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How do I apply for a Master’s programme?

On this page, you will find information about the application procedure, the admission requirements and language requirements for prospective Master's students.

More specific information can be found on the programme webpages. Applications for 2024-2025 are possible from the beginning of October.

Application procedure

Which application procedure applies in your situation depends on the type of diploma you have obtained and the language of instruction of the programme of your interest. We have listed the different procedures for you down below.

Programmes with a partner institution

The application for these studies is done through Studielink. Check in Studielink which educational institution you need to apply to. 

Application process

Want to learn more about the application process? Then check out our step-by-step application video for international diploma applicants!

Check out the video!

International Degree Holders

  • Application deadlines

    The following deadlines apply if you are applying to a Master’s programme on the basis of a non-Dutch university degree.

    Applications received after the deadlines cannot be taken into consideration!

    • 1 December 2023:
      This is the advised programme application deadline for all students wishing to apply for one of the VU Amsterdam scholarships.

    The final application deadline for most scholarships is 1 February, but you can only apply for the VUFP, HSP and OTS scholarships after you have been conditionally admitted to your Master’s programme. 

    In terms of planning, this means that our advised final programme application deadline is 1 December for those students wishing to apply for a VU scholarship. This is because it may take up to around 6 weeks to receive your admission decision once your application is complete. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee you will receive your decision within six weeks, so we encourage you to apply as soon as possible.

    If the application procedure for your selected Master’s programme includes an intake/interview, then we advise you to submit your programme application as soon as possible in October/November, so you have plenty of time before the scholarship deadlines.

    Some programmes have extended the final application deadline this year. Please refer to the overview below.

    FacultyProgrammeExtended deadline
    ScienceM Global Health15 July 2024
    ScienceM Computer Security15 July 2024
    FBMSM Educatieve Master Primair Onderwijs (Dutch-taught)15 July 2024
    FBMSM Genes in Behaviour and Health15 July 2024
    FBMSM Musc. Physioth. Sciences15 July 2024
    HUMAll (pre-)Master programmes15 July 2024
    FRTAll (pre-)Master programmes15 July 2024
    FSSAll Master programmes1 July 2024
    FSSAll pre-Master programmes15 July 2024
    LAWM Law 15 July 2024

    * We encourage EU/EEA students to apply before 1 April if they wish to make use of the university housing services.

  • Application procedure for international degree holders

    The following procedure applies if you are applying on the basis of a non-Dutch university degree. You can start your application for a September 2024 enrollment from October 2023 onwards.

    Take a look at the step-by-step application video to find out how you can apply for our English-taught programmes with an international diploma and read the information below.

    Step 1: Create an enrollment application in Studielink (the Dutch national education application system)

    Go to Studielink and create an application for the study programme you wish to apply for. In Studielink you can apply for a maximum of 4 courses in total in the Netherlands.

    Do you currently live in the Netherlands? Then you will need to log in with your DigiD. 
    If you do not yet live in the Netherlands you can choose "Log in without DigiD". When you create your Studielink account via this option you will need a scan or photo of your valid passport or European ID card.

    Important when creating an enrollment application:

    • When using login details for creating an enrollment application in Studielink, please select Create Studielink account without DigiD .
    • Make sure that the e-mail address you fill in in Studielink (My details) is correct: you will receive important notices concerning your enrollment via this address.
    • Please enter your prior education (on the basis of which your application will be assessed) correctly.
    • Select the study programme of choice with (WO Master) at the end from the list in Studielink (note: specialisations can be selected in your personal dashboard).
    • Enter your payment details so that the correct tuition fee can be calculated. This does not generate an automatic payment. The deadline for payment is 31 August 2024
    • Please be aware that your enrollment must be fully completed on 31 August 2024 in order to start your study programme on 1 September 2024. If your enrollment is not complete on this date, you will have to postpone your study programme until the following academic year.

    Step 2: Complete your application via your personal dashboard on

    In order to upload the required documents and complete your application, you will need to log in to your personal dashboard on We advise you to do this as soon as possible after applying in Studielink.

    Please note: you do not need to send original documents when applying, but you will need to send a certified paper copy of your diploma if you are admitted by which time you will be informed about the requirements in more detail.

    After you complete your enrollment application in Studielink you will receive your login details (username and password) for your personal dashboard in two separate emails sent to the address you entered in Studielink. This may take up to two working days.

    If you have not received your login details, please first check your spam. If you are still unable to locate them, then contact the UCIT service desk on or +31 (0)20 598 0000.

