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Information about exams

Last updated on 6 March 2025
Prepare well for your exam! Here you will find the general exam rules and more information on exam times, exam halls and resits.

Important rules of conduct and rules regarding fraud apply during exams. This is the case both on the VU campus, such as in the DigiTenT, and at external locations such as Emergohal and VU Sports Center. Please read these rules and regulations carefully before your exam to ensure a smooth start to your exam.

When taking an exam, you are required to identify yourself with your student card (from VU Amsterdam, ACTA or other institution), passport, driver's license or identity card. A copy or photo will not be accepted.

You must be registered for the exam. If you are not registered but there is still a spot available, you may take part. The invigilator will note this. If there is no spot available, you cannot take the exam. Deregister in time via the registration module if you will not take part in the exam.

Digital exams
For digital exams, you will need your VUnetID and password. Make sure you know these by heart. For TestVision exams, check in advance if your exam is ready for you. Login to TestVision using your VUnetID and password, the title of your exam should be visible 7 days in advance.

Are you late? Then wait at the examination site. You may enter after 30 minutes, but you will lose that time from your examination time. If you are more than 30 minutes late, you will not be admitted.

Invigilators ensure smooth running and report incidents. They check for prohibited material and may inspect authorised aids.

Gadgets and personal items
Smartphones, digital watches, earplugs (without approved provision), earphones, headphones and similar devices are prohibited. All devices must be switched off in your bag. Violation of this will be considered fraud. Leave valuables at home as there may be no storage areas.

Food and drink
Food is not allowed unless you have an approved provision. Drinking is allowed only from a transparent, sealable bottle placed on the floor.

Toilet visits
After 90 minutes you may go to the toilet, accompanied by an invigilator. Students with approved provisions may go earlier. The invigilator checks for aids. Contact with other students during toilet visits is prohibited.

Leaving the examination room
It is not permitted to leave the room during the first half hour of the exam.

Exam information

  • Exam timetable and schedule

    Your timetable will show the start time of your exam and your exam location. If several rooms are scheduled, your lecturer will send a subdivision via Canvas or e-mail. Be there at least 15 minutes beforehand to enter, find a seat and put away your things.

    VU Amsterdam has the following examination blocks:

    • Block 1 (long): 08.30 AM – 11.15 AM (2.45 hrs) 
    • Block 2 (short): 12.15 PM – 2.30 PM (2.15 hrs)
    • Block 3 (short): 3.30 PM – 5.45 PM (2.15 hrs)
    • Block 4 (long): 6.45 PM – 9.30 PM (2.45 hrs)

    Are you entitled to Extra Time? Then you will get an extra 30 minutes at the end of the exam block.

  • Exam locations

    Most examinations are held on our VU Campus. In busy exam weeks, the campus cannot provide enough space for all exams. Therefore, some exams are held at external locations such as the Emergohal in Amstelveen or the VU Sports Centre at Uilenstede. Plan extra travel time and take peak times of public transport and traffic into account.

    Digital exams will be held in the DigiTent on the VU Campus (with over 500 testing places), in regular teaching rooms and in computer rooms. Make sure you know your VUnetID and password for digital exams.

    Check your exam schedule carefully. If your exam will be held in multiple rooms, your lecturer will send a subdivision via Canvas or email.

  • Retaking an exam (Resits)

    Students get two exam opportunities per course each academic year. 

    • A resit cannot take place within ten working days after the results are announced.
    • You will be registered for a resit automatically if you have failed to pass the first exam. In case of a No Show, you will have to register manually for the resit.
    • If you have registered for a resit but do not participate, a No Show will be registered. The previously obtained result will remain valid.
    • It is also possible to retake an exam or course, even if you passed it. Please note that in this case, the last obtained result will be valid, even if it is lower than the result of your first try.

    The registration process for retaking practicals, internships, or your thesis might differ from the standard procedures. You will find more information about this in your study or internship manual or the thesis arrangements of your study programme. 

    In exceptional circumstances, students are granted additional examination opportunities. Students must submit their request to the Examination Board of their programme.

  • Exam provisions for disabled students

    Students with a disability can apply for arrangements and support through their academic advisor. If possible, you will sit exams at regular examination locations and not in a separate classroom. 

    During exams, the following provisions among others are available:

    • extra exam time (see 'Exam timetable' above);
    • additional toilet visits;
    • food, walking or administering medication;
    • use of a laptop;
    • use a quiet room.

