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Information about educational matters at FRT

Last updated on 18 November 2024
This page contains important information regarding the organization of the education at the faculty of Religion and Theology.

Onderwijsinformatie Faculteit Religie en Theologie

  • General Information

    • Here you will find an overview of the members of the Educational Office of the Faculty of Religion and Theology.
  • Annual calendar, timetable and Study guide

    • Academic calendars of VU Amsterdam and the Faculty of Religion and Theology.
    • Timetables can be found at The timetable for the first semester is published half July. From the first week of December the timetable of the second semester is known. Our schedulers are Trudie van Kampen and Saskia van Es. They can be reached via
    • The Study Guide can be accessed via this link.
  • Urgent issues timetable

    • For urgent matters regarding the timetable, you can contact our schedulers directly. Saskia van Es can be reached by 020- 59 85054, Trudie van Kampen by 020- 59 88282.
    • If Saskia and Trudie are not available, you can make a reservation via FCO, 020- 59 85777.
  • Register for classes, exams and resits

    • Students need to register for every course. Registration and deregistration for courses and exams is possible within the registration deadlines for the period in which the course or exam takes place. For courses in the first period of the Academic Year, students can register until the end of the first week of the course period. For courses that are scheduled throughout the whole academic year, students can register at any time during the year. For further information, see Register/deregister for courses and exams.
    • The exact amount of students you can expect for a course or exam is only certain once the deadline for the registration and the late placement process has passed. You will find the number of students in the Canvas Course or via the candidate list
    • Only students who are registered for a course automatically have access to the course in Canvas. 
    • Teachers do never add students to their Canvas course themselves. Then, a student is not fully registered for the course and their results can not be administrated. Students always need to register for a course.
    • If students approach their teacher after the registration deadline, please refer them to, where the student can make a request for late placement or where he can submit a complaint form.
    • Via the 'candidateslist' on or in Canvas, it is possible to see how many students have registered for your course, and how the students are divided among the workgroups, if applicable. Information about how to use this candidates’ list can be found on In addition to the usual details of a registered student (student number, recidivist, students with disabilities), you can also see which specialization/graduation programme the student is doing
  • Protocol cancelled course or change in teacher/coordinator

    • If a course is cancelled, or a teacher/coordinator changes during the current academic year, you must follow the protocol.
  • Examinations, thesis, internship

    • General information on the construction and assessment of examinations can be found on the Exam Organization page.
    • Specific examination rules apply during an examination.
    • Situations in which it is possible to deviate from the standard procedure for examinations: Students with a disability who have been granted the provision of 'extra time' by the study advisor can indicate for each examination enrollment whether they wish to use the extra time (30 minutes). In the event of such a request, the Education Office will provide a place in a (possibly separate) room and instructed supervisors. If a student is allowed to use additional devices (e.g. taking an exam on a computer), the Education Office will always inform you about this in advance.
    • More information about theses and the internship guide can be found here.
    • You can use this form (in Dutch) to submit a dissertation grade.
  • Grades

    • Students are entitled to inspect their own assessed work during a certain number of working days after the announcement of the results of an examination. For the regulations concerning the right of access, see the Faculty Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER). These can be found on the pages of the study programmes in the Study guide.
    • You have to enter the results yourself via 'Registration of Results' on Don't forget to use the 'validate' button. Only then the results are saved and can be viewed by the student via If a student is not registered in, you can add that student yourself during the registration. More information on how result registration works can be found here. 
    • Results published on Canvas are not officially registered. You also need to register the results via 'Registration of Results' on
    • Attention: you need to enter a result for all registered students of a module This also applies to students who have cancelled their examinations with you and are still on the exam list. This is very important because students can only attend a resit if a result has been entered for the first chance. If a student has not appeared at the examination or has not completed any of the assignments, please fill in NS (no show) as a result. If a student has only completed part of the assignment(s), you will fill in an NVD (niet voldaan: not completed) as a result.
    • The above also applies to resits.
    • In exceptional cases, it is possible to change a grade that has already been entered and validated. You can’t do this yourself. You need to fill in this form. The Education Office will process the request for a change.
    • In you can see with what type of result your course will be concluded this academic year (this may be a grade, a pass/failure, etc.). During the current academic year, no changes are possible. If you would like to finish your course with a different type of result, you can indicate this for the next academic year via your programme director.
    • Partial grades: You cannot register the results of modules with more than one (partial) grade yourself. You can request an Excel list from and also return it here after completion. The education office will scan and register these results.


