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VU (pre-)Master’s introduction for new international students

Start your (pre-)Master's well with the VU (pre-)Master's introduction! During this programme, you will get to know VU Amsterdam and the city, together with other (pre-)Master's students. This way, you will start your time at VU Amsterdam well prepared!

In 2024 the international (pre-)Master's introduction will take place on 21, 22, 23, 26 and 27 August. This includes the Practical Matters Day on Wednesday 21 August.   

Together with other international (pre-)Master's students, you will discover all the hotspots on campus and in Amsterdam. You can participate in interesting sessions and fun activities. You will also get to know various student associations and all services that VU Amsterdam offers to its students. See below for more details about the programme. 


The registration for the activities will open at 1 August 14:00 (CEST). In the newsletter that you will receive by the end of July you will find the links to sign up. After the registration opens do not wait too long, because there are limited spots available (first come, first served). All activities (except for the closing party) are free of charge. 

Note:  the information on this page is only meant for international Master's and pre-Master's students who will start their programme in the firstsemester of the academic year 2024-2025 and who have completed their previous education abroad. An overview of other introduction programmes can be found on the Introduction page.  

If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to  

*Photos may be taken during the Introduction Days for PR purposes. By registering for the programme, you agree to this. 

Why you want to join the VU Master's introduction

Introduction programme

  • 21 August - Practical Matters Day

    [No registration needed, free of charge]

    The Practical Matters Days offer you the perfect opportunity to easily arrange practical matters in a short period of time: registering at the municipality (Amstelveen only), arranging health/liability insurance, opening a bank account or ask your questions to someone from the International Office. You can also pick up your student card here. 

    On 21 August we will welcome all new international (pre-)Master's students. The Practical Matters Days are free of charge and registration is not necessary. You are welcome between 10:00am and 04:00pm (free walk-in) at the VU Sports Centre, Uilenstede 100 in Amstelveen. 

  • 22 August - VU Amsterdam day

    [Registration needed, free of cost]

    More information will be available soon. 

  • 23 August - City day

    [Registration needed, free of charge]

    During the city day, you and your group will participate in one or two activities: a visit to a museum and/or a scavenger hunt and to conclude we meet-up to end the day together. You can sign up per activity, based on this groups will be made.  

    Rijksmuseum (national museum) 

    Step back in time and experience the captivating stories of ancient civilisations and majestic artworks in the Rijksmuseum. Wander through stunning galleries that house centuries-old masterpieces, and get inspired by renowned artists. 

    The Rijksmuseum visit lasts a maximum of 2 hours in total. Your starting time and location will be mailed to you in the second half of August.  

    Scavenger hunt  

    Explore Amsterdam like never before! Get ready for an exhilarating quest through the enchanting canals, charming streets, and hidden gems of this vibrant city. Unleash your inner detective and embark on a thrilling journey as you solve riddles, follow clues, and uncover the city's best-kept secrets! 
    Sharpen your mind and gather your team for a brain-teasing adventure. By deciphering cryptic clues, you will have to find your next destination. Reveal Amsterdam's rich history and culture as you explore its world-famous landmarks. 
    The scavenger hunt lasts a maximum of 2 hours in total, and has several starting points. Your starting time and location will be mailed to you in the second half of August.  

    Meet up  

    You've had a long day filled with activities, and now it's time to treat yourself! What better way to end the day than by having a drink or a bite together with your group? We selected two locations in the city centre that we think you will love - Belushi's and Coco's. Here you will be able to meet other groups as well. 
    Together with your group of the day you can go to the meet-up location assigned to your group. This location will be mailed to you in the second half of August. Drinks and food are not included.

  • 26 August - Sports & Culture day

    [Registration needed, free of charge]

    Sports Centre programme  

    In the afternoon various sports/workshops are offered by the VU Sports Centre. You do not need sign up for a specific sport/workshop as everything will be offered on a free walk-in basis. On the day you will find a schedule of everything offered that day, so you can pass by any class you like. 

    Sports offered: 

    • Kickboxing 
    • Boxing 
    • Yoga 
    • Pole dance 
    • Zumba 
    • Soccer 

    Evening programme: Karaoke 

    This night you get the opportunity to convince everyone that you are a star in the making, or just have blast while singing along your favorite song. Karaoke night will be held at Upper East at Uilenstede, the place where most prospective students will live. What a great way to get to know your neighbours’ voice before you hear them singing in the shower. So get your singing skills going at our Karaoke party! 

  • 27 August - Closing party

    [Registration needed, 5 euros]

    This day we close the international introduction week in style with an amazing party at Melkweg in the city centre of Amsterdam (Leidseplein). 

  • 29 or 30 August - Study programme introduction

    [Registration needed, free of charge] 

    The VU (pre-)Master's introduction does not aim to introduce you to your study programme and faculty. This is what the study programme introductions are for. This introduction is free of charge, and more information is available via your study programme or faculty. 


  • General questions

    What is the VU Master's introduction?

    The VU (pre-)Master's introduction is an introduction aimed at getting you familiar with the VU campus, the city of Amsterdam and your fellow students. By participating, you will already know a lot of people before your first lecture (not necessarily from your own programme)!  

