We regret to inform you that, due to government budget cuts, CLUE+ will cease to exist. As a result, this website will be taken down as of April 1, 2025. We appreciate your support and thank you for being part of our journey.
When we research culture, cognition, history and heritage, we learn how societies function and develop. By exploring key aspects of these disciplines, we gain insight into how contemporary challenges are framed and managed. Our mission is to facilitate this process from research to practice.
The interfaculty research institute CLUE+ is a catalyst for research and engagement. We invite researchers at various stages of their career and from a wide variety of academic disciplines to reflect on societal challenges, to investigate vital issues in a multidisciplinary setting and to formulate strategies and solutions.
As people come together, they learn and grow. That is why we focus on global connectedness in accordance with the VU profile theme ‘Connected World’. CLUE+ researchers address key topics ranging from the political history of transnational trade to social aspects of contemporary decolonisation and the relationship between local heritage and international climate mitigation planning.
How do we achieve our goals? Three concrete strategies lie at the heart of our mission.
1. Creating an academic community based on collaborative inspiration
Interdisciplinary research provides a broad overview of societal challenges. Our various collaborations give rise to novel insights and innovative methodologies. We inspire each other and our researchers can have a profound impact.
2. Bringing people together from across the world
CLUE+ empowers through connection by organising activities such as seminars, roundtables and workshops as well as many online activities designed to foster global connectedness.
Want to engage with CLUE+? Read more about our activities.
3. Supporting research, networking and talent development
Our funding programmes and international outlook make CLUE+ an ideal partner not only for academic institutes across the world but also for public and cultural organisations within Europe and beyond.
Ready to discover CLUE+?
Your research journey starts today. For questions about funding, contact clue@vu.nl. We are always happy to help. Additional funding opportunities are imminent. Check our website to stay up to date.