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Examination Board

Last updated on 27 March 2025
The Examination Board is responsible for safeguarding the quality of the interim and final examinations.

The Examination Board is responsible for safeguarding the quality of the interim and final examinations and must determine in an independent and expert manner whether a student meets the conditions set by the Teaching and Examination Regulations to obtain the degree. With this, the Examination Board plays a crucial role in monitoring the quality of the diploma award. 

Place within the organization

The division of tasks between the programme director, the Education Board and the Examination Board is as follows:

  • The study programme director is responsible for the design and implementation of the study programme, as described in the OER, and ensures that the education and training meet the quality standard.
  • The study Education Board advises the study programme director and the faculty board on the (manner of implementation of the) OER.
  • The Examination Board assesses the results of the education per individual student within the framework of the OER of a study programme. After all, the Examination Board is “the body that determines in an objective and expert manner whether a student meets the conditions set by the Teaching and Examination Regulations with regard to the knowledge, insight and skills required to obtain a degree”. 

Requests to the Examination Board

If there is a serious study delay, it is advisable to discuss this with your academic advisor before submitting a request. They can discuss the options with you and advise you when writing your request. 

You can contact the Examination Board for the following requests: 

The processing time for all requests is 30 working days from the moment the request is received by the Examination Board.

Information about the Examination Board

  • Tasks, authorizations and responsibilities

    • Guaranteeing the quality of the exams and exams. 
    • Appointing examiners. 
    • Authorized to take decisions on applications for admission, exemption, approval of the elective space, approval of deviations from the program. 
    • Authorized to handle fraud cases. 
    • Determining in an independent and expert manner for each student whether he / she meets the requirements set by the study program to obtain the degree.
  • Fraud and Plagiarism

    Fraud is understood to mean: the acts or omissions of a student as a result of which a correct assessment of his knowledge, insight and skills is wholly or partly impossible. 

    Plagiarism is further understood to mean: intentionally or unintentionally copying the work or ideas of others without proper acknowledgment of the source or clearly stating which part is own work and which part is not own work. 

    • If a teacher finds fraud in a student, he will report this to the Examination Board. 
    • The Examination Board may decide to take measures in accordance with the rules as set out in the Rules and Guidelines of the Examination Board. 
    • A student can be excluded from education, exams and exams for up to one year.
  • TER, Rules and Guidelines

    For every degree program within the faculty, there are Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER) in which the examination program and the regulations for teaching and examinations are formally laid down. There may be a transitional arrangement in the event of changes to the study program. You will find these in the study guide for the relevant course, and also in the TER of the relevant study program. 

    The TER is binding. Every student is expected to be aware of the content of the TER. If there are any differences between the TER and the study guide, the regulations as described in the TER will apply. 

    In the Rules and Guidelines (R&R) of the Examination Board, the rules with regard to the administration of interim and other examinations are further detailed. It also describes what is considered a violation, fraud and plagiarism and the possible sanctions. You can also find the cum laude regulation in the Rules and Guidelines. The Rules and Guidelines are also binding.

Examination Boards per faculty

The Rules and Guidelines of the Examination Board may differ per faculty.

  • ACTA

    Students of the Faculty of Dentistry (ACTA) can find more information on [in Dutch].

  • BETA

    Rules and Guidelines of the Examination Board (faculty of Science)

    In the Rules and Guidelines (R&R) of the Examination Board of the faculty of Science, the rules with regard to the administration of interim and other examinations are further detailed. It also describes what is considered a violation, fraud and plagiarism and the possible sanctions. You can also find the cum laude regulation in the Rules and Regulations. The Rules and Guidelines are also binding.

    Download here the Rules and Guidelines of 2024-2025
    Download here the Rules and Guidelines of 2023-2024
    Download here the Rules and Guidelines of 2022-2023
    Download here the Rules and Guidelines of 2021-2022
    Download here the Rules and Guidelines of 2020-2021
    Download here the Rules and Guidelines of 2019-2020
    Download here the Rules and Guidelines of 2018-2019

    Meeting dates

    Meeting dates of Graduate school Earth, Ecological and Environmental Sciences & Health and Life Sciences

    Meeting dates of graduate School Natural Science and Mathematics and Information Science

    N.B. The availability of the Examination Board is limited during the summer holidays (July - August). The Examination Board will try to take care of your request, however, it may take longer than 30 working days.

    Fraud letter for students 

    Here you will find the Fraud Letter with information about Fraud and Plagiarism for students of the Faculty of Science.

  • FBMS

    Examination Board

    One of the tasks of the Examination Board is to assess student requests, such as requests regarding exams, substitute courses, additional exam opportunities, filling elective space, and so on.

    In general, you have to submit a request to the Examination Board at the moment that you deviate from the regular study program for any reason.

    To submit individual requests and questions, we refer you to the text above under the heading 'Requests to the Examination Board'.

    Important to know:

    • You submit a request to the Examination Board using a form on
      Requests submitted in any other way will not be processed.
    • Specify your request and explain in detail why you are submitting it. Think carefully before submitting a form. A request should consist of (much) more than just a one-line question. The request should be complete and contain all the necessary information. Do not assume that information is already known.
    • Provide - if applicable - documents that support your request.
    • In addition, watch your language, with the Examination Board you communicate formally, not informally.
    • For complex requests or in case of special circumstances, first consult with an academic advisor and only then submit a request to the Examination Board.
    • Submit your request in time. The processing time can be long, for example if further inquiries are necessary or if your request arrives too late for the next meeting. A request must be submitted no later than five working days before a meeting. All requests regarding exams must be submitted no later than three weeks before the start of the examination week.

    Rules and Guidelines 

    Rules and Guidelines EC FGB

    The Rules and Guidelines (R&R) of the Examination Board detail the rules regarding the taking of examinations and exams. It also describes what is considered a violation, fraud and plagiarism and the possible sanctions. The cum laude regulation can also be found in the Rules and Guidelines. The Rules and Guidelines are binding.

    Examination Board FBMS (FGB) 2024-2025

    Within the FGB faculty, we have one examination board: Examination Board FGB (EC FGB).

    The Examination Board FGB (FBMS) consists of the Central Examination Board FGB and the cluster-specific Examination Sub-boards for Movement Sciences (EC BW), Pedagogical Sciences (EC PEDA), Psychology (EC PSY), University Teacher Training Programme (EC ULO) and the Educational Master Primary Education (EC EMPO).

    All committees are supported by the official secretariat.

    Central Examination Board (CE FGB)

    • prof. dr. J.B.J. Smeets (voorzitter EC FGB)
    • dr. A. Milius (extern lid)
    • chairs of the sub-boards

    Below you can find the members of the sub-boards Human Movement Sciences and Psychology.
    The members of the other sub-boards can be found on Examencommissie - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ( Those studies are in Dutch only.

    Examination Sub-board Human Movement Sciences (EC BW)

    • prof. dr. M. Pijnappels (chair)
    • dr. S.M. Bruijn
    • drs. T. de Haan
    • prof. dr. T.W.J. Janssen
    • E. Maas MSc
    • B. Pleiter (official secretary)

    Meeting dates academic year 2024-2025 (conditionally):

    • 17-09-2024
    • 15-10-2024
    • 12-11-2024
    • 16-12-2024
    • 21-01-2025
    • 25-02-2025
    • 25-03-2025
    • 15-04-2025
    • 20-05-2025
    • 17-06-2025
    • 15-07-2025

    Please note! A request or complaint must be received no later than five working days before the meeting of the examination board.

    Examination Sub-board Psychology (EC PSY)

    • dr. S. Feenstra (chair)
    • dr. B. Armenta Gutierrez
    • dr. I.L.J. Jansen
    • prof. dr. S. Koole
    • dr. A.M. Scheeren
    • dr. J.J. Snell
    • dr. L.P. de Vries
    • B. Pleiter (official secretary) 

    Meeting dates academic year 2024-2025 (conditionally):

    • 12-09-2024
    • 10-10-2024
    • 07-11-2024
    • 05-12-2024
    • 16-01-2025
    • 13-02-2025
    • 13-03-2025
    • 10-04-2025
    • 15-05-2025
    • 12-06-2025
    • 10-07-2025

    Please note! A request or complaint must be received no later than five working days before the meeting of the examination board.

  • FRT

    Examination boards FRT

    There are two examination boards within the Faculty of Religion and Theology. An examination committee for the Bachelor Theologie (in Dutch) and an examination committee for Theology and Religious Studies. Each examination committee consists of six people, including one external member.

    Rules and Guidelines of the examination Board

    In the Rules and Guidelines (R&R) of the examination Board, the rules with regard to the taking of examinations and exams are elaborated. 

  • FSS

  • HUM

    Rules and Guidelines HUM

    In the Rules and Guidelines (R&R) of the Examination Board FGW, the rules with regard to the taking of examinations and exams are elaborated. The Rules and Guidelines also describe what is considered fraud and plagiarism and the possible sanctions. The cum laude regulation can also be found in the Rules and Guidelines. The Rules and Guidelines are binding.

    Members of the Examination Board

    Within the Faculty of Humanities, there is an Executive Board, BA Examination Board, MA Examination Board and an Examination Board for PPE. There is also an Assessment Chamber and an Admissions Committee for FGW and an Admissions Committee for PPE.

  • LAW

    Examination Board Law

    Contact :

    Rules and Guidelines

    Rules and guidelines 2024-2025 Examination Board Faculty of Law
    Rules and guidelines 2023-2024 Examination Board Faculty of Law

    Minors, Electives and Extra (curricular) courses

    The Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER) of your degree programme lists which minors (Bachelor’s degree) and electives (Master’s degree) you can take without permission from the Examination Board and when prior permission is required. The current OER is available in the Study guide. More information is available under Electives and Minors.

    If you wish to persue an extra course which is part of a different programme of the VU, you need prior permission from the Examination Board if you wish to include the subject in the curriculum of your study programme. The result will always appear extracurricular in your results overview in your VU Dashboard. For more information see the procedure mentioned under Register for an extracurricular course on the Register/deregister page.

    If you do not include the subject in your curriculum, permission from the Examination Board is not required. Consult the Electives page under Pursuing extracurricular subjects to learn what you do need to make arrangements for.

    Curricular requirements

    The curricular requirements of your programme can be found in the OER. The Examination Board checks before issuing the degree certificate if you have met the requirements. Amongst others the validity of the results obtained is assessed.

    In the Master’s programmes, specific requirements apply when graduating with two specialisations (if possible). We recommend that you discuss this option with an academic advisor beforehand.

    Based on art. 13 of the Rules and Guidelines, it is also possible to create a self-determined study programme. You can submit a proposal to the Examination Board.

    Self-determined study programme in the Master

    It is possible to compose a programme of your own choice which deviates from the study programme prescribed by the degree programme. This programme requires prior approval of the Examination Board. Ensure that you submit a request well before you wish to start.

    With the self-determined study programme you must be able to meet the Master’s programme objectives and exit qualifications. This means, for example, that if your Master gives access to the Dutch ‘civiel effect’ as part of the programme objectives, your self-determined programme must also meet the requirements for masters as specified in the Dutch ‘civiel effect’ covenant.  You will have to include an integration subject in your programme in that case, for example. This also applies if you are not eligible for the Dutch ‘civiel effect’ based on your Bachelor’s degree.  

    When you decide to pursue a self-determined programme, your degree certificate will state that you have completed the Master’s in Law programme with a free specialization.

    Dutch Effectus civilis (‘civiel effect’)

    To work as a lawyer, public prosecutor or judge in the Netherlands, you need civiel effect to be admitted to the Netherlands Bar. To obtain civiel effect you must have completed a Dutch academic Bachelor’s degree in Law (LL.B), or an applied sciences degree in Dutch law plus a pre-master's programme for the effectus civilis, plus a Dutch academic Master’s in Law degree (LL.M) which meet the requirements of the Civiel Effect covenant.Read more on the Effectus civilis page.

    Academic misconduct

    The Examination Board is responsible a.o. for ensuring that measures are taken in cases of academic misconduct.

    When a suspicion of academic misconduct arises, the examiner files a report with the Examination Board. The Examination Board offers the student(s) involved an opportunity to respond to the report in writing and organizes a hearing for which both examiner and student(s) are invited. On the basis of the report, the written reaction and the hearing the Examination Board decides on the sanction.

    In articles 18 and 19 of the Rules and Guidelines you can read what constitutes Academic misconduct, in particular fraud and plagiarism, and the procedures and penalties for breaches of the rules.

    In study year 2023-2024 the Examination Board imposed a.o. the following sanctions:

    Example of a sanction for fraud
    Example of a sanction for plagiarism

  • MED

    Examination Board Medical Sciences

    The Faculty of Medicine VU has two examination boards: one for the Bachelor- and Masterprogramme Medicine and one the Science Masters: Oncology, Personalized Medicine (CVR) and Epidemiology.

    The central examination committee, with mandate to the sub-committees, carries out the tasks as laid down in the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act (WHW) and is the body that determines in an objective and expert manner whether a student meets the conditions sets the Teaching and Examination Regulations with regard to knowledge, insight and skills required to obtain a degree. The Central Examination Board operates at faculty level.

    Shared examination
    A partial examination committee deals with requests from students such as exams and examinations and supervises the quality of exams and examinations of the study program that falls under its responsibility.
    A partial examination committee is also the body that deals with requests regarding the study program of individual students. For students, they always turn to the partial examination committee. This text provides information about the partial examination committee for medicine.

    Plan of Action
    The submission and processing of student requests take place according to a step-by-step plan:

    • Request is submitted by the student according to the rules;
    • The student will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt;
    • The official secretary assesses whether the request complies with the submission rules. If not, the request will not be processed. The student will receive a message about this;
    • The official secretary assesses whether the request is admissible or inadmissible (in other words, does the case belong to the partial examination committee for medicine?). The student will receive a message about this;
    • Official secretary requests additional information from the student if necessary;
    • Request will be dealt with by the sub-examination committee for medicine;
    • The student will receive a decision from the partial examination committee within 20 working days of receiving his request, via a digital letter (by e-mail) and a paper letter by post. 

    FAQ examenation board and information provision

    Type of requests
    The Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER) of the degree program and specific study manuals describe for which components the approval of the partial examination committee for medicine is required. Requests with the following subjects can be submitted to the partial examination committee for medicine: 

    Use this application form.

    Rules submit official request

    • First ask the question: "Have I come to the right place with my question at the partial examination committee for medicine?"
    • If you want to submit a request, it is recommended to ask the study advisers for advice.
    • Therefore, first consult the Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER) and the Rules and Guidelines (RR) (Bachelor and Master).
    • Requests to the partial examination committee for medicine must be submitted digitally with an application form, unless stated otherwise.
    • Requests, questions or letters that have not been submitted digitally with an application form will not be processed.
    • Special personal circumstances are only taken into account in the decision-making of the Medical Examination Board if the student has informed the study advisors of this special personal circumstance within three months of the occurrence or becoming known of the special personal circumstance.
    • A recent grade list must be included.

    Treatment and decision of the partial examination committee for medicine
    Many decisions of the partial examination committee for medicine are taken on the basis of special personal circumstances. Special personal circumstances are unique for each student and in line with this, this also applies to the decision-making of the partial examination committee for medicine. A decision with an apparently identical request can therefore be different for each student. The intake in the master's program or financial situations are never the only ground for granting a request.

    Term of decision-making
    The Medical Examination Board has 20 working days to process a request and notify the student of a decision. The official secretary decides when a request will be handled. The student receives the decision of the partial examination committee for medicine by e-mail and the letter is stored in the digital student file. We urge you not to email or call after a meeting of the Medical Examination Board to find out what the decision is.

    Shared Examination Medical Sciences

    • Chairman: Prof. A.J.L.M. van Balkom
    • Vice-chairman: dr. Y. Voskes
    • Member: mrs. drs. O Wassenaar
    • Member: mrs. dr. P.C.A.M. Bakker
    • Member:  dhr. prof. dr. P.L. Hordijk
    • Official secretary: mrs mr drs. A.E.M. Boogerman

    Meeting dates 2024-2025

    For questions regarding the completion of the application form, please contact the board of examiners
    For questions about the study that are not for the partial examination committee for medicine, please use one of the e-mail addresses below:

    Examination Board Science Masters (Oncology, Personalized Medicine (CVR) and Epidemiology) 

    Consult the:

    The Faculty of Medicine VU has two examination boards: one for the Bachelor- and Masterprogramme Medicine and one the Science Masters: Oncology, Personalized Medicine (CVR) and Epidemiology.

    The Examination Board Science Masters executes its tasks according to the “Wet op het Hoger onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk onderzoek (WHW)”. and is the body which objectively and professionally assesses whether or not a student fulfills the criteria, the education and exam regulations have set with regard to knowledge, insight and skills, necessary to obtain the degree.

    The Examination Board Science Masters also treats requests regarding examination filed by students of the aforementioned Masterprogrammes and supervises the quality of the examinations set by the educational programmes. The EB Science Masters is also the body to handle individual requests of students regarding the study program (curriculum) of Masters for which it is responsible.

    Members of the Examination Board Science Masters

    • Chair: Dr. I.V. Bijnsdorp
    • Vice-chair: Dr. P.A.J. Krijnen
    • Member: Dr. S.R. Baglio
    • Member: Dr. I. van Maurik
    • Member: Dr. J.F. Stins (external)
    • Secretary: Mr. P.J. Wytzes 

    This page provides (some) information for students of the master programmes Personalized Medicine (Cardiovascular Research) and Oncology. Students of Epidemiology are kindly referred to the information in Dutch on the website (and that of the master Epidemiology itself).

    Plan of action
    The application and handling of students’ requests pursue the following plan of action:

    • The request is submitted by the student;
    • The student receives an (automatic) confirmation of receipt;
    • The official secretary assesses whether or not a request meets the regulations for application. If not, the request is not handled by the Examination Board. The student will receive a message to notify him/her;
    • The student will receive a message to notify him/her;
    • The official secretary asks for additional information to be given by the student when necessary;
    • The request will be dealt with by the Examination Board;
    • The student receives the decision on his/her request of the Examination Board within 30 days after the receipt of the request via a digital letter (via e-mail) and a hardcopy via regular mail.


    The following requests can be submitted to the Examination Board. 

    1. Exemptions, personal requests and complaints request form
    2. Approval of optional courses approval form
    3. Approval of internships approval form
    4. Approval of literature studies approval form

    Exemptions, personal requests and complaints

    AD.  1 Exemptions

    Exemptions are granted on the basis of acquired knowledge, insight and skills. The provided evidence for the exemption consists of previous obtained exams.

    Rules regarding exemptions:

    • Exemption is only granted if the acquired knowledge, insight and skills match those of the module for which exemption is requested. This means that learning objects must be comparable and the assessment needs to be at the same level.
    • Exemption is only granted for modules, internships or courses part of the academic year in which the student takes part for the first time. If the student fails to inform the Examination Board in time the exemption is not granted.
    • A request for exemption needs to be sent to the Examination Board at least six weeks before the start of the module and should be provided with documentation. The electronic form for requests needs to be used.
    • A request for exemption after completion of the module will not be granted.
    • For particular educational modules as stated in the OER (thesis or final assignment) exemption is not granted.

    AD. 2 Personal requests concerning (interim) examinations

    Personal circumstances might lead to exceptions on the rules concerning examination, for example a request for an additional retake, elongation of the validity of examinations or another type of examination that is described in the OER. A personal request can be submitted to the Examination Board only when exceptional personal circumstances affected your educational program.

    Personal circumstances that are considered by the Examination Board are:

    • Illness of the student;
    • Physical or physiological conditions;
    • Pregnancy of the student;
    • Personal circumstances related to family;
    • Membership of an accreditation committee (chapter 5a WHW);

    Exceptional behavior (status provided by the board of directors needs to be accompanied).

    AD. 3 Complaints regarding examinations 

    The Examination Board can be informed about complaints regarding examination. For example the procedures during the examination, cases of fraud or when a student does not agree with a procedure of assessment. Note that is not possible to object against a grade in terms of content. In the latter matter the student first needs to contact the examiner responsible for the module.

    AD. 4,5,6 Approval of optional courses, internships, extensions and literature study 

    Optional courses, internships, extensions and literature-study have to be approved by the Examination Board. The Shared Examination Board has installed examiners to approve these. Use the form to request approval.

    Rules for filing a request

    • Ask yourself the question; does my request fall within the competence of the Examination Board or should I apply my question elsewhere?
    • First check the “Academic and Examination Regulations (OER)”  
    • and Rules and guidelines Examination Board Science Masters 
    • and Rules and guidelines Examination (Regels en richtlijnen) EpidM
    • and the Protocol concerning fraud
    • Requests to the Examination Board have to be filed using one of the digital request forms unless otherwise indicated.
    • Requests, questions or letters that are not filed using the digital forms will not be answered or dealt with.
    • The mark list has to be attached.

    The Examination Board will inform the student of the decision within 30 days after filing the request. The applicant receives an e-mail message about the decision or the progress of the request..

    Meeting dates 2023-2024 (with reservation) 

  • SBE

Students of the Faculty of Dentistry (ACTA) can find more information on [in Dutch].

Rules and Guidelines of the Examination Board (faculty of Science)

In the Rules and Guidelines (R&R) of the Examination Board of the faculty of Science, the rules with regard to the administration of interim and other examinations are further detailed. It also describes what is considered a violation, fraud and plagiarism and the possible sanctions. You can also find the cum laude regulation in the Rules and Regulations. The Rules and Guidelines are also binding.

Download here the Rules and Guidelines of 2024-2025
Download here the Rules and Guidelines of 2023-2024
Download here the Rules and Guidelines of 2022-2023
Download here the Rules and Guidelines of 2021-2022
Download here the Rules and Guidelines of 2020-2021
Download here the Rules and Guidelines of 2019-2020
Download here the Rules and Guidelines of 2018-2019

Meeting dates

Meeting dates of Graduate school Earth, Ecological and Environmental Sciences & Health and Life Sciences

Meeting dates of graduate School Natural Science and Mathematics and Information Science

N.B. The availability of the Examination Board is limited during the summer holidays (July - August). The Examination Board will try to take care of your request, however, it may take longer than 30 working days.

Fraud letter for students 

Here you will find the Fraud Letter with information about Fraud and Plagiarism for students of the Faculty of Science.

Examination Board

One of the tasks of the Examination Board is to assess student requests, such as requests regarding exams, substitute courses, additional exam opportunities, filling elective space, and so on.

In general, you have to submit a request to the Examination Board at the moment that you deviate from the regular study program for any reason.

To submit individual requests and questions, we refer you to the text above under the heading 'Requests to the Examination Board'.

Important to know:

  • You submit a request to the Examination Board using a form on
    Requests submitted in any other way will not be processed.
  • Specify your request and explain in detail why you are submitting it. Think carefully before submitting a form. A request should consist of (much) more than just a one-line question. The request should be complete and contain all the necessary information. Do not assume that information is already known.
  • Provide - if applicable - documents that support your request.
  • In addition, watch your language, with the Examination Board you communicate formally, not informally.
  • For complex requests or in case of special circumstances, first consult with an academic advisor and only then submit a request to the Examination Board.
  • Submit your request in time. The processing time can be long, for example if further inquiries are necessary or if your request arrives too late for the next meeting. A request must be submitted no later than five working days before a meeting. All requests regarding exams must be submitted no later than three weeks before the start of the examination week.

Rules and Guidelines 

Rules and Guidelines EC FGB

The Rules and Guidelines (R&R) of the Examination Board detail the rules regarding the taking of examinations and exams. It also describes what is considered a violation, fraud and plagiarism and the possible sanctions. The cum laude regulation can also be found in the Rules and Guidelines. The Rules and Guidelines are binding.

Examination Board FBMS (FGB) 2024-2025

Within the FGB faculty, we have one examination board: Examination Board FGB (EC FGB).

The Examination Board FGB (FBMS) consists of the Central Examination Board FGB and the cluster-specific Examination Sub-boards for Movement Sciences (EC BW), Pedagogical Sciences (EC PEDA), Psychology (EC PSY), University Teacher Training Programme (EC ULO) and the Educational Master Primary Education (EC EMPO).

All committees are supported by the official secretariat.

Central Examination Board (CE FGB)

  • prof. dr. J.B.J. Smeets (voorzitter EC FGB)
  • dr. A. Milius (extern lid)
  • chairs of the sub-boards

Below you can find the members of the sub-boards Human Movement Sciences and Psychology.
The members of the other sub-boards can be found on Examencommissie - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ( Those studies are in Dutch only.

Examination Sub-board Human Movement Sciences (EC BW)

  • prof. dr. M. Pijnappels (chair)
  • dr. S.M. Bruijn
  • drs. T. de Haan
  • prof. dr. T.W.J. Janssen
  • E. Maas MSc
  • B. Pleiter (official secretary)

Meeting dates academic year 2024-2025 (conditionally):

  • 17-09-2024
  • 15-10-2024
  • 12-11-2024
  • 16-12-2024
  • 21-01-2025
  • 25-02-2025
  • 25-03-2025
  • 15-04-2025
  • 20-05-2025
  • 17-06-2025
  • 15-07-2025

Please note! A request or complaint must be received no later than five working days before the meeting of the examination board.

Examination Sub-board Psychology (EC PSY)

  • dr. S. Feenstra (chair)
  • dr. B. Armenta Gutierrez
  • dr. I.L.J. Jansen
  • prof. dr. S. Koole
  • dr. A.M. Scheeren
  • dr. J.J. Snell
  • dr. L.P. de Vries
  • B. Pleiter (official secretary) 

Meeting dates academic year 2024-2025 (conditionally):

  • 12-09-2024
  • 10-10-2024
  • 07-11-2024
  • 05-12-2024
  • 16-01-2025
  • 13-02-2025
  • 13-03-2025
  • 10-04-2025
  • 15-05-2025
  • 12-06-2025
  • 10-07-2025

Please note! A request or complaint must be received no later than five working days before the meeting of the examination board.

Examination boards FRT

There are two examination boards within the Faculty of Religion and Theology. An examination committee for the Bachelor Theologie (in Dutch) and an examination committee for Theology and Religious Studies. Each examination committee consists of six people, including one external member.

Rules and Guidelines of the examination Board

In the Rules and Guidelines (R&R) of the examination Board, the rules with regard to the taking of examinations and exams are elaborated. 

Rules and Guidelines HUM

In the Rules and Guidelines (R&R) of the Examination Board FGW, the rules with regard to the taking of examinations and exams are elaborated. The Rules and Guidelines also describe what is considered fraud and plagiarism and the possible sanctions. The cum laude regulation can also be found in the Rules and Guidelines. The Rules and Guidelines are binding.

Members of the Examination Board

Within the Faculty of Humanities, there is an Executive Board, BA Examination Board, MA Examination Board and an Examination Board for PPE. There is also an Assessment Chamber and an Admissions Committee for FGW and an Admissions Committee for PPE.

Examination Board Law

Contact :

Rules and Guidelines

Rules and guidelines 2024-2025 Examination Board Faculty of Law
Rules and guidelines 2023-2024 Examination Board Faculty of Law

Minors, Electives and Extra (curricular) courses

The Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER) of your degree programme lists which minors (Bachelor’s degree) and electives (Master’s degree) you can take without permission from the Examination Board and when prior permission is required. The current OER is available in the Study guide. More information is available under Electives and Minors.

If you wish to persue an extra course which is part of a different programme of the VU, you need prior permission from the Examination Board if you wish to include the subject in the curriculum of your study programme. The result will always appear extracurricular in your results overview in your VU Dashboard. For more information see the procedure mentioned under Register for an extracurricular course on the Register/deregister page.

If you do not include the subject in your curriculum, permission from the Examination Board is not required. Consult the Electives page under Pursuing extracurricular subjects to learn what you do need to make arrangements for.

Curricular requirements

The curricular requirements of your programme can be found in the OER. The Examination Board checks before issuing the degree certificate if you have met the requirements. Amongst others the validity of the results obtained is assessed.

In the Master’s programmes, specific requirements apply when graduating with two specialisations (if possible). We recommend that you discuss this option with an academic advisor beforehand.

Based on art. 13 of the Rules and Guidelines, it is also possible to create a self-determined study programme. You can submit a proposal to the Examination Board.

Self-determined study programme in the Master

It is possible to compose a programme of your own choice which deviates from the study programme prescribed by the degree programme. This programme requires prior approval of the Examination Board. Ensure that you submit a request well before you wish to start.

With the self-determined study programme you must be able to meet the Master’s programme objectives and exit qualifications. This means, for example, that if your Master gives access to the Dutch ‘civiel effect’ as part of the programme objectives, your self-determined programme must also meet the requirements for masters as specified in the Dutch ‘civiel effect’ covenant.  You will have to include an integration subject in your programme in that case, for example. This also applies if you are not eligible for the Dutch ‘civiel effect’ based on your Bachelor’s degree.  

When you decide to pursue a self-determined programme, your degree certificate will state that you have completed the Master’s in Law programme with a free specialization.

Dutch Effectus civilis (‘civiel effect’)

To work as a lawyer, public prosecutor or judge in the Netherlands, you need civiel effect to be admitted to the Netherlands Bar. To obtain civiel effect you must have completed a Dutch academic Bachelor’s degree in Law (LL.B), or an applied sciences degree in Dutch law plus a pre-master's programme for the effectus civilis, plus a Dutch academic Master’s in Law degree (LL.M) which meet the requirements of the Civiel Effect covenant.Read more on the Effectus civilis page.

Academic misconduct

The Examination Board is responsible a.o. for ensuring that measures are taken in cases of academic misconduct.

When a suspicion of academic misconduct arises, the examiner files a report with the Examination Board. The Examination Board offers the student(s) involved an opportunity to respond to the report in writing and organizes a hearing for which both examiner and student(s) are invited. On the basis of the report, the written reaction and the hearing the Examination Board decides on the sanction.

In articles 18 and 19 of the Rules and Guidelines you can read what constitutes Academic misconduct, in particular fraud and plagiarism, and the procedures and penalties for breaches of the rules.

In study year 2023-2024 the Examination Board imposed a.o. the following sanctions:

Example of a sanction for fraud
Example of a sanction for plagiarism

Examination Board Medical Sciences

The Faculty of Medicine VU has two examination boards: one for the Bachelor- and Masterprogramme Medicine and one the Science Masters: Oncology, Personalized Medicine (CVR) and Epidemiology.

The central examination committee, with mandate to the sub-committees, carries out the tasks as laid down in the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act (WHW) and is the body that determines in an objective and expert manner whether a student meets the conditions sets the Teaching and Examination Regulations with regard to knowledge, insight and skills required to obtain a degree. The Central Examination Board operates at faculty level.

Shared examination
A partial examination committee deals with requests from students such as exams and examinations and supervises the quality of exams and examinations of the study program that falls under its responsibility.
A partial examination committee is also the body that deals with requests regarding the study program of individual students. For students, they always turn to the partial examination committee. This text provides information about the partial examination committee for medicine.

Plan of Action
The submission and processing of student requests take place according to a step-by-step plan:

  • Request is submitted by the student according to the rules;
  • The student will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt;
  • The official secretary assesses whether the request complies with the submission rules. If not, the request will not be processed. The student will receive a message about this;
  • The official secretary assesses whether the request is admissible or inadmissible (in other words, does the case belong to the partial examination committee for medicine?). The student will receive a message about this;
  • Official secretary requests additional information from the student if necessary;
  • Request will be dealt with by the sub-examination committee for medicine;
  • The student will receive a decision from the partial examination committee within 20 working days of receiving his request, via a digital letter (by e-mail) and a paper letter by post. 

FAQ examenation board and information provision

Type of requests
The Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER) of the degree program and specific study manuals describe for which components the approval of the partial examination committee for medicine is required. Requests with the following subjects can be submitted to the partial examination committee for medicine: 

Use this application form.

Rules submit official request

  • First ask the question: "Have I come to the right place with my question at the partial examination committee for medicine?"
  • If you want to submit a request, it is recommended to ask the study advisers for advice.
  • Therefore, first consult the Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER) and the Rules and Guidelines (RR) (Bachelor and Master).
  • Requests to the partial examination committee for medicine must be submitted digitally with an application form, unless stated otherwise.
  • Requests, questions or letters that have not been submitted digitally with an application form will not be processed.
  • Special personal circumstances are only taken into account in the decision-making of the Medical Examination Board if the student has informed the study advisors of this special personal circumstance within three months of the occurrence or becoming known of the special personal circumstance.
  • A recent grade list must be included.

Treatment and decision of the partial examination committee for medicine
Many decisions of the partial examination committee for medicine are taken on the basis of special personal circumstances. Special personal circumstances are unique for each student and in line with this, this also applies to the decision-making of the partial examination committee for medicine. A decision with an apparently identical request can therefore be different for each student. The intake in the master's program or financial situations are never the only ground for granting a request.

Term of decision-making
The Medical Examination Board has 20 working days to process a request and notify the student of a decision. The official secretary decides when a request will be handled. The student receives the decision of the partial examination committee for medicine by e-mail and the letter is stored in the digital student file. We urge you not to email or call after a meeting of the Medical Examination Board to find out what the decision is.

Shared Examination Medical Sciences

  • Chairman: Prof. A.J.L.M. van Balkom
  • Vice-chairman: dr. Y. Voskes
  • Member: mrs. drs. O Wassenaar
  • Member: mrs. dr. P.C.A.M. Bakker
  • Member:  dhr. prof. dr. P.L. Hordijk
  • Official secretary: mrs mr drs. A.E.M. Boogerman

Meeting dates 2024-2025

For questions regarding the completion of the application form, please contact the board of examiners
For questions about the study that are not for the partial examination committee for medicine, please use one of the e-mail addresses below:

Examination Board Science Masters (Oncology, Personalized Medicine (CVR) and Epidemiology) 

Consult the:

The Faculty of Medicine VU has two examination boards: one for the Bachelor- and Masterprogramme Medicine and one the Science Masters: Oncology, Personalized Medicine (CVR) and Epidemiology.

The Examination Board Science Masters executes its tasks according to the “Wet op het Hoger onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk onderzoek (WHW)”. and is the body which objectively and professionally assesses whether or not a student fulfills the criteria, the education and exam regulations have set with regard to knowledge, insight and skills, necessary to obtain the degree.

The Examination Board Science Masters also treats requests regarding examination filed by students of the aforementioned Masterprogrammes and supervises the quality of the examinations set by the educational programmes. The EB Science Masters is also the body to handle individual requests of students regarding the study program (curriculum) of Masters for which it is responsible.

Members of the Examination Board Science Masters

  • Chair: Dr. I.V. Bijnsdorp
  • Vice-chair: Dr. P.A.J. Krijnen
  • Member: Dr. S.R. Baglio
  • Member: Dr. I. van Maurik
  • Member: Dr. J.F. Stins (external)
  • Secretary: Mr. P.J. Wytzes 

This page provides (some) information for students of the master programmes Personalized Medicine (Cardiovascular Research) and Oncology. Students of Epidemiology are kindly referred to the information in Dutch on the website (and that of the master Epidemiology itself).

Plan of action
The application and handling of students’ requests pursue the following plan of action:

  • The request is submitted by the student;
  • The student receives an (automatic) confirmation of receipt;
  • The official secretary assesses whether or not a request meets the regulations for application. If not, the request is not handled by the Examination Board. The student will receive a message to notify him/her;
  • The student will receive a message to notify him/her;
  • The official secretary asks for additional information to be given by the student when necessary;
  • The request will be dealt with by the Examination Board;
  • The student receives the decision on his/her request of the Examination Board within 30 days after the receipt of the request via a digital letter (via e-mail) and a hardcopy via regular mail.


The following requests can be submitted to the Examination Board. 

  1. Exemptions, personal requests and complaints request form
  2. Approval of optional courses approval form
  3. Approval of internships approval form
  4. Approval of literature studies approval form

Exemptions, personal requests and complaints

AD.  1 Exemptions

Exemptions are granted on the basis of acquired knowledge, insight and skills. The provided evidence for the exemption consists of previous obtained exams.

Rules regarding exemptions:

  • Exemption is only granted if the acquired knowledge, insight and skills match those of the module for which exemption is requested. This means that learning objects must be comparable and the assessment needs to be at the same level.
  • Exemption is only granted for modules, internships or courses part of the academic year in which the student takes part for the first time. If the student fails to inform the Examination Board in time the exemption is not granted.
  • A request for exemption needs to be sent to the Examination Board at least six weeks before the start of the module and should be provided with documentation. The electronic form for requests needs to be used.
  • A request for exemption after completion of the module will not be granted.
  • For particular educational modules as stated in the OER (thesis or final assignment) exemption is not granted.

AD. 2 Personal requests concerning (interim) examinations

Personal circumstances might lead to exceptions on the rules concerning examination, for example a request for an additional retake, elongation of the validity of examinations or another type of examination that is described in the OER. A personal request can be submitted to the Examination Board only when exceptional personal circumstances affected your educational program.

Personal circumstances that are considered by the Examination Board are:

  • Illness of the student;
  • Physical or physiological conditions;
  • Pregnancy of the student;
  • Personal circumstances related to family;
  • Membership of an accreditation committee (chapter 5a WHW);

Exceptional behavior (status provided by the board of directors needs to be accompanied).

AD. 3 Complaints regarding examinations 

The Examination Board can be informed about complaints regarding examination. For example the procedures during the examination, cases of fraud or when a student does not agree with a procedure of assessment. Note that is not possible to object against a grade in terms of content. In the latter matter the student first needs to contact the examiner responsible for the module.

AD. 4,5,6 Approval of optional courses, internships, extensions and literature study 

Optional courses, internships, extensions and literature-study have to be approved by the Examination Board. The Shared Examination Board has installed examiners to approve these. Use the form to request approval.

Rules for filing a request

  • Ask yourself the question; does my request fall within the competence of the Examination Board or should I apply my question elsewhere?
  • First check the “Academic and Examination Regulations (OER)”  
  • and Rules and guidelines Examination Board Science Masters 
  • and Rules and guidelines Examination (Regels en richtlijnen) EpidM
  • and the Protocol concerning fraud
  • Requests to the Examination Board have to be filed using one of the digital request forms unless otherwise indicated.
  • Requests, questions or letters that are not filed using the digital forms will not be answered or dealt with.
  • The mark list has to be attached.

The Examination Board will inform the student of the decision within 30 days after filing the request. The applicant receives an e-mail message about the decision or the progress of the request..

Meeting dates 2023-2024 (with reservation) 

Do you have any questions?

Please contact the Student Desk.

If you have questions about the tuition fee, Studielink or your personal dashboard on, please contact the Student Desk:, stating your student number.

Send a message via online chat (Mon – Fri: 10:30 – 12:30 and 14:00 – 16:00). 

Call +31 (0)20 59 85020 (Mon – Fri: 10:30 – 12:30 and 14:00 – 16:00). 

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