    Please visit Studying with a disability for more information about these and other provisions.

  • Overlapping exams?

    Every effort is made to avoid exam schedule conflicts. If you are a student in a regular study programme, there should be no overlapping exams. However, sometimes conflicts occur when combining electives or retaking a course from a previous year. 

    The entity you have to contact about overlapping exams differs per faculty. For the process and rules at your faculty, please check the tab of the faculty at the bottom of this page. 

    TIP: As soon as your schedule has been published, please check on which day(s) and time(s) the (re)examinations of your courses are scheduled! For most faculties, you will have take action at least three weeks before your exam to make sure you will be able to sit both exams.

  • Questions?

    Do you have questions about your exam? Contact your lecturer.

    If you have questions about the location or route to the exam location, if it is outside the VU campus, please check the information package uploaded under 'Exam locations' above prior to the exam week.

    Please note! There is no point in contacting the Emergohal or the VU Sports Centre directly; the staff there have no information about your exam or the arrangements surrounding exams. Your teacher is always your first point of contact.

Examination regulations per faculty

The terms and conditions for exams may differ per faculty.

  • ACTA

    Students of the Faculty of Dentistry (ACTA) can find more information on [in Dutch].

  • BETA

    You have two exams that overlap

    If you have registered for two exams that are organized at the same time, the following procedure applies: 

    • Report your exam schedule conflict to your student advisor, 3 week before your scheduled exams and ask for a solution.
    • Your student advisor decides if your request is reasonable; 
    • If your request is considered reasonable, your student advisor will try to arrange with the Beta Exam Organization for you to sit both exams;
    • Beta Exam Organization will inform you and your student advisor one week in advance. 

    The combined exam arrangement often follows:

    • You take exam 1; 
    • After completing exam 1, you can take exam 2 in consultation with the Beta Exam Organization.

    Please note! Every effort is made to avoid exams from overlapping. However, there is no guarantee that you will be able to sit both exams. Please note that in this situation, you must retake one of your exams. 

    Hardship clause

    If there’s no practical solution for your conflicting exam schedules, the Examination Board decides on facilitating another solution or not. 

    Copy of your exam

    You can request a copy of your exam, up to 20 days after the result of your written exam. Apply for a copy of your exam here

    Overview of teaching and (re)examination periods

    You can find an overview of the teaching and (re)examination periods 2024-2025 here.

    Please note! from the 'overview of teaching and (re)examination periods' no rights can be derived!

  • FBMS

    Protocol for overlapping exams

    It is possible that two of your exams/resits take place on the same day and time. The Examination Board will look for a suitable solution if both exams are for FGB courses. Please note: there is no guarantee that you will be able to take both exams. Take into account that you might have to take one of the two exams during the next exam opportunity.

    Submit the request to the Examination Board using the form no later than three weeks before the examination date. Requests that are submitted too late will not be processed! 

  • FRT

    Faculty Religion and Theology

    If you have registered for two exams that are organized at the same time, the following procedure applies: 

    • Are you enrolled in two study programmes at VU Amsterdam of which at least one is a study programme at the Faculty Religion and Theology, and the exams of both programmes fall on the same time? Then you will take the exam that is part of your main study on the scheduled time. For the other exam, we refer you to the resit.
    • Are you taking exams for electives that are both offered by the Faculty Religion and Theology? Then you can decide for yourself which exam you will take at the scheduled time, and for which exam you will take the resit. In case you fail for this resit, you can submit a request for an extra exam opportunity. You can make this request at the Examination Board no later than three weeks after the date of the resit. You can do this using this form:  Self-Service Portal - Additional examination opportunity (

    Please indicate in the form which course you wish to resit, including the course code and the day and time of the resit. The Examination Board will then inform you within 30 days of the solution chosen.


    • Are you enrolled in two study programmes at VU Amsterdam of which at least one is a study programme at the Faculty Religion and Theology?  Then you will take the resit which is part of your main study on the scheduled time. For the other resit you can request an extra opportunity.
    • In the case of a resit of electives that are both offered by the Faculty Religion and Theology you can decide for yourself which resit you will take part in at the scheduled time, and for which resit you will request an extra opportunity. You can make this request at the Examination Board no later than three weeks after the date of the resit. You can do this using this form:  Self-Service Portal - Additional examination opportunity (

    Please indicate in the form which course it concerns, including the course code and the day and time of the resit. The Examination Board will then inform you within 30 days of the solution chosen.