    Once you have received these login details, log in to your dashboard, answer the questions asked and upload documents as requested.

    Step 3: Pay the application fee

    All students with an international degree are required to pay a non-refundable €100 application fee.

    After we have received the application fee, we will start processing your application.

    Once you have completed your enrollment application in Studielink, you will receive an email (sent to the address you supplied in Studielink) with information on how you can pay the fee. The easiest way to pay is via the online payment tool.

     Please do not delay paying the fee as this will delay your application.

     Read more about how to pay the application fee.

    Step 4: Wait for decision on application

    Your application will be complete and taken into consideration once you have uploaded all the required documents and paid the application fee. You will receive a confirmation of this via email. Your International Student Advisor will then prepare your file for the Admission Board, with the request to establish your eligibility for admission. We aim to inform you about the admission decision within 4 weeks. If any further information is needed to determine your eligibility, your International Student Advisor will let you know. Note that certain programme Admission Boards follow a fixed decision schedule - it can then take longer before you receive an outcome.

    For all questions about the evaluation of your application, please contact your International Student Advisor, whose contact details can be found on the contact page your chosen study programme.

    If you have been (conditionally) admitted, congratulations! A number of additional steps must now be taken. You can read what you can expect after you've been admitted on our ‘What happens after admission’ page.

  • Required documents

    After you’ve applied for the programme of your choice via Studielink, you will receive your login details for your personal dashboard, where you can upload the required documents. 

    You can find the correct template for your programme here.

    Below you can find a description of the documents that may be asked for. Please note that every study programme may have a different set of required documents that you need to upload. 

    • Copy of your valid passport or ID (ID = only for EU residents)
      A clear scan of the pages in your passport that contain your personal data. It needs to be valid up to at least 1 September of the year in which you’re planning to start your programme (or 1 February if your programme offers this starting date).  A copy of a passport (or ID) that is no longer valid cannot be accepted.
    • Curriculum Vitae
      A curriculum vitae that includes your personal details and lists your previous education and relevant work experience. A Europass CV template could be used, however other formats will be accepted too. 
    • Letter(s) of recommendation (only required for a few programmes!)
      Letters written by members of the academic staff at the educational institute where you have studied (or are currently studying). Digital copies, uploaded in your dashboard are preferred. If referees prefer providing their references directly to the university, please let them email your your contact person in the international office. Please ask your referees to include your VU student number (7 digit number) in the email.
      Most programmes do not require recommendation letters, some require one and some require two – you can check this on this page.
    • Statement of Intent (Letter of Motivation, may be directed to the Admission Board)
      A 1-2 page letter stating your reasons for applying to the programme. Also, if applicable, please specify in this letter, the name of the specialization you are applying for. 
    • Diploma(s)*
      A copy of the original Bachelor's degree or certificate.
      Diploma requirements: Upload a scan of your diploma English, German, Dutch, French or Spanish. If your diploma is in another language, you must also submit an English translation by a sworn translator.
      Please note: Before we can unconditionally accept you, we will need you to supply us with a certified copy of your diploma certificate. See for further details the section on 'what happens after admission'. Deadline for supplying: 31 August 2024
    • Transcript of records
      A transcript in English* of the grades obtained during your previous higher education (Bachelor’s or Master’s programme). In case you went on exchange during your programme (and the courses and grades are not mentioned on your main transcript), then please add the transcript from your exchange university as well.
      If you did not graduate yet, please submit a temporary transcript listing the grades you obtained so far. In case you will still complete relevant courses before your graduation, then please make sure to include these courses in your course description document (see below).
      *For the initial application, this does not need to be done by a sworn translator although it is preferred.
    • Thesis (or alternative piece of academic writing; upload at least 2-5 pages, not counting the bibliography)
      Please upload your thesis or an alternative writing sample such as an academic paper or essay (written in English).If you have not written anything in English during your studies, then please select one of your own academic writing samples and add a 2-5 page  summary in English before the text in the original language. Always include your literature references, but do not count the bibliography in meeting the required length of 2-5 pages. Please be aware that for some programmes you need to upload a specific essay as mentioned on that programme's webpage (for example the MSc International Crimes, Conflict and Criminology or the LLM Law and Politics of International Security)
      Please note, we will always check application documents for plagiarism. 
    • A description of the relevant courses followed and literature used during your previous higher education
      Please describe the courses you have taken during your previous higher education that are relevant  to the Master’s programme you are applying for (the admission requirements can be found on the specific programme pages). You can either copy this from a study guide or type a 5-10 line description for each relevant course if a study guide is not readily available. Don’t forget to mention the main literature used for the courses you took and the number of credits/class hours.
      Please use this format
    • English language test (can also be provided after conditional admission)*
      Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam requires all applicants to provide us with an English language test score that meets the required minimum set for the programme of choice. If you cannot yet provide us with a positive score yet, please register for a recognized English language test. All faculties will accept IELTS tests, Cambridge tests, and TOEFL tests.
      Please note: Acceptable minimum scores may vary per faculty/programme.

