For this they use the joint infrastructure at LaserLaB, with a variety of lasers ranging from ultrastable to ultrafast, connected to atomic clocks and frequency comb lasers. The goals are to test fundamental theories of physics (like Quantum Electrodynamics and parity violation), to determine fundamental constants (like the proton-electron mass ratio), and to search for physics beyond the Standard Model, such as fifth forces and extra dimensions.
In addition we perform applied spectroscopic studies in a wide range of topics such as (i) optical time and frequency distribution through telecom fiber, (ii) spectroscopy and light scattering in the atmosphere and outer space, (iii) breath analysis through molecular sensing. Our group is closely connected to the Advanced Research Center for NanoLithography (ARCNL), where it supports research on Extreme Ultraviolet Plasma processes, Metrology and Imaging. The group opens doors for Access Projects within the scheme of Laserlab-Europe.
Our research is funded through various national and international sources. It runs the FOM-NWO Program “The mysterious size of the proton”, and is part of the FOM-NWO program “Physics beyond the Standard Model with cold molecules; measuring the electric dipole moment of the electron in BaF”. Major funding is also obtained through two ERC-Advanced grants, “Physics beyond the Standard Model from molecules”, and “The Proton Size Puzzle: Testing QED at Extreme Wavelengths”.
Physics beyond the Standard Model from molecules
Prof. dr. Wim M.G. Ubachs
Ultra-fast laser physics and precision metrology for fundamental tests
Prof. dr. Kjeld S.E. Eikema
Cold molecules and precision tests
Prof. dr. Hendrick L. Bethlem
Trapped molecular ions, fiber-optic time and frequency distribution
Dr. Jeroen Koelemeij
Precision measurements of simple trapped molecular ions and ultracold molecules
Dr. Maximilian Beyer
Trapped-Ion Quantum Metrology Research
Dr. Laura Dreissen
Breath analysis through molecular sensing
Dr. Edcel J. Salumbides
Theoretical optics: coherence theory, nano-optics and plasmonics
Prof. dr. Taco D. Visser
Dr. Wim Vassen - In Memoriam