    Extra facilities

    If, as a student, you are entitled to extra facilities, the faculty will make an extra effort and incur costs to arrange these facilities for you. Do you wish not to make use of the extra facilities? Please let us know as soon as possible, but no later than one week before the examination. If you want to cancel an exam, you are urgently requested to do so at least one week before the start of the exam. You can do this at or by phone at 020 5986618.

  • FSS

    Protocol for overlapping exams

    You may be scheduled to take two (re)exams at the same date and time. The Examination Board will look for an appropriate solution if:

    • Both exams are FSW courses or
    • You are enrolled in two study programmes at VU Amsterdam, and the exams of these programmes overlap. 

    In this situation, please contact the Examination Board no later than three weeks up to your scheduled exams. Contact the Examination Board by using the following form

    Please include the following information:

    • which subjects that are involved 
    • include code, date and time of (re)exams

    The Examination Board will inform you about the chosen arrangements. In most cases, you will have the opportunity to take both (re)exams one after the other.

    Testing Policy

    Read the FSW testing policy here.

  • HUM

    If you have registered for two exams that are organized at the same time, the following procedure applies: 

    • Are you enrolled in two study programmes at VU Amsterdam of which at least one is a study programme at the Faculty of Humanities, and the exams of both programmes fall on the same time? Then you will take the exam that is part of your main study on the scheduled time. For the other exam, we refer you to the resit.
    • Are you taking exams for electives that are both offered by the Faculty of Humanities? Then you can decide for yourself which exam you will take at the scheduled time, and for which exam you will take the resit. In case you fail for this resit, you can submit a request for an extra exam opportunity. You can make this request at the Examination Board no later than three weeks after the date of the resit. You can do this using this form:  Self-Service Portal - Additional examination opportunity (

    Please indicate in the form which course you wish to resit, including the course code and the day and time of the resit. The Examination Board will then inform you within 30 days of the solution chosen.


    • Are you enrolled in two study programmes at VU Amsterdam of which at least one is a study programme at the Faculty of Humanities?  Then you will take the resit which is part of your main study on the scheduled time. For the other resit you can request an extra opportunity.
    • In the case of a resit of electives that are both offered by the Faculty of Humanities you can decide for yourself which resit you will take part in at the scheduled time, and for which resit you will request an extra opportunity. You can make this request at the Examination Board no later than three weeks after the date of the resit. You can do this using this form:  Self-Service Portal - Additional examination opportunity (

    Please indicate in the form which course it concerns, including the course code and the day and time of the resit. The Examination Board will then inform you within 30 days of the solution chosen.

    Extra facilities

    If, as a student, you are entitled to extra facilities, the faculty will make an extra effort and incur costs to arrange these facilities for you. Do you wish not to make use of the extra facilities? Please let us know as soon as possible, but no later than one week before the examination. If you want to cancel an exam, you are urgently requested to do so at least one week before the start of the exam. You can do this at or by phone at 020 5986618.

  • LAW

    Do you have two exams that take place at the same time? Then we will refer you for one of the exams to the second opportunity. You can discuss with the study advisor which exam has priority for you. 

  • SBE

    Protocol for overlapping exams

    Do you have two exams at the same time? In some cases, you can apply for a combined exam arrangement. This allows you to do both exams, one after another. The combined exam arrangement only applies to SBE students with overlapping exams of two electives, both of which are either:

    • recommended within the programme or
    • a  compulsory course and a recommended elective

    In all other cases, requests will be rejected! 


    Send an email to your study secretariat to request a combined exam arrangement:

     Please include the following information:

    • name
    • student number
    • study programme
    • exams in question
    • exam date

     Applications for combined exam arrangements are accepted up three weeks before the exam date. Applications submitted later will not be accepted!

    Exam abroad

    SBE students can take one VU Amsterdam exam abroad if the partner university can facilitate this. Please contact well before departure if you want to use this option. You will receive a form that must be filled out and signed by the partner university. The form declares that the SBE examination rules will be observed. The conditions below apply:

    • You may take a maximum of one exam abroad if the partner university wants to and can facilitate this.
    • You must register for the (re-sit) exam in question.
    • The exam must be taken at the exact same time as it takes places at the VU Amsterdam. Due to time difference, this will not be feasible in all countries.
    • The exam can exclusively be taken in writing and only at the university; digital exams or partially digital exams cannot be sat abroad.
    • The partner university will provide a suitable location and supervision.
    • The VU Amsterdam receives the signed confirmation from the partner university no later than 2 weeks before the exam date.
    • If you submit the form, you are obliged to take the exam.
    • The regulations only apply to SBE exams.

    Please contact for questions. 

Students of the Faculty of Dentistry (ACTA) can find more information on [in Dutch].

You have two exams that overlap

If you have registered for two exams that are organized at the same time, the following procedure applies: 

  • Report your exam schedule conflict to your student advisor, 3 week before your scheduled exams and ask for a solution.
  • Your student advisor decides if your request is reasonable; 
  • If your request is considered reasonable, your student advisor will try to arrange with the Beta Exam Organization for you to sit both exams;
  • Beta Exam Organization will inform you and your student advisor one week in advance. 

The combined exam arrangement often follows:

  • You take exam 1; 
  • After completing exam 1, you can take exam 2 in consultation with the Beta Exam Organization.

Please note! Every effort is made to avoid exams from overlapping. However, there is no guarantee that you will be able to sit both exams. Please note that in this situation, you must retake one of your exams. 

Hardship clause

If there’s no practical solution for your conflicting exam schedules, the Examination Board decides on facilitating another solution or not. 

Copy of your exam

You can request a copy of your exam, up to 20 days after the result of your written exam. Apply for a copy of your exam here

Overview of teaching and (re)examination periods

You can find an overview of the teaching and (re)examination periods 2024-2025 here.

Please note! from the 'overview of teaching and (re)examination periods' no rights can be derived!

Protocol for overlapping exams

It is possible that two of your exams/resits take place on the same day and time. The Examination Board will look for a suitable solution if both exams are for FGB courses. Please note: there is no guarantee that you will be able to take both exams. Take into account that you might have to take one of the two exams during the next exam opportunity.

Submit the request to the Examination Board using the form no later than three weeks before the examination date. Requests that are submitted too late will not be processed! 

Faculty Religion and Theology

If you have registered for two exams that are organized at the same time, the following procedure applies: 

  • Are you enrolled in two study programmes at VU Amsterdam of which at least one is a study programme at the Faculty Religion and Theology, and the exams of both programmes fall on the same time? Then you will take the exam that is part of your main study on the scheduled time. For the other exam, we refer you to the resit.
  • Are you taking exams for electives that are both offered by the Faculty Religion and Theology? Then you can decide for yourself which exam you will take at the scheduled time, and for which exam you will take the resit. In case you fail for this resit, you can submit a request for an extra exam opportunity. You can make this request at the Examination Board no later than three weeks after the date of the resit. You can do this using this form:  Self-Service Portal - Additional examination opportunity (

Please indicate in the form which course you wish to resit, including the course code and the day and time of the resit. The Examination Board will then inform you within 30 days of the solution chosen.


  • Are you enrolled in two study programmes at VU Amsterdam of which at least one is a study programme at the Faculty Religion and Theology?  Then you will take the resit which is part of your main study on the scheduled time. For the other resit you can request an extra opportunity.
  • In the case of a resit of electives that are both offered by the Faculty Religion and Theology you can decide for yourself which resit you will take part in at the scheduled time, and for which resit you will request an extra opportunity. You can make this request at the Examination Board no later than three weeks after the date of the resit. You can do this using this form:  Self-Service Portal - Additional examination opportunity (

Please indicate in the form which course it concerns, including the course code and the day and time of the resit. The Examination Board will then inform you within 30 days of the solution chosen.

Extra facilities

If, as a student, you are entitled to extra facilities, the faculty will make an extra effort and incur costs to arrange these facilities for you. Do you wish not to make use of the extra facilities? Please let us know as soon as possible, but no later than one week before the examination. If you want to cancel an exam, you are urgently requested to do so at least one week before the start of the exam. You can do this at or by phone at 020 5986618.

Protocol for overlapping exams

You may be scheduled to take two (re)exams at the same date and time. The Examination Board will look for an appropriate solution if:

  • Both exams are FSW courses or
  • You are enrolled in two study programmes at VU Amsterdam, and the exams of these programmes overlap. 