      Exemptions to the above:
      - Students who have completed their education in USA, UK, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia or Canada (English-speaking provinces);
      - Students who have completed a Bachelor's degree fully taught in English within the EU/EEA.
    • Valid residence permit
      If you already live in the Netherlands, a copy (front and reverse side) of your valid residence permit (if available). If your residence permit is no longer valid, please submit a copy of the expired card and an official statement from the immigration authorities (IND) acknowledging that you have applied for an extension. 

    * Although complete applications are preferred, both the certified copy of the diploma certificate and the English test result, can be supplied to us after you've submitted the rest of your application. The deadline to supply the certified copy of the diploma certificate is 31 August 2024 for all students (both EU and non-EU students). The deadline to supply the English test result is 31 August 2024 for EU students and 1 June 2024 for non-EU students (due to it being a requirement for the visa/residence application procedure). Course registrations are not possible until all documents have been provided.

  • Language Proficiency Requirements

    If you are applying for one of our English-taught Master's degree programmes you will have to demonstrate sufficient English language proficiency. 

    All applicants are asked for an English language test, unless you qualify for an exemption. You can submit your application and provide test results later.

    English language requirements Master's programmes

  • How to prepare for a programme taught in English

    When studying at VU Amsterdam, your degree will be fully taught in English. Your command of the English language will therefore be essential for a successful academic – and social! – experience at our university. This is why it is imperative to improve your English skills before you arrive, so you can do well right from the get-go.

    Of course, all students are required to hand in a sufficient English language test (except for students with a degree from certain countries). You may be asking yourself: why would I still need to improve my English ability if I have already met the minimum test requirements? The answer is simple: because you’ll be more likely to perform better in your degree. The minimum requirements are sufficient to be able to complete the degree, but studies have shown that a level of English higher than the minimum requirement correlates with higher grades (see for example Kirby, 2018; Trenkic & Warmington, 2019).

    In this text, we will give you some advice on how to improve your English language ability. We will cover the four language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) as well as grammar and vocabulary.


    When speaking, your pronunciation is important. There is no need to sound like Queen Elizabeth II, as the important thing is intelligibility. This means that others should be able to understand what you are saying and what message you wish to convey. Intelligibility is the focus of the VU Amsterdam MOOC ‘English pronunciation’. This free, online course also emphasises that all accents are equal, and that there is no shame in having a non-native accent. Furthermore, being more conscious of different ways to pronounce English may help you understand others better.


    When we hear someone else talk, we hear spaces between words. However, the so-called ‘speech signal’ is continuous. This means that speech is continuous and that the spaces we hear between words are not actually there. Rather, they are a product of our brain that occurs when it distinguishes individual words within that continuous stream of sounds. When learning a second language, this means that all these sounds will be gibberish – unless you know the words already, so your brain can actually distinguish them. So to improve your listening skills, it Is fundamental to increase your vocabulary.


    The above is why reading is a better way to learn new words than listening (e.g., by watching movies or TV), because when reading, the spaces between words are already there. Once you encounter a new word, you know exactly how to write the word and that makes it easy to look it up in a dictionary. You also have time to think and derive the word’s meaning from the context. Using English subtitles when listening could offset this, provided you are willing to pause whatever you are watching every single time a word you do not know pops up.


    As a student of VU Amsterdam, you will be doing a lot of writing. Grammatically correct sentences and a broad vocabulary are fundamental to every good text. Writing texts is a good way to practice using English, as you have plenty of time to think about what you want to say and how you want to convey it. When practicing you will often write informal texts, but please be aware that academic texts have certain conventions. When you write a text during your degree, it is important to check the specific textual requirements set by the professor or programme coordinator. Students may also benefit from taking a course on how to write academic texts, for example VU Amsterdam’s own Academic Language Programme.


