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Effectively design office, service, or healthcare value streams

Masterclass Design for Flow in Office/Service/Healthcare

Improving the flow of value is a key element in the quest for Operational Excellence in office/service/healthcare environments. This is a major theme in Lean/TPS (Toyota Production System) as a business strategy, but it’s not always easy to implement.

This unique masterclass shows how to effectively design office/service/healthcare value streams and achieve breakthrough results: 

Traditional office/service operations are set up with a process-based layout: employees, individually or in departments, are isolated islands of high efficiency, separated by uncontrolled inventory and queues, as a result of a ‘push’ logic to move the work, and organized as resources shared across different value streams. Work is often ‘invisible’ and not repetitive.

This masterclass provides a comprehensive and proven approach to designing value streams in non-manufacturing environments based on an adaptation of the methodology of Rother and Shook. Applying this Business Process Value Stream Design approach has resulted in lead-time improvements of more than 75%. A key element is not to look for waste to eliminate but to ‘design’ a future state value stream based on lean guidelines for flow and then determine which improvement initiatives are needed to reach this improved state.

We will share many practical examples. A hands-on case study and a simulation game will give you the opportunity to learn in practice how to design value streams.

This course will encourage you to apply what you’ve learned to your own work environment.

This course is part of our ‘EE Educational Series in Operations Management and Analytics’ and a follow-up to the 3-day course “Lean/Operational Excellence"

Masterclass Design for Flow in Office/Service/Healthcare course:

  • Start date: October 2023
  • Duration: 6 days
  • Dates: 
    • Monday, Oct 30; Tuesday, Oct 31; Wednesday, Nov 1; Thursday, Nov 2; Friday, Nov 3. 
      • Mon from 13:30-17:30, Tue-Thu from 09:00-17:30, Fri from 09:00-12:30. 
    • Day 6 (report presentation) will be scheduled after the course starts.
  • Format: Physical lectures at the VU
  • Costs: €2,800



Want to know more?

Get in contact!

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NU-gebouw)
De Boelelaan 1111
