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Occupational social worker (staff welfare officer)

Last updated on 24 June 2024
Occupational social work offers advice and short-term counseling of employees who are at risk to get sick for work and/or private reasons.

What is occupational social work?

  • Advice and short-term counseling of employees who are at risk to get sick due to psychosocial problems
  • Individually or groups
  • Advice for management and HR
  • Identifying organizational problems

For which problems can one consult occupational social work? Some examples:

Work problems

  • Functioning and career problems
  • Personnel reduction (in company or department), resignation, transfer, reorganization
  • Problems in collaboration (with colleagues or management)
  • Stress, workload, heavy mental pressure, being overworked, burn out
  • First aid after traumatic events at work
  • Work reintegration after sick leave
  • Work/life balance

Personal problems

  • Material problems (e.g. financial, housing and legal problems)
  • Relationship and family problems
  • Disease or disability
  • Subassertiveness, coping with grief and loss, addictions and other psychological problems
  • Informal care

In conversation

In the first interview, the employee and the occupational social worker analyze the problem and discuss a plan of action. The occupational social worker helps finding solutions and offers ways to address the issues. The counseling is in principle short-lived. If longer-term counseling is required, the occupational social worker will refer to an external healthcare provider.

Professional secrecy

Guidance is voluntary and confidential. The occupational social worker is bound to professional secrecy and will consult third parties (e.g. manager or HR) only with the consent of the employee.


The employee can be referred and also can make an appointment her-/himself by e-mail or telephone (contact details below).The interviews take place at Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) in Transitorium, online or by telephone.

Occupational social workers

Annemiek ter Steege    020 – 59 85684                  mo/tu/th

Henk Heijerman              06 – 4466 0228                  mo/tu/th


Annemiek: ACTA, FGB, Law, SBE, FSW, BZ, C&M, DURF, FCO, Finance, HR&HSE

Henk: Bèta, FGW, FRT, IT, SOZ, UB

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Health, Safety and Environment

Contact: by telephone Monday-Friday from 09.00-12.00

020 59 89008 (Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM -12:00 PM)

Van der Boechorststraat 1
1081 BT Amsterdam