Below is an overview of course offerings and minor programmes available to incoming exchange students.
Courses for exchange students
Course offering
Exchange study guide
As an exchange student, you have to select courses from our exchange study guide. This is a subset of the general study guide. Selecting courses that are not listed in the exchange study guide is not possible. During the first (Fall) semester, you may also choose a minor programme. Below, we will explain both options in more detail.
For an overview of available courses, please consult our exchange study guide:
Online study guide for exchange students 2024/25The exchange study guide for the following academic year is made available around April. Note that the exchange study guide is subject to change. Courses may be added or removed throughout the academic year.
Please taken note of the following important information:
Do not use the search bar
When you consult the exchange study guide, please make sure to navigate via the headings/lists in the exchange study guide itself. Please do not use the search bar, as this will also give you results from the general study guide, and may lead to courses that are not open to exchange students.Explaining the academic calendar
At Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the academic year is divided into 2 semesters. Each semester is divided into 3 periods. Semester 1 consists of period 1, period 2 and period 3; semester 2 consists of period 4, period 5 and period 6. Exams take place in the last week of the respective period.A normal course load is to take 2 courses in the first 2 periods of each semester, and 1 in the last period of each semester. You may skip the last period (P3 / P6), as long as you meet the minimum requirement of being registered for at least 24 ECTS in the first 2 periods of each semester. You may also take up to one additional course per period, as long as you do not exceed the maximum of 36 ECTS per semester.
Exceptions: Dutch-taught courses / PPE courses
Courses taught in Dutch
If you wish to take Dutch-taught courses, you need to be sufficiently proficient in the Dutch language (C1 level). Attaining such a level of proficiency usually takes several years of study. If you wish to take courses taught in Dutch, please contact us at for students from PPE partner universities
If you are a PPE student from one of our PPE partners, you are allowed to also choose some courses from our PPE Bachelor's programme. Here you can find the overview of second-year PPE courses 2024/25. Note, however, that your choice is limited to the second-year courses within the Track Philosophy 2nd Year, the Track Political Science 2nd Year & the Track Economics 2nd Year.
Minor programmes (first semester only)
General information
We encourage exchange students to follow one of our minor programmes rather than piecing together their own schedule. Minors are pre-packaged selections of approximately five related Bachelor's courses that span the entire first (or Fall) semester. Most minors are Interdisciplinary and so are open to students from any background, however some minors do have prerequisites and can only be found under the faculty that offers it. One big advantage of selecting a minor is that you will not have overlapping classes in your schedule. Also, minors show a focused area of study, so you can add them to your CV.
University minors 2024-2025 (open to all students)
- Brain and Mind
- Bible Translation in the Digital Age
- Buddhism, Yoga and Spirituality
- Business Administration
- Development and Global Challenges
- Digital Humanities and Social Analytics
- Economics
- English
- European Urban and Cultural History
- Foreign Language Learning
- Gender and Diversity
- Global Health
- History
- Law and Global Society
- Managing Digital Innovation
- Peace and Conflict Studies
- Peace Theology and Anabaptist-Mennonite Traditions
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychology and the Brain
- Religious Dimensions of Global Challenges
- Risk Management for Financial Institutions
- Spirituality, Yoga and Sustainability
- Sustainability: Global Challenges, Interdisciplinary Solutions
- Technology, Law & Ethics
Faculty minors 2024-2025
Please note that these minor programmes have specific entry requirements
Minors Behavioural and Human Movement Sciences
Minors Economics and Business Administration
- Applied Econometrics: A Big Data Experience for All
- Decision Making in Business and Society
- E-business and Online Commerce
- Entrepreneurship
- Sustainability: Management and Innovation
Minors Earth and Life Sciences
- Earth Surface - Track Earth Sciences
- Earth Surface - Track Earth, Economics & Sustainability
- Evolutionary Biology and Ecology
- Five Big Issues in Health (Please note that this minor will only run with a minimum of 20 students; you will be informed in July if the minor will not be offered)
- Geology and Geochemistry
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
Minors Social Sciences
Minor Programmes Faculty of Medicine VU
VU partner exchange students who wish to apply need to have completed at least 90 ECTS in a relevant programme, for example medicine, biomedicine, psychobiology, technical medicine, medical biology, liberal arts & sciences or biopharmaceutical sciences. Please mind that some tracks are only open to medical students, and acceptance also depends on the availability of sufficient spots. More information: Minor within electives - International Minors Medicine
Practical information
Entry requirements
Many Bachelor's and Master's courses have specific entry requirements, which you can find in the exchange study guide.