    Having a large vocabulary is imperative to using English at a high level (e.g., Sen & Kuleli, 2015; Binder et al., 2017; Miralpeix & Muñoz, 2018). The two most effective strategies are spaced repetition and retrieval practice. Spaced repetition means that you should repeat new vocabulary frequently and with time between each practice session, as opposed to massing all learning into one large session and then not looking at the material again. Retrieval practice means that you need to test yourself, so your memory is trained in retrieving this specific information (Ullman & Lovelett, 2018). Both repetition and retrieval fortify the links in your brain between the new memories, as new words are just that: new memories (Van den Broek, 2017).

    In order to link these new words with more existing knowledge, thus making them more accessible in your brain, it is good to use these words in context. For example, you can try to make sentences using a new word, or think of synonyms or antonyms. A very useful list to start with is the Academic Word List. This is a list of 570 words that are frequently used in academic contexts. Masrai & Milton (2018: 44) write that ‘[k]nowledge of the AWL also adds marginally to the power of overall vocabulary size in explaining variance in grade point average (GPA) scores’. In other words, a large vocabulary, including the words from the AWL, is likely to have a positive effect on your grades.


    Depending on your native language, some parts of English grammar may be easier or more difficult for you. Many grammatical errors arise when you subconsciously transfer a grammatical element from your native language to English. This is called language transfer. It occurs when you are either not aware of the correct grammatical rule in English, or when you simply have not practiced it sufficiently. Learners who share the same native language, tend to make the same mistakes. A quick way to find out which errors are often made by speakers of your native language, can be an online search like ‘common English grammatical mistakes by [your native language] speakers’. Then, you need to practice using the new rules by employing the same strategies as for vocabulary, being spaced repetition and retrieval practice.

    Keep practicing

    Finally, when it comes to language learning, it boils down to practice, practice, practice. This is the same for any skill you want to acquire, improve or maintain. Sometimes, however, it is difficult to stay motivated. This is why it is good to find materials that are intrinsically motivating to you. For example, if you like history, pick up a book about history written in English. This way, even if you do not feel like practicing English, you may feel like reading the book, simply because it is the content itself that appeals to you.


    • Binder, K. S.; Gilbert Cote, N.; Lee, C.; Bessette, E.; Vu, H. (2017), Beyond breadth: The contributions of vocabulary depth to reading comprehension among skilled readers. J Res Read, 40(3), 333-343.
    • Kirby, E. (2018), International entry qualifications 2018: summary report. Cheltenham: UK NARIC.
    • Masrai, A. & Milton, J. (2018), Measuring the contribution of academic and general vocabulary knowledge to learners’ academic achievement. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 31, 44-57.
    • Miralpeix, I. & Muñoz, C. (2018), Receptive vocabulary size and its relationship to EFL language skills. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 56(1), 1-24.
    • Şen, Y. & Kuleli, M. (2015), The effect of vocabulary size and vocabulary depth on reading in EFL context. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 199, 555-562.
    • Trenkic, D. & W. M. (2019), Language and literacy skills of home and international university students: How different are they, and does it matter? Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 22(2), 349–365.
    • Ullman, M. T. & Lovelett, J. T. (2018), Implications of the declarative/procedural model for
    • improving second language learning: The role of memory enhancement techniques. Second Language Research, 31(1), 39-65.
    • Van den Broek, G. (2017), Benefits of memory retrieval for vocabulary learning. A neurocognitive perspective. Dissertation, Radboud Universiteit.
  • What happens after admission

    Once you have been admitted to VU Amsterdam, there are steps that you need to take to make sure you complete your enrollment in time and do not miss out on any of our essential student services.

    Here you can read all information about tuition fees.

    Read more about what happens after admission here.

  • Contact, Campus Tour, Student Ambassadors and Student Experiences

    Visit the Campus

    The University Campus is the lively hub of the university and you are welcome to pay a virtual visit to get to know the university.
    Visit the online campus tour and explore the campus, university buildings and more!

    Contact our Student Ambassadors

    Do you have a question for a current student? Curious about everyday life in Amsterdam, from our campus to the food, music and events going on throughout the city? Want to know how much homework you will have each night, or how the Dutch educational system differs from your own? Ask one of our VU Ambassadors! They would love to answer your questions by sharing their personal experiences of living and studying at VU Amsterdam. Check the Ambassador's page to find an ambassador from the programme you’re interested in or from your home country.

