speaking in front of a group. Motto: making mistakes is allowed! Goal: let your self-confidence and presentation skills grow. After the training: You know more about the development of feelings of anxiety during presentation. You have more knowledge about helping and inhibiting thoughts and what you can do with them. You have various tools to feel more relaxed while speaking in front of a group. You know how to give a convincing presentation and have you practiced this.

    Please go this page to find more information and to register.

    Check out the entire range of workshops and training courses for students on the page Courses to optimize studying.

  • Work on your fear of failure – 3, 17 & 31 March, 14 April, 12 May

    In this course you will learn to understand your own fear of failure and gain insight in your study-related stress. 

    Do you understand the material, but you still fail your exams? Is there so much to do that you can only focus on studying, or that you can do nothing at all? Do you experience so much stress before a deadline that you decide to just leave it? Do you procrastinate, have issues with concentration or motivation because an exam incites so much stress? Or do you put so much of your time and energy into studying that you do not have any fun or rest any more?

    In this training you will learn to understand your own fear of failure and gain insight in your study-related stress. Alongside various exercises and assignments you will learn how to be more in control and break your own vicious circle of anxiety. The goal is to learn to be more relaxed about studying, and about other worries that are in the way of an optimal performance.

    Please go this page to find more information and to register.

    This training course will also take place on the following series of days:
    • Wednesday, 7 & 21 May, 4 & 18 June, 2 July from 13:00 to 15:00.

    Check out the entire range of workshops and training courses for students on the page Courses to optimize studying.

  • Efficient study techniques – 5 & 12 March

    Studying faster, efficient and with more fun? 

    Discover a more efficient way of studying. Practice with reading, learning and memory strategies and become a faster and more efficient student. Using this training, offering the latest insights in the functioning of the brain, you will be able to adequately influence your learning process.

    Do you want to learn quicker and more efficiently?

    Please go this page to find more information and to register.

    Check out the entire range of workshops and training courses for students on the page Courses to optimize studying.

  • Three ways to improve your study Module 1: The negative spiral – 7 March

    Psychologists reveal: THREE WAYS to improve your study (and personal) life!!!

    You are ready to change (the way you study), but are not sure how to get started. 

    This module is part of three short modules offered by the VU student psychological counsellors, we will focus on themes that students regularly tell us they struggle with: procrastination, stress and feeling stuck in a negative spiral. 

    The aim of each module is to give you insights into your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours - and a set of practical tools that you can use when you hit the books. 

    A series consists of three modules that you can follow consecutively or separately. It is not obligatory to do all three; you sign up for a single module. This makes it more easily accessible and demand driven. The modules may also be a nice refresher for students who previously met with a student psychological counsellor or completed a training or workshop! 

    In this module we take a closer look at the negative spiral (also known as a vicious circle) you can get stuck in. This is an exercise from cognitive behavioural therapy which gives insight into the connection between what you think, feel, and do. This approach also gives you tools on how to break the spiral. 

    Please go this page to find more information and to register.

    This module will also take place on:
    • Monday, 12 May 2025 from 11:00 to 12:00.
    Other modules in this series:

    Check out the entire range of workshops and training courses for students on the page Courses to optimize studying.

  • Three ways to improve your study Module 2: Balance and relaxation – 14 March

    Psychologists reveal: THREE WAYS to improve your study (and personal) life!!!

    You are ready to change (the way you study), but are not sure how to get started. 

    This module is part of three modules offered by the VU student psychological counsellors, we will focus on themes that students regularly tell us they struggle with: procrastination, stress and feeling stuck in a negative spiral. 

    The aim of each module is to give you insights into your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours - and a set of practical tools that you can use when you hit the books. 

    A series consists of three modules that you can follow consecutively or separately. It is not obligatory to do all three; you sign up for a single module. This makes it more easily accessible and demand driven. The modules may also be a nice refresher for students who previously met with a student psychological counsellor or completed a training or workshop! 

    In this module it is all about balance. When experiencing problems with procrastination or motivation, but also with stress, it is important to look at how you deal with your own energy distribution. Do you spend too much time on your studies, or too little? How do you recognise the signals your body gives that it is time to pump the brakes? With our help, take the first steps towards achieving a better balance. 

    Please go this page to find more information and to register.

    This module will also take place on:
    • Monday, 19 May 2025 from 11:00 to 12:00.
    Other modules in the series:

    Check out the entire range of workshops and training courses for students on the page Courses to optimize studying.

Pathways to Wellbeing: Let's talk about... Friendship

Student life is a fun but challenging time. How do you find the right balance? Four VU students take you through and share their experiences on the topics of friendship, making choices, stress & happiness.

In this video, we talk about friendship. What does friendship really mean? What do you do when you want to make friends? And do you ever feel lonely? Check out the perspectives of the four VU students in this video!

More on student wellbeing

Does your activity belong on the wellbeing calendar as well?

Contact the student wellbeing project group!

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