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Transform your qualitative data into an overview!

Qualitative Analysis: from Interviews to Results

This course will help prepare and transform findings into a clear and relevant overview, which forms a crucial part of carrying out PhD or postdoctoral research.

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Students will prepare and transform their findings into a clear and relevant overview, which is essential for conducting PhD research.

  • Course days: TBA
  • Attendance: online only
  • Course level: Master's, PhD candidates, and professionals from all disciplines
  • See the course curriculum 
  • Coordinating lecturer: Christine Teelken
  • Forms of tuition: interactive seminars
  • Language of tuition: English
  • Forms of assessment: written exam
  • Equivalent to 2 ECTS
  • Contact hours: 15

We are here to help!

Feel free to contact us anytime.


  • Yota
  • Programme Coordinator
  • Celia
  • Summer and Winter School Officer
Celia VU Amsterdam Summer & Winter School
  • Esther
  • Summer and Winter School Officer