    Contact your International Student Advisor

    For specific questions related to VU programmes, deadlines, the application process, or diploma validity you can find information on our main website or contact your faculty's International Student Advisor (ISA).

    Read the Student Blog

    On you can read blog updates from our (international) students.

  • Programmes starting in February

    Application deadlines

    The application deadlines for international students wishing to start in February 2024 are as follows:

    • 1 November 2023 for non-EU citizens/students who need a study visa. Non-EU students who need a visa must have started their visa application before 1 December 2023.
    • 1 December 2023 for EU citizens for the Master programmes in Mathematics
    • 1 January 2024 for EU citizens for the Master in Law

    For studies with a start date of 1 February, please check the programme page of the study of your choice and the Regulations for Application and Enrolment for more details. If you have any questions, please contact the Student Desk or the relevant International Student Advisor.

    Please note: we do not recommend international students to start their Master's programme in February.
    We do not organise any introduction activities for the February intake, which means that you will have to take care of all practical matters concerning your arrival yourself. In addition, the set-up of our Master's programmes is not based on a February starting point. Students who begin their studies in February will basically start with semester 2 and continue with semester 1 in September. This makes study planning difficult and the chances of success smaller.  

    Start date: 1 February 2024

    The following programmes have a second start date of 1 February 2024

    Please note: Always consult the contact persons noted in the contact page of the programme you're interested in, to find out about the programme and the possibilities of a February starting date.

Dutch University Degree Holders

  • Degree from another Dutch university

    If you hold a Bachelor’s degree obtained at another institution in the Netherlands, then you may be admitted to a Master’s programme at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The Admission Board will determine whether your qualification is sufficiently relevant to warrant admission. The Admission Board may, however, impose additional requirements, which must be met before gaining admission to the programme.

  • Deadlines for application and enrollment

    Most (pre-)master programs have an application deadline of May 31, but you must always check the study programme page for specific application deadlines. An application deadline means you are asked to submit the application of your chosen study programme in Studielink and submit your completed application file in your personal VU dashboard by this date. 

    VU Amsterdam cannot assess your eligibility if your application is incomplete. Once you have been (conditionally) admitted to a study programme, you have until 31 August to complete your enrolment by paying the tuition fees and meeting the admissions conditions (if applicable). Make sure you start and complete your application on time! 

    You cannot enrol retroactively. This means that if your enrolment is not completed by 31 August, you cannot be enrolled as of 1 September of the same academic year.

  • Step 1: apply in Studielink

    You must apply in Studielink. The deadline for application may vary based on if you require a residence permit or not. Most (pre-)master programmes have an application deadline of 31 May, but you must always check the study programme page for specific application deadlines.

    If you require a residence permit, then you need to contact regarding the procedure.

    Practical information

    • In Studielink, choose the programme of your choice with the suffix (master).
    • In Studielink, you only choose your main study programme. You choose your specialisation when you complete your application in your personal dashboard on (step 2).
  • Step 2: complete your application in your personal dashboard on

    After you have applied in Studielink, you will receive login details for the VU student portal by email within 48 hours (two working days). If you already are (or have been) a VU Amsterdam student, or applied before, use your existing VUnetID and password to log in to your dashboard.

    Did you not receive the login details? Please check your spam folder first. If you don't find them there either, you can contact the UCIT Servicedesk via or +31 (0)20 - 59 80000.

    To log in go to your VU-dashboard and click on the profile-icon in the upper right corner. After you have logged in, you can continue with your application via the app Complete application. Answer all questions and upload any requested documents in PDF-format. Only uploading your documents is not sufficient for your application.

  • Step 3: wait for a decision on your application

    Admission request

    • Always check the study programme page to see if you meet the admission requirements. Do not hesitate to contact the Admission Board if you have any questions.
    • Check your admission and submit an admission request if necessary. Do this as soon as possible after completing your application in your dashboard. Please note that specific deadlines may apply. This depends on the faculty.
    • The Admission Board of the faculty will make a decision within 4-6 weeks and inform you by email.
  • Step 4: submit all required documents

    Submit the required documents. Unless communicated otherwise in personal correspondence, you have until 31 August to do so. Please note: for documents that are required by the faculty, a faculty-dependent deadline may apply! Therefore, always check the programme page of the study. 

