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This page provides an overview of CLUE+ published series.

Read more about CLUES, Journal of European Landscapes and Landscape and Heritage Studies.

Series CLUE+


    CLUES is an international scientific series in the fields of culture, history and heritage. It covers PhD studies, scientific reports of contract research, conference proceedings, etc. which have been written by, or were performed under the supervision of, members of the research institute CLUE+. The series is published by Sidestone Press. No new CLUES issues will be published, the last issue was completed in 2021.

    There are six CLUES issues, the latest of which was published in April 2021: 

    Door de lens van de landschapsbiografie (2015) - Read more and order   

    Interdisciplinarity Between Humanities and Science (2017) - Read more and order   

    Treasures in Trusted Hands (2017) - Read more and order   

    Reframing Luchino Visconti (2018) - Read more and order   

    Unhinging the National Framework: Platform for Life Writing and Transnationalism (2020) - Read more and order   

    Environmental Humanities: A Rethinking of Landscape Archaeology? (2021) - Read more and order   

  • Journal of European Landscapes

    The Journal of European Landscapes (JEL) stimulates and promotes both empirical research and reflexive thinking on the history and heritage of the landscapes of Europe. 

    As a result of growing economic interdependence and political integration, Europe becomes ever more important as a spatial framework for research. This is particularly true for landscape research. The development of landscapes is highly dependent on the politics of the European Union. Policies on landscape and heritage are increasingly influenced by international cooperation. As a result, there is a growing awareness of the European dimensions of landscape and heritage. 

    For disciplines with a geographical dimension, such as archaeology, landscape and heritage, this results in comparative research in regions in Europe and, sometimes, in research on Europe as a whole. Although landscape is a theme that is increasingly studied on a European level (in fact, landscape is often described as a typical European theme), there is no other journal that focuses on European landscapes.  


    Journal of European Landscapes 1 (2020) - View issue 
    Journal of European Landscapes 2 (2021) - View issue
    Journal of European Landscapes 3 (2022) - View issue

    Call for Papers 

    The Journal of European Landscapes is accepting manuscripts for publications now! Publications include original papers, book reviews and project reports. 

    The journal focuses on international comparative studies, publishing papers that cover at least two or more European countries. JEL welcomes contributions on rural, urban and industrial landscapes from all disciplines, with a focus on the areas of history, archaeology, geography, and heritage.  

    Authors Guidelines can be found on the JEL website here.

    Editorial Team 

    Arjan Conijn, MA 

    Dr. Linde Egberts, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 

    Mara de Groot, MA, Leiden University 

    Prof. Dr. Jan Kolen, Leiden University 

    Prof. Dr. Hans Renes, Utrecht University and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Editor in Chief) 

    Dr. Amy Strecker, Leiden University 

    Editorial Board 

    Prof. Dr. Ellen Braae, University of Copenhagen 

    Prof. Dr. Veerle van Eetvelde, Ghent University 

    Prof. Dr. Carola Hein, Delft University of Technology 

    Dr. Sjoerd Kluiving, VU Amsterdam 

    Prof. Dr. Thomas Meier, University of Heidelberg 

    Prof. Dr. Hannes Palang, Tallinn University 

    Dr. Stefano Piastra, Università di Bologna 

    Prof. Dr. Sam Turner, Newcastle University 

    Dr. Magali Watteaux, Université de Rennes  

    More Information 

    For more information, visit the JEL website.  

  • Landscape and Heritage Studies

    Landscape and Heritage Studies (LHS) is an English-language series about the history, heritage and transformation of the natural and cultural landscapes and built environment. The series aims at the promotion of new directions as well as the rediscovery and exploration of lost tracks in landscape and heritage research. The series is published in collaboration with Amsterdam University Press.  


    Currently, five issues have been published. For more information about the issues Landscape and Heritage Studies issues and ordering, visit Amsterdam University Press


    Amsterdam University Press 

    c/o Inge van der Bijl 

    Nieuwe Prinsengracht 89 

    1018 VR Amsterdam 

    The Netherlands 


    Editorial secretariat LHS 

    Hilde Van den Berghe

    T 020 59 82876 



    Editorial Board 

    Prof. dr. Gert-Jan Burgers, VU University 

    Dr. Linde Egberts, VU University 

    Rita van der Schriek-Hermans MA, VU University (secretary to the editorial board) 

    Dr. Sjoerd Kluiving, VU University 

    Dr. Freek Schmidt, VU University