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Review period and inspection period

Last updated on 28 November 2022
If you take an exam or hand in a final assignment, there is a time limit for receiving the result. Written exams can be viewed temporarily.

Review and inspection period for written exams

The result of an examination will be announced as soon as possible and no later than ten working days. A different term may apply to joint degree programs. In that case, check the OER of your study program for the marking period. At the Faculty of Law, the result of an examination will be announced within 15 working days. 

After the result has been announced, you will be given the opportunity to view your exam within 20 working days. The time and location of the inspection will be announced prior to the exam or on Canvas. You can also make an appointment with the teacher during the collective discussion for an individual discussion.

Results of oral examinations

In principle, the result of an oral examination is announced immediately after the oral examination has been taken. Different rules may apply to joint degree programs. In that case, check the EER for your study program.

Review and inspection period for thesis

The assessment period for your final assignment such as a thesis / thesis is a maximum of twenty working days. A different term may apply to joint degree programs. In that case, check the EER of your study program for the assessment period.

What if the review period has expired

Do you have to wait longer than the official review period or is there no possibility of inspection? First try to contact the coordinator of the course. If no solution is found, you can contact the Examination Board. If that also leads to nothing, in an extreme case you can go to the Examination Appeals Board (aimed at not taking a decision on time). More information

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Call +31 (0)20 59 85020 (Mon – Fri: 10:30 – 12:30 and 14:00 – 16:00). 

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