In this situation, please contact the Examination Board no later than three weeks up to your scheduled exams. Contact the Examination Board by using the following form

Please include the following information:

  • which subjects that are involved 
  • include code, date and time of (re)exams

The Examination Board will inform you about the chosen arrangements. In most cases, you will have the opportunity to take both (re)exams one after the other.

Testing Policy

Read the FSW testing policy here.

If you have registered for two exams that are organized at the same time, the following procedure applies: 

  • Are you enrolled in two study programmes at VU Amsterdam of which at least one is a study programme at the Faculty of Humanities, and the exams of both programmes fall on the same time? Then you will take the exam that is part of your main study on the scheduled time. For the other exam, we refer you to the resit.
  • Are you taking exams for electives that are both offered by the Faculty of Humanities? Then you can decide for yourself which exam you will take at the scheduled time, and for which exam you will take the resit. In case you fail for this resit, you can submit a request for an extra exam opportunity. You can make this request at the Examination Board no later than three weeks after the date of the resit. You can do this using this form:  Self-Service Portal - Additional examination opportunity (

Please indicate in the form which course you wish to resit, including the course code and the day and time of the resit. The Examination Board will then inform you within 30 days of the solution chosen.


  • Are you enrolled in two study programmes at VU Amsterdam of which at least one is a study programme at the Faculty of Humanities?  Then you will take the resit which is part of your main study on the scheduled time. For the other resit you can request an extra opportunity.
  • In the case of a resit of electives that are both offered by the Faculty of Humanities you can decide for yourself which resit you will take part in at the scheduled time, and for which resit you will request an extra opportunity. You can make this request at the Examination Board no later than three weeks after the date of the resit. You can do this using this form:  Self-Service Portal - Additional examination opportunity (

Please indicate in the form which course it concerns, including the course code and the day and time of the resit. The Examination Board will then inform you within 30 days of the solution chosen.

Extra facilities

If, as a student, you are entitled to extra facilities, the faculty will make an extra effort and incur costs to arrange these facilities for you. Do you wish not to make use of the extra facilities? Please let us know as soon as possible, but no later than one week before the examination. If you want to cancel an exam, you are urgently requested to do so at least one week before the start of the exam. You can do this at or by phone at 020 5986618.

Do you have two exams that take place at the same time? Then we will refer you for one of the exams to the second opportunity. You can discuss with the study advisor which exam has priority for you. 

Protocol for overlapping exams

Do you have two exams at the same time? In some cases, you can apply for a combined exam arrangement. This allows you to do both exams, one after another. The combined exam arrangement only applies to SBE students with overlapping exams of two electives, both of which are either:

  • recommended within the programme or
  • a  compulsory course and a recommended elective

In all other cases, requests will be rejected! 


Send an email to your study secretariat to request a combined exam arrangement:

 Please include the following information:

  • name
  • student number
  • study programme
  • exams in question
  • exam date

 Applications for combined exam arrangements are accepted up three weeks before the exam date. Applications submitted later will not be accepted!

Exam abroad

SBE students can take one VU Amsterdam exam abroad if the partner university can facilitate this. Please contact well before departure if you want to use this option. You will receive a form that must be filled out and signed by the partner university. The form declares that the SBE examination rules will be observed. The conditions below apply:

  • You may take a maximum of one exam abroad if the partner university wants to and can facilitate this.
  • You must register for the (re-sit) exam in question.
  • The exam must be taken at the exact same time as it takes places at the VU Amsterdam. Due to time difference, this will not be feasible in all countries.
  • The exam can exclusively be taken in writing and only at the university; digital exams or partially digital exams cannot be sat abroad.
  • The partner university will provide a suitable location and supervision.
  • The VU Amsterdam receives the signed confirmation from the partner university no later than 2 weeks before the exam date.
  • If you submit the form, you are obliged to take the exam.
  • The regulations only apply to SBE exams.

Please contact for questions. 

Do you have any questions?

Please contact the Student Desk.

If you have questions about the tuition fee, Studielink or your personal dashboard on, please contact the Student Desk:, stating your student number.

Send a message via online chat (Mon – Fri: 10:30 – 12:30 and 14:00 – 16:00). 

Call +31 (0)20 59 85020 (Mon – Fri: 10:30 – 12:30 and 14:00 – 16:00). 

Are you currently a VU student? Ask your question via the question form (log in with your VUnetID)

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