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Understand the effect of economic and social policy on society

How to deal with the economic impacts of pandemics such as COVID-19 or of the war in Ukraine? How do gender and ethnic discrimination affect the Dutch labor market? Are crypto currencies only for criminals or also affecting the real economy?

Economics is about much more than finance, banks and money: it addresses some of the most pressing problems of today. The choices we make in our (economic and social) policies can affect our world in very real ways. In the University Minor in Economics you will learn to understand and tackle societal challenges from an economic perspective. You will be able to grasp why economies grow or stay behind, why economic crises occur, what determines welfare and wellbeing, and why inequalities in many domains of life persist. The Minor offers a strong foundation to critically assess the news coverage through an economic lens, and we will jointly search for solutions for global, national and local issues we face every day.

Why Economics?

The world is changing rapidly. Therefore, in this minor we aim to provide you with relevant knowledge and skills that are applicable to your own area of expertise. We challenge our students to look at societal issues in different ways, from multiple angles and disciplines. Whether you are a psychology student, have a background in law, or are following a programme in the health sciences; everyone is welcome. 

In this minor you will learn the basics and foundations of Economics. It will help you shape an informed opinion and give you relevant skills for your future career. You only need time, effort and a willingness to learn; background knowledge in economics isn’t needed.

Studying at VU Amsterdam