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What can you visit the occupational health physician for?

Last updated on 6 March 2023
You can go to the occupational health physician to prevent occupational disability, in case of illness, for a medical screening at the start of your employment or for a preventive medical examination.

Preventing occupational disability

You can make an appointment with the occupational health physician by contacting the Health, Safety and the Environment reception desk (, +31 20 59 89008). You can also request information on occupational health.

If you require first aid or in case of acute illness at work, call the VU emergency number: 22222.

You can make your own appointment for a consultation with the occupational health physician if you want advice on preventing occupational disability or if you have concerns about your health in relation to your work.


If you have reported sick and are unable to work as a result, you and your manager will be in regular contact about this. You and your manager can also seek advice from the occupational health physician about your abilities and limitations regarding work. As long as the work disability lasts, such advice from the company doctor may be given intermittently.

Your manager will be in charge of your case during your illness. This means that they will supervise your entire reintegration process. Your manager will also help you implement the occupational health physician’s advice and translate it into a reintegration plan.

If it turns out that you are unable to (fully) resume your work responsibilities, you may be offered other responsibilities that are better suited to your abilities as part of your reintegration. If you are ill for more than 18 months, the so-called WIA procedure is initiated. The UWV will then assess your occupational disability, your reintegration efforts and your employer’s reintegration support to determine whether you are eligible for occupational disability benefits. The occupational health physician will share your medical report with the UWV as part of the WIA procedure.

Medical screening

A limited number of positions at VU Amsterdam may require that you undergo a medical screening before you are appointed. This screening can also be carried out by the occupational health physician if necessary, who will then check if the position you are being offered suits your physical capabilities. This is also called a pre-appointment screening. The aim of this screening is to prevent health risks to you or others at VU Amsterdam.

Preventive medical examination (PMO)

If your job involves special requirements, or if your work could pose a danger to your health, the Health, Safety and the Environment department will call you in for an examination from time to time. This applies, for example, to in-house emergency response officers who regularly have to wear escape respirators, and to employees who are exposed to noise, radioactivity or certain chemicals.

The examination is adapted to the specific risks employees are exposed to. Preventive medical examinations are carried out by a paramedic of the Health, Safety and the Environment department. If necessary, you will be referred to the occupational health physician.

Health, Safety and Environment

Contact: by telephone Monday-Friday from 09.00-12.00

020 59 89008 (Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM -12:00 PM)

Van der Boechorststraat 1
1081 BT Amsterdam