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Dealing with alcohol at VU Amsterdam

At VU Amsterdam we value the wellbeing of students and employees, which is why we are increasing our commitment to prevention and to health promotion.

The National Prevention Agreement has shown that alcohol is one of the three major causes of health-related problems along with smoking and obesity. While it is already forbidden to smoke on campus, we now aim to create more awareness about the possible consequences of alcohol. 

In 2023, the Executive Board created the document ‘Dealing with alcohol at VU Amsterdam’. It contains all necessary steps to reduce the consumption of alcohol and encourage the discussion on alcohol abuse. This not only applies to VU Amsterdam, but also to study, student, and sports associations that are connected to VU Amsterdam. A training course on the theme ‘alcohol and the possible risks when consumed to excess’ is given to the board members of various associations each year. This course focuses on identifying the problem and speaking to the individuals concerned, and we also give tips on how to deal with specific incidents. 

No ban on alcohol, but good alternatives

It is permitted to consume alcohol on campus, as long as it does not occur during educational activities. We also make sure that there are enough non-alcoholic options for students and employees who do not (wish to) drink. We ask that students and employees take this into consideration so everyone can feel welcome and comfortable at our events. 

Help and advice

Are you a student and would you like to lower your alcohol consumption or stop completely? Visit the student wellbeing page for more information and to see how VU Amsterdam can assist you. Employees can reach the occupational health physician, the occupational social worker, or a confidential counsellor for help. Guidance is voluntary and confidential. Each service worker is bound to professional secrecy and will consult third parties only with the consent of the employee. 

Alcohol can sometimes lead to unpleasant situations. If you experience unwanted behavior and hesitate to confront the person causing it, you can also choose to seek help on the inappropriate behaviour page.