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CLUE+ The Interfaculty Research Institute for Culture, Cognition, History and Heritage

CLUE+ is the interfaculty research institute at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam that connects researchers at various stages of their career. We combine a wide variety of academic disciplines and focus on culture, cognition, history and heritage. Together, we study, define and tackle some of the most pressing societal issues of today.

Using an interdisciplinary approach, CLUE+ focuses on global connectedness and addresses sustainability and governance challenges aligned with the VU profile themes. We use novel and innovative methods in research and development and foster an inspiring research community that welcomes everyone, from early-stage academics to experienced researchers.

Everyone has a mission. Ours begins by engaging with society through collaborative research. Want to learn more? Click here.

CLUE+ in a Nutshell

“CLUE+ strongly cherishes a societal perspective. I’m talking about the most relevant societal issues of today. Migration, the environment, sustainability, globalization, digitization – the digitized world. The Connected World actually. These are the major issues that we study. Issues that cannot do with a traditional disciplinary perspective only", according to director Sjoerd Kluiving. Look at a couple of our interdisciplinary projects.

Highlighted Projects

More about CLUE+

We would love to hear from you

For any questions regarding the CLUE+ Research Institute, contact our secretary Hilde Van den Berghe