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Broaden your possibilities and learn new languages

The minor Foreign Language Learning offers you the opportunity to learn new languages in one semester. The languages offered are: Spanish, French, Latin and Moroccan Arabic.

You will get acquainted with the sounds, words and grammar of your new languages and you will learn how to put that knowledge to use in different settings. The courses on Spanish, French, Latin and Moroccan Arabic all start at the basic level (no prior knowledge required). Apart from that, the course on Moroccan Arabic focuses only on listening and speaking while in the courses on French and Spanish, attention will be paid to both spoken and written language. In the course on Latin, attention will be only on the written language.

There is also the opportunity to take the course on Spanish with Dutch as the language of instruction: keuzevakken Spaanse Taal en Cultuur (this course has a maximum number of participants).

Studying at VU Amsterdam