In addition to course specific entry requirements, students interested in following Master’s courses must also meet the admission requirements for the Master’s degree programme to which the course belongs. This includes a copy of your Bachelor’s diploma and submitted proof of an English proficiency test.
For more information please see our nomination and application procedure.
Courses and registration deadlines
The International Office will ask you submit your course selection in advance. If approved, your course list will be made available in your VU dashboard. Please note that you must still register for courses yourself in Course registration for the first semester of each academic year will start in July. Course registration for the second semester will start in December. Any changes to your course selection must be emailed to before the registration deadlines (see "Semesters and periods").
Exams and resit exams
When you register for courses, you must also register for work groups (if applicable) and for the first exam. In the event of failing a course, you must register for the resit examination at least two weeks prior to the examination date.
All exams and resits must be taken at the specified date, time and location. This means it is unfortunately not possible to take exams and resits from abroad.
We unfortunately also do not accommodate requests for a remote (home university) exam during your exchange in Amsterdam.
Semesters and periods
At Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the academic year is divided into 2 semesters. Each semester is divided into 3 periods:
Academic year 2024-2025
1st semester (Fall) Calendar dates Course registration & deadlines De-registration deadline Period 1 2 September - 25 October 15 July until 9 September 9 September Period 2 28 October - 20 December 15 July until 30 September 4 November Period 3 6 January - 31 January 15 July until 9 December 13 January 2nd semester (Spring) Period 4 3 February - 28 March 9 December until 13 January 10 February Period 5 31 March - 30 May 9 December until 3 March 7 April Period 6 2 June - 27 June 9 December until 6 May 9 June For details about our semester dates, please consult the academic calendar.
Dutch grading system
Dutch grades range from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest).
The highest grade, 10, is very rarely awarded. An 8 is considered a high mark and a 7 is more common. Grades from 1 to 3 are also quite rare.
Grades of 6 and higher are passing grades. A final mark between 5 and 6 will be rounded to the nearest whole number: final marks below 5.5 are rounded down to a 5.0; final marks of 5.5 and higher are rounded up to a passing grade of 6.0.
All final marks will be expressed in whole or half marks.
ECTS % Quality Assessment Dutch grade 10% Excellent/Very good 8.0 - 10.0 25% Good 7.5 - 7.9 30% More than satisfactory 7.0 - 7.4 25% Satisfactory 6.5 - 6.9 10% Sufficient 5.5 - 6.4 Fail 0.0 - 5.4 -
Credits (ECTS)
VU Amsterdam uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) which is based on the workload students should have in order to achieve expected learning outcomes. ECTS is based on the principle that 30 ECTS credits measure the workload of a full-time student during one semester (and 60 ECTS for a full academic year). In addition, each ECTS credit is equivalent to 28 study hours (which includes both classroom hours as well as self-study). Most courses are 6 ECTS credits.
As an exchange student, you must follow a minimum of 24 ECTS credits per semester (or 48 ECTS for the whole academic year).
Dutch language courses
The Department of Dutch as a Second Language (NT2 Academy) offers extensive Dutch language courses for exchange students. These courses cover eight weeks and take place two evenings a week. In addition to attending these class hours students are also expected to commit at least five hours of self-study per week. Exchange students can obtain 3.5 ECTS for completing this course. Please note that there are costs involved. As an (exchange) student you get a discount on the course fee.