    Who is the VU Master's introduction meant for?

    The VU (pre-)Master's introduction is organised for international Master's and pre-master's students who will start their degree programme in the firstsemester of the academic year 2024-2025 and who have completed their previous education abroad. 

    Note: During some activities, you may be grouped with other international exchange or semester students in addition to your fellow international (pre-)Master's students. 

    When will the VU Master's introduction 2024 take place?

    The VU (pre-)Master's introduction is scheduled on 21, 22, 23, 26 and 27 August. This includes the Practical Matters Day on Wednesday 21 August. On Monday 26 August there will be an evening programme in addition to a daytime programme. On Tuesday 27 August there will only be a night programme (closing party). 

    How is this VU Master's introduction different from the study programme introduction?

    The VU (pre-)Master's introduction aims to introduce you to VU Amsterdam and get you acquainted with the city. In this introduction you are mixed with fellow international students from all programmes.  

    During your study programme introduction, you will get more information about your study and faculty, and get to know students from your programme. The date of the programme introduction differs per faculty/programme. For more information, see the study programme introduction page.

    I am from Amsterdam/I will not live in Amsterdam during my studies: is this introduction relevant to me?

    The VU (pre-)Master's introduction focuses mainly on getting to know your fellow students and the VU Campus, so is definitely relevant (and fun) even if you are not going to live in Amsterdam (or have lived there for a long time).  

    What are the costs?

    The programme/activities are free of charge. Only the tickets for the closing party will cost 5 euro.  

    What additional costs can I expect? 

    You have to take care of food/drinks yourself. Also do not forget about travel costs/expenses to get to campus or to travel in Amsterdam.

    Do I have to attend the whole programme? What if I have other appointments?

    Participation is not mandatory. Moreover, you can sign up per activity. However, we do advise students to fully participate so they can have the best experience in the beginning of their studies. 

    Is there somewhere I can stay overnight?

    We do not arrange sleeping places, but we always make sure the programme ends in time to still be able to take public transport. With exception of the Closing party: when registering, please keep in mind that the closing party starts later, which might affect your travel times if you live outside of Amsterdam.

    How will I get to know the Dutch culture?

    Successful integration into Dutch culture and making our international students feel at home and connected are key values of VU Amsterdam.  In this regard, the VU (pre-)Master's introduction is designed to get you off to a good start. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you participate in the entire programme! 

    Moving to Amsterdam to continue your academic career at a university abroad is both an exhilarating and perhaps slightly scary experience. After all, you will be alone in an unfamiliar place. We know it can be difficult to know where to go, what to do, how to organise, and what to prioritise. The VU (pre-)Master's introduction offered by VU Amsterdam plays a role in offering you a soft landing and preparing you for your new life in Amsterdam. 

  • Registration and participation

    Is it mandatory to participate in the VU Master's introduction?

    No it is not mandatory, but highly recommended! For new international students, this introduction is a fun way to get to know your way around VU Amsterdam and the city better, and to make your first contacts with fellow students. 

    How can I register?

    International Master's and pre-master's students who will start their degree programme in the first semester of the academic year 2024-2025 and who have completed their previous education abroad will receive a newsletter with registration links via mail around 29 July. The registration via the links in this email will open on 1 August 2PM (CET).  

    Did you not receive the newsletter?   

    1. This could be because you have not yet completed your VU application procedure far enough. So do this as soon as possible! Is your registration at VU Amsterdam fully completed and do you think you belong to this category, but have not yet received an invitation? Then send an email to  
    2. *Your study might not participate in the VU (pre-)Master introduction. Please double-check if this introduction programme is for you by checking the second question of the FAQ (general section): Who is this introduction meant for? You can check Find your VU introduction programme if there is another introduction programme for you. 

    Until when can I register?

    Please note that for most activities there are limited spots available. So do not wait too long to register (first come, first served).  

    I registered but want to cancel an activity. How do I arrange this?

    Please do cancel your registration if you are no longer interested in an activity, so your spot becomes available for another student. In this case please cancel by sending an email to

    There are no more spots avaiIable for the activity I wanted to attend, what can I do? 

    This is very unfortunate, but we work with limited spots. We do advise you to check the registration links every once in a while as others might cancel and a new spot might become available. Moreover, you can still go to the introduction of your study programme. For more information, see the study programme introduction page. 

  • Special circumstances

    Religion and the VU Master's introduction

    VU Amsterdam has traditionally been a university where students from diverse cultures feel at home. We take all religions into account, also during the VU (pre-)Master's introduction. 

    I have an allergy, illness or disability; can I participate?

    We will do our best to make this introduction accessible to students with disabilities and/or (chronic) illnesses as well. If you want to be sure, please send an email to and indicate what we need to take into account or what you need help with. We will be happy to help!

  • Privacy policy

    What is the privacy policy of the VU Master's introduction?

    The privacy policy (for both the Bachelor's and Master's introduction) can be found here.

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Do you have any questions about the VU Master's introduction?

More information about your arrival can be found on our Arrival webpage: