We regret to inform you that, due to government budget cuts, CLUE+ will cease to exist. As a result, this website will be taken down as of April 1, 2025. We appreciate your support and thank you for being part of our journey.
Our CLUE+ researchers lead or participate in extensive national and international collaborations, including informal academic networks and formal consortiums, with public partners (e.g. heritage boards, governmental institutions, municipalities) and private ones (e.g. SMEs, NGOs, foundations). Most of the formal collaborations concern joint participation in research projects and programme grants (e.g. NWO, Hera, Marie Curie ITN, Templeton World Charity Foundation), joint papers and conferences, exchange of PhD candidates and staff, software and data exchange, policy development, or consultancy. To further facilitate consortium and network building with international partners, CLUE+ funding facilitates seminars, conferences and network meetings, and active participation in international research agendas and calls.
CLUE+ has five programmes in which several (research) activities are being organised. As a member you will participate in one or two of our programmes. For more information about our programmes and its directors please click here.