VU in Motion: are you in?
VU in Motion offers low-threshold activities during your work/study day for a good reset of your body and mind, just get out of your head and into your body. Just in your work clothes, so easy!
- Tuesday 12.30-12.45 p.m.: Qi Gong* | location: Hall NU building
- Tuesday 13.00-13.15 p.m.: Salsa (also for beginners) | location: Hall NU building
- Wednesday 12.15-12.30 p.m.: Standing Yoga | location: hall OZW building
- Thursday 12.30-12.45 p.m.: Qi Gong* | location: Main Building, in front of the entrance to the VU Bookstore.
- Thursday 13.00-13.15 p.m.: Salsa (also for beginners) | location: Main Building, in front of the entrance to the VU Bookstore.
All exercise breaks are 15 minutes. Everyone is welcome for a short, tasty exercise break in your work or study day!
VU in Motion
VU in Motion aims to get employees and students to move a little more on and around the VU Campus. It has been scientifically proven that (more) movement leads to (more) physical and mental health. VU is also part of the sitting culture that has almost replaced natural movement worldwide. And we want to change that! Each week we will provide a tip or a fun fact to encourage you to meet one of the three movement guidelines. These guidelines for adults and seniors are as follows:
- Movement is good; more movement is better. Do at least 150 (preferably 210) minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise, spread over several days.
- Do 2-3x/week an intensive(er) workout of 30-60 min, focusing on strength and conditioning, for the elderly additionally combined with balance exercises.
- And avoid sitting still! In other words, half an hour of movement/sports a day cannot compensate for the damage of further prolonged sitting still. 2 minutes of moderate-intensity movement every 20 minutes has very positive effects.
* VU in Motion chooses to substitute Tai Chi for the more approachable Qi Gong. Qi Gong, like Tai Chi, focuses on movement and breathing exercises for health and well-being, but without the complex movement forms of Tai Chi.
Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese movement form that not only strengthens your body, but balances your whole being (body, mind and spirit) by activating the vital life energy, or Qi.
This life energy flows through your body via meridians (energy pathways that run through your body and connect all organs). By practising Qi Gong, these meridians can be activated and balanced, leading to greater vitality and inner peace. It improves flexibility and mobility , strengthens the immune system, increases energy, reduces stress, improves focus and concentration, increases emotional balance and breathing. A short 15-minute Qi Gong session already gives great results, so perfect for an invigorating break activity!