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The sky is the limit...

Physics and Astronomy

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at VU Amsterdam offers an active and engaged intellectual community composed of researchers from around the world.

Research at the Physics and Astronomy department is focused around three main themes: 

  • Physics of Life
  • Physics of Energy
  • Fundamental Physics
  • Applied Physics

The department is involved in teaching in the programs Physics and Astronomy (joint degree with the University of Amsterdam), Science Business and Innovation, Medical Natural Sciences (all three BSc and MSc), and the BSc program in Mechanical Engineering (together with University of Twente). 

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Exploring the mysteries of the universe one equation at a time. Follow us for the latest in Physics and Astronomy research and discoveries

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Feel free to contact us

Secretariat Physics and Astronomy Department:

The Department is located in the WN Building and part of the VU Campus with its main entrance and reception desk at # 1085.
Directions VU Campus and VU Parking

Office of the Department Secretariat: WN-T112
De Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam