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Digital learning environment

Digital learning environment (DLE) is the term used to refer to all the digital support for conducting education by lecturers and students. Find out more about the different components of VU's digital learning environment here.

Active blended learning requires optimal support of the learning process with powerful digital tools. They make the teachers' and students' work both engaging and effective in order to achieve optimal didactic educational design and implementation.

In VU's DLE, the learning management system (LMS) Canvas plays a key role. Read on this specific page what you can do with Canvas as a teacher.

Many other educational systems are linked to Canvas so that students and teachers can work in a single transparent environment. However, there are sometimes separate systems or processes. Below, you will find all teaching tools available within VU categorised. The VU Education Lab Knowledgebase allows you to filter the tools based on, for example, application or user-friendliness. You can click through for technical instructions, how-to's, didactic ideas and more.