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The FGB travel grant

Last updated on 30 November 2023
If you are going abroad for study purposes, you can apply for a grant from the Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences to reimburse your international travel costs.

You are eligible to receive the grant only if you don't receive a grant from the Erasmus program. This grant can be combined with the Globe grant or the VU Funding desk grant, as well as with private grants. The FGB travel grant amounts EUR 500 for round trip tickets (EUR 250 for one-way tickets).

The application can be submitted only after the grades you received abroad have been registered, so in most cases this means after your return to the Netherlands.

To be eligible for this grant you’ll need to:

  • In case you go abroad to take courses: before departure, apply for approval from the Examination Board to use the elective courses for your free-choice component or to add extra courses to your study programme. Check on for the appropriate forms. After completion of the courses, you receive a grade list, which you upload on this page, after which the Education Office will register your grades.
  • Download ‘FGB Travel grant APPLICATION’ and fill this in
  • In case you go abroad for an internship or these: get a signature from your internship or thesis supervisor on the ‘FGB Travel grant APPLICATION’ to confirm your stay abroad
  • Check whether your grade(s) has been registered on
  • When the grade has been registered and your supervisor has signed the form, fill in the form ‘ask your question’ at Upload the following documents as attachment (all together in one PDF file):

    - ‘FGB Travel grant APPLICATION’.
    - Travel documents: e-ticket mentioning your name and the travel date, as well as a proof of payment for the ticket.
    - Transcript of records including grade(s) gained abroad.