We regret to inform you that, due to government budget cuts, CLUE+ will cease to exist. As a result, this website will be taken down as of April 1, 2025. We appreciate your support and thank you for being part of our journey.
Board CLUE+
- Prof. dr. René van Woudenberg (Humanities)
- Prof. dr. Frank van der Duijn Schouten a.i. (Religion and Theology)
- Prof. dr. Aletta Kraneveld (Science)
- Prof. mr. Frank van Ommeren (Law)
- Prof. dr. Arjen van Witteloostuijn (Business and Economics)
- Prof. dr. Gregor Halff (Social Sciences)
Director CLUE+
Management Team CLUE+
- Dr. Evelien de Hoop and Dr. Sjoerd Kluiving (Inclusive Landscape Transformations)
- Dr. Kristine Steenbergh and Dr. Erin la Cour (Environmental and Health Humanities)
- Prof. dr. Susie Protschky (Globalisation, Capitalism, Colonialism)
- Dr. Ab Flipse and Prof. dr. Marije Martijn (Knowledge in Context)
- Dr. Hans Alma and Dr. Gertie Blaauwendraad (Traces of the Transcendent)
Hilde Van den Berghe
Advisory Board CLUE+
- Prof. dr. Piek Vossen (Humanities)
- Prof. dr. Pál Nyiri (Humanities)
- Prof. dr. Johan Koppenol (Humanities)
- Prof. dr. Lieven Decock (Humanities)
- Prof. dr. Katya Tolstaya (Religion and Theology)
- Prof. dr. Mirjam van Veen (Religion and Theology)
- Prof. dr. Aletta Kraneveld (Science)
- Prof. dr. ir. Hans Berends (Law)
Visiting address
VU Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands