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Exchange step 5: scholarships outside Europe

Ask your question about grants and scholarships
Last updated on 22 November 2023
If you are selected for an exchange or internship abroad, you can apply for a scholarship.

There are several possibilities:

GLOBE Scholarship

This scholarship is offered by VU Amsterdam to talented students who have been selected for an exchange at a partner university outside Europe. The selection for the scholarship is done by the International Office on the basis of the documents you have provided for the application of your exchange. You will get a notification when you have been selected.

NL Scholarship (formerly called Holland Scholarship Programme)

If you are a VU student and selected by the outgoing team for a semester abroad at a partner university in Indonesia, Ethiopia or South Africa, or selected for Beijing University of Technology, Wuhan university (China), HEC Montréal or Simon Fraser University (Canada) you might be eligible for a NL Scholarship.

Other scholarships for studying abroad outside of Europe

More extensive information can be found below.

Information on exchange scholarships outside Europe

  • GLOBE scholarship

    GLOBE scholarship programme aims at stimulating co-operation between Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and non-European higher education institutions. This scholarship is intended for talented students who want to study at a partner institution outside Europe for a minimum period of 3 months. You can’t apply for a GLOBE scholarship , you have to be invited by the International Office.

    Conditions GLOBE scholarship programme

    • Candidates must be enrolled as a full time student at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and therefore have paid their tuition fee for the academic year in which you are going on exchange.
    • Students must have obtained 60 ECTS, before the start of their study abroad.
    • The GLOBE scholarship is intended for talented students that are selected by VU International Office for an exchange to a partner institution outside Europe.
    • The selection for the GLOBE scholarship is based on GPA, motivation and CV. The International Office has received the necessary documents already with the application for the exchange period.
    • Only students that are nominated at the host institution and selected by IO can apply for a GLOBE scholarship in 
    • If you are not invited to apply for the scholarship in it is no use to do so. Your application will be refused.
    • Scholarship amounts will be reclaimed when it appears that students have received it unjustly.


    • End of September  for students going abroad for the first semester.
    • End of January for students going abroad for the second semester.
  • NL Scholarship (formerly called Holland Scholarship Programme)

    NL Scholarship is a national scholarship programme for students at Dutch universities. The scholarship is made available by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science together with Dutch higher education institutions. The programme aims to increase the international mobility of students, by stimulating them to study outside the EEA on a scholarship.

    VU Amsterdam has a limited number of NL scholarships that will be available for students who are selected for an exchange at a partner university in Indonesia, Ethiopia or South Africa. If there are any scholarships left, students selected for Beijing University of Technology, Wuhan university (China), HEC Montréal or Simon Fraser University (Canada) also have a chance at a NL scholarship.

    We will send an email to these students to inform them about the scholarship in May or June. After receiving this email, you will be able to apply for the NL scholarship. Without an invitation, your scholarship application will be rejected.

    The scholarship amount is €2,500 in total.

    The NL Scholarship is financially supported by VUvereniging. VUvereniging is a social network of people who feel connected and involved with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and VUMC. Their support of NL Scholarship is specified on their website.

  • Other scholarships for studying abroad

    In addition to the regular scholarship options offered by VU Amsterdam, there are other ways to get a grant or scholarship. You can find some of these possibilities below:

    There are various search engines that you can use to search for scholarships:

NL Scholarship

NL Scholarship

Formerly called Holland Scholarship Programme

Outgoing Student Exchange Team

+31 (0)20 59 85745 (between 10:00 - 12:00, Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

Do you have a question? Mail us!

Consultation hour (walk-in, no appointment required):
Every Tuesday between 12:30 - 13:30 in the Global Room (HG-1A36). Please note: There will be no consultation hour on Tuesday, 30th of April due to the May holiday. 

Zoom consultation hour: 

to make an appointment please use this link

Emergency number for VU exchange students abroad: +31 (0) 20 6444117. This is the VU-wide emergency number. Emergencies for example include natural disasters, assault and (mental) health issues.