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CTL for teachers with a UTQ

Would you like to work with other educational professionals on the education of the future? Interested in working with colleagues on specific themes?

All of this is possible at the range of ‘meeting places’ organized and supervised by the VU Centre for Teaching & Learning (CTL). They are completely demand-driven. But we also have ready-made workshops, courses and events.

The best teaching is developed collaboratively
Teaching is a craft. It’s something that you continually develop, together with your fellow professionals. The best solutions for new challenges are developed collaboratively. In higher education, there is no shortage of challenges, especially now. Whether it’s course design, didactics, differentiation, assessment, student supervision, group dynamics, inclusivity or blended learning: at the CTL, we’re happy to help you take the next step.

Theme: topical

Theme: coaching for lecturers

Theme: supervising students

Theme: testing and examination

Theme: team- and curriculum development

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Frequently visited courses: UTQSTQEducational Leadership
Courses per target group: Teachers • Junior teachersPhD'sEducational leadersCommittees & teams

Do you want to ask a question? Please contact Carin Weitering, Higher Education Student Affairs, at
You can also call us on +31 (0)20 598 4263.


Carin Weitering