- Annotate PRO: online feedback library
- MS Copilot: VU licensed AI chatbot
- FeedbackFruits
- Assignment Review: teacher feedback for assignments
- Automated Feedback: automatic feedback on writing for spelling, grammar, structure, indexing and referencing
- Comprehension of Document: assignments to support comprehension of texts
- Discussion on Work: peer and teacher feedback during assignments
- Group Formation Tool: create groups based on preferences or characteristics
- Group Member Evaluation: peer feedback for collaboration assignments
- Interactive Document: interactive document assignments
- Interactive Video: interactive video assignments
- Peer Review: peer feedback for assignments
- Self-Assessment of Skills: reviewing own skills
- Self-Assessment of Work: reviewing own assignments
- Skill Review: teacher feedback for skills
- Google Apps for Education: online collaboration
- Kdenlive: advanced video editing software
- Mentimeter: online voting
- Ouriginal (previously Urkund): plagiarism detection: Please note: Ouriginal will go offline.
- Padlet: online canvas and brainstorming
- Panopto: video in education
- Perusall: interactive document assignments
- Similarity: the new application for plagiarism detection.
- Smart Search Canvas: searchfunctionality to find published content in Canvas. Canvas Smart Search searches through: pages, announcements, discussion prompts and assignment descriptions. It does not find files, unpublished content or other materials you do not have access to.
- VU Reading Lists: create and share literature reading lists
- MS Teams: videoconferencing and collaboration platform
- Wikiwijs: online open textbook development and publication (more info via steunpunt leermaterialen)
- Writefull: Word/Overleaf add-in to support academic writing
- Zoom: videoconferencing
To browse and filter all tools based on, for example, application or ease of use, you can use the VU Education Lab Knowledgebase.