    • For registration of a thesis result, the supervisor should sent this form to the Education Office. Please submit the complete digital thesis file (in pdf),  to the education office (thesis, thesis contract and all assessments form.
    • You can submit the grade for an internship using this form.  Please don’t forget to send along the assessment form of the external supervisor and the internship report.
    • In exceptional cases, it is possible to change a grade that has already been entered and validated. You cannot do this yourself. You need to fill out this form to do so. The Education Office will process the request.
    • Has the student taken a resit, but you cannot register this grade yourself via Then fill in this form for each individual student.

    Use this form for all other courses taken by students for which you cannot register the result via

    All completed forms can be send to the education office by email (

  • Plagiarism

    • When suspecting fraud or plagiarism, please report this immediately to the Examination Board (via FRT Examination Board). Please attach a Ouriginal assessing report. The Examination Board will invite the student for an interview and will then determine whether and which sanction is to be imposed.
  • Graduation

    • More information about theses can be found here.
    • You can use this form (in Dutch) to submit a dissertation grade.
    • Students can apply for their diploma via (graduation and diploma) once all the required credits have been registered.
    • Important information about graduation in the summer (July and August) for both bachelor’s as master’s students can be found here.
    • As soon as the dates of the Graduations are known, they will be published on this page
  • Application and student questions

    • On this page page you will find more information about the application procedure for a VU bachelor's degree. Information for international students can be found hier
    • VU Study Choice Check is linked to enrolling in a bachelor's degree.
    • On this page you will find more information about the application procedure for a VU master's degree. Information for international students can be found here
    • The VU Guide has been created to give VU students an overview of important and useful matters.
    • Students who have practical questions about, for example, a Proof of Payment Tuition Fee (BBC), or who want a declaration of graduation or a certified transcript, can contact the Student Desk. If the staff of this student desk is unable to answer a question, they will contact the Faculty's Ofice of Education. The faculty itself does not have a student service desk.
    • Students with questions about their study programme or with personal problems can contact their Academic advisor
    • Students wanting to submit a request to the Examination Board must do so via 
  • Course evaluations

    • In the event of a course evaluation, the students will receive a questionnaire at the end of the course. If one of your courses is to be evaluated, you will receive a notification by e-mail. You have the opportunity to add extra questions. Two weeks after the exam date, you will receive the evaluation report. It is strongly advised to give feedback on this report. Students will receive a short summary of the results as well as your feedback (if available). 
    • Non-standard education (for example: excursions, extracurricular activities) can also be evaluated – requests can be send to
    • If you have any other questions, please contact
  • Course file

    • Teachers draw up a so-called course file for each course they coordinate. The module file consists of various documents (e.g. study guide, examination, response model). For the sake of quality assurance, the board of examiners can request the module file of a course from the course coordinator.
  • Digital learning environment

  • Copyrights

    • If you use study materials online (for example in the Canvas site of your course), it is important to consider the copyrights for images and sounds. Royalty violations may be subject to heavy fines. Read Rules and Guidelines before composing your online readers.
  • Policy documents and regulations

    • The Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER) for each programme can be found in the online Study guide. In the TER, you will find the main outlines of the educational programme and examinations for each programme.
    • There is a Disability Policy Plan (in Dutch). See also the online information about studying with a disability. In addition, this leaflet (in Dutch) is available with practical tips on how you can help students with disabilities to become less likely to get stuck and to be more successful during their studies.
    • Do you want to start, change or stop a new study programme or specialization? Please take into account the protocol that applies here. On the Information page of the OKP (in Dutch) you can find the VU education policy (e.g. the guideline for Bachelor's and Master's programmes, and the Minors policy). 
    • On the Accreditatie/visitation page (in Dutch), you will find more information about accreditation, visitation and mid-term review.
    • Language Policy Faculty Religion and Theology
    • See also the other VU regulations (in Dutch).
    • Also available on important regulations for students, including the Regulations for the protection of personal data.
  • Committees, broads and representative bodies

    • The Sub-Committee (ODC) exercises personnel participation at a decentralized level. The sub-committees of the faculties and services are formally committees of the Staff Council.
    • Together with the Faculty Student Councils, the Faculty ODCs form the Faculty Joint Meeting (GV).
    • The Faculty board is responsible for the organisation and coordination of education and research in the faculty.
    • The composition and operation of the Examination Board, and the Rules and Guidelines of the Examination Board.
    • The Programme Committee (OC) is an advisory body where teachers and students together contribute to the improvement of the quality and content of education. For example, the OC advises on the study programme or the study load of subjects and on the content of the Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER).

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