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Exchange step 6: to do after return

Question about studying abroad
Last updated on 12 June 2024
Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed your exchange semester. There are still a few things you need to take care of to complete your exchange.


To do list after return

  • Report

    • After exchange, you need to write a report of your semester abroad for VU Amsterdam (please note: this is not the same as the Erasmus+ participant report). The reports are posted on the Study Abroad Map so that other students can read about your experiences.
    • Fill out the report via your Mobility Online workflow
    • VU International Office checks all reports before they appear on our Study Abroad Map.
  • Transcript of records

    • After your studies abroad, you will receive a transcript of records from your host university. The credits obtained need to be processed by the VU. In most cases, the transcript of records will be sent directly to VU International Office. After receiving your transcript, we will forward the transcript to you so you can upload it yourself.
    • You are responsible for handing in your transcript of records at the Educational Office online
      VUmc students: please e-mail your transcript to instead of uploading it.
      AUC students: please e-mail your transcript to instead of uploading it.
    • The Education Office will process your transcript of records. Courses that you completed with a passing grade will appear with the grade ‘VD’ (passed) on your VU transcript. This is only the case if you received approval from the examination board for these courses. The grades from the courses you obtained abroad don't count towards your VU grade average.

    If you have questions about processing the credits, please contact the Educational Office of your faculty. 

  • Post-payment Erasmus+ scholarship

    • Students with an Erasmus+ scholarship will need to upload their final Learning Agreement. If your courses changed during your exchange, you have to upload the approval of the examination board with your Learning Agreement. This is for the post-payment of your scholarship (30%). 
    • You will also need to complete the Erasmus+ report form online. This is in addition to the report that you are required to write for VU Amsterdam. You will receive an automated email about this. 
  • Unpack your Study Abroad Programme

    Do you think you learned a lot and gained better insights about yourself during your time abroad? Or do you think everything stayed the same? Whatever your feeling is, find out more about how the exchange programme actually affected you by finalizing all assignments in the Canvas Group Unpack your Study Abroad. You might surprise yourself. And don’t forget to use the knowledge you gained about yourself when applying for a job or a Master's programme.

  • Become a Student Ambassador for Exchange

    Did you have an amazing experience studying abroad and would you like to enable other VU students to make the same step? Then join our student ambassador team and become part of a group of students from different faculties and backgrounds, who are passionate about studying abroad. Advise other VU students in their decision making, tell them about your best practices during VU events and share your experiences with them 1 on 1.

    Does this sound interesting to you? Then send an email to to learn more about the possibilities!

  • Share your experiences during the next Study Abroad Weeks

    Would you like to share your experiences with other VU students but you’re not ready to become an ambassador (yet)? Then make sure to let us know that you would be willing to give a short presentation about your exchange experiences during the next Study Abroad Weeks. We are looking for students from a diversity of backgrounds to join our panel. Students from all backgrounds are welcome to join us and we especially encourage students from minority backgrounds to share their experiences. If you’re interested in motivating other VU students to study abroad, please send an email to and we will get in contact with you.

Outgoing Student Exchange Team

+31 (0)20 59 85745 (between 10:00 - 12:00, Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

Do you have a question? Mail us!

Consultation hour (walk-in, no appointment required):
Every Tuesday between 12:30 - 13:30 in the Global Room (HG-1A36). Please note: There will be no consultation hour on Tuesday, 23 July. 

Zoom consultation hour: 

to make an appointment please use this link

Emergency number for VU exchange students abroad: +31 (0) 20 6444117. This is the VU-wide emergency number. Emergencies for example include natural disasters, assault and (mental) health issues.