    Certified copies

    If we need certified copies of documents (such as a diploma or an English proficiency test result), please hand these in at the Student Desk (ground floor, Main Building). Alternatively you can send them by postal mail to the Student Desk before 31 August:

    Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
    Student Administration
    De Boelelaan 1105
    1081 HV, Amsterdam
    The Netherlands

    Important information

    • Documents that you have submitted to the Student Desk for your application will not be returned. Therefore, do not hand in any original diplomas.
    • If you only apply in the last two weeks of August, there will be no time left for VU Amsterdam and Studielink to send you a message if any documents are missing. In this situation, you will need to contact the Student Desk in good time to find out what is missing from your application.
    • Would you like more information about the authentication of a copy of your diploma, your examination date or what to do if you do not receive your diploma before 1 September? Please visit this page.
  • Step 5: pay the tuition fees

    Please check the information on tuition fees and payments. The fees must be paid before 31 August, otherwise you will not become enrolled and cannot start your study programme. 

    Transfer the fees or arrange a direct debit authorisation in Studielink. The latter is only possible if you have a bank account from a bank in the SEPA area. Once you have entered your payment details in Studielink, you will receive an email asking you to confirm the payment. This confirmation will authorise the actual payment, so make sure to complete this step.

    The (first) instalment is debited at the end of September; you can find the collection calendar here.

  • Step 6: check your enrolment

    You will receive a notice from Studielink when your student enrolment is complete. Only after having received this notice, you'll know you have met all requirements to become fully enrolled. Your status in Studielink will change to 'enrolled/registered'. The deadline to become fully enrolled is 31 August. If you are not yet enrolled and do not know why, please contact the Student Desk for advice.

  • Accommodation

    VU Amsterdam is not able to provide accommodation to foreign students who apply while already in the possession of a Dutch degree. You will therefore need to arrange your own accommodation.

  • Programmes starting in February

    Application deadlines

    For studies with a start date of 1 February, other application and enrolment deadlines may apply. Check the programme page of the study of your choice and the Regulations for Application and Enrolment. If you have any questions, contact the Student Desk or the faculty's Admissions Board.

    Start date: 1 February 2023

    The following programmes have a second start date of 1 February 2023 in academic year 2022-2023. 

    The Master's degree programme Medicine (Dutch-taught) has an intake moment every month.

    Start date: 1 February 2024

    The following programmes have a second start date of 1 February 2024 in academic year 2023-2024. 

    The Master's degree programme Medicine (Dutch-taught) has an intake moment every month.

Dutch HBO Degree Holders

  • Pre-master’s programme

    If you hold a Bachelor’s degree obtained from a university of applied sciences (HBO diploma) in the Netherlands, then you may be admitted to a Master’s programme at VU Amsterdam. In most cases, you will have to follow a preparatory pre-master's programme first. This usually takes one year. Pre-master's programmes are mainly taught in Dutch. For more information go to the pre-master's page.

    The Admission Board of the faculty will determine whether your qualification is sufficiently relevant to warrant admission. The board may place additional requirements on you before granting admission to the programme.

  • Deadlines

    If you have a non-Dutch nationality and a Dutch degree, then you can usually apply up until 31 May if you require a residence permit. Because of the procedure for changing the residence permit (if applicable), applications received later than 31 May cannot be processed.

    You need to apply through Studielink and contact the coordinator of the Master’s programme before 31 May. Coordinators and procedures can be found on the website of the relevant Master’s programme. You must also contact for the procedure to change your residence permit if you are a non-EU/EEA student.

    If you don't require a residence permit, a different deadline may apply. You must always check the study programme page for specific application deadlines.

    Pre-masters School of Business and Economics (SBE)

    The School of Business and Economics offers pre-master's programmes with a start date of 1 February. The deadline for application for these programmes is 31 January. Your diploma must state an examination date before 1 February.

    Pre-master's Faculty of Law

    Application for the transfer programme of Law (Schakelzone Recht) is possible all year round.

  • Accommodation

    VU Amsterdam is not able to provide accommodation to foreign students who apply on the basis of a Dutch degree. Therefore, you will need to arrange your own accommodation.

Do you have any questions?

Please contact the Student Desk.

If you have questions about the tuition fee, Studielink or your personal dashboard on, please contact the Student Desk:, stating your student number.

Send a message via online chat (Mon – Fri: 10:30 – 12:30 and 14:00 – 16:00). 

Call +31 (0)20 59 85020 (Mon – Fri: 10:30 – 12:30 and 14:00 – 16:00). 

Are you currently a VU student? Ask your question via the question form (log in with your VUnetID)