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Literature and Society

Literatuur en samenleving

Ontdek de kracht van verhalen op de maatschappij

Als je voor de track Literature and Society: English aan de VU kiest, ga je natuurlijk niet alléén boeken lezen. Je leert met een kritische blik te lezen en hoe je verschillende theorieën uit het structuralisme, postmodernisme, feminisme en post kolonialisme toepast. Je gaat je verdiepen in de visuele vertalingen van boeken als film, televisie series, stripboeken en illustraties uit boeken. 19e -eeuwse romans bevatten vaak illustraties en de fans van de Game of Thrones televisieserie hebben waarschijnlijk ook de boeken gelezen. Ook hier geldt weer, het een beïnvloedt het ander.  

Waarom worden sommige boeken gezien als literatuur en zijn anderen juist gemarginaliseerd? Een interessant vraagstuk als je dat vanuit sociaal maatschappelijk standpunt bekijkt. Tijdens de opleiding kijk je naar je eigen cultuur en ontrafel je hoe cultuur alles om je heen direct beïnvloedt. Je leert hoe je op je eigen standpunten kunt reflecteren, discussieert over de cultuur waarin je bent opgegroeid en waarmee je je omringt en bekijkt waar je meningen vandaan komen en waar ze op gebaseerd zijn. Zo leer je vanuit verschillende perspectieven te kijken naar de wereld om je heen.

Tijdens de opleiding leer je hoe je op een academische en creatieve manier schrijft. Je leert je eigen stem te vinden, hoe je feedback over je werk ontvangt en geeft en leert tevens het proces van publiceren kennen.

De bacheloropleiding is Engelstalig en dat betekent dat je colleges volgt met zowel internationale als Nederlandse studenten. Het is een unieke studie die zich focust op literatuur en daarnaast aandacht geeft aan taalkunde. Ben je een gepassioneerde lezer, kritische denker en wil je de invloed van een verhaal op de maatschappij begrijpen? Dan is de bachelor track Literature and Society: English iets voor jou.

De startdatum van deze opleiding is 1 september.

Studie in cijfers

The first year

You will engage in various reading techniques, research methods and learn to write English at an academic level. You will get an overview of the major literary movements and dive into the wide range of classic literature, from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" (including the movie) to Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby," and unravel that text from fifteen different theoretical perspectives. You will read books by American and British writers such as Chaucer, Austen, Conrad and from other English-speaking countries, for example, by the Nigerian writer Chimamanda Adichie.


  • English Language Test
  • Literary Theory
  • Literature, Culture and Society
  • Orientation Literature and Society 1
  • Academic English CIS-L&S Grammar
  • Academic Skills 1
  • Genre and Literary Analysis
  • Academic English CIS-L&S Writing
  • Academic Skills 2
  • Creative Writing L&S
  • Literature and Globalization
  • Orientation Literature and Society 2
  • Life writing
  • English: International Communication
  • Shakespeare on Film

This year's complete course schedule can be found in the Studyguide.

The second year

In this year you will receive a historical overview of literature, ranging from Renaissance texts to the present. You examine different genres and countries of origin and investigate why, for example, novels and poems have a certain status and comic books and fan fiction do not. You will learn to be a creative writer yourself, get to work with different writing styles and become acquainted with the process of editing and publishing. One of your projects will be creating a literary magazine, together with your fellow students.


  • Global English
  • Transatlantic Travel Writing
  • American Literature 1914-present
  • Presentation
  • Pronunciation
  • Writing 2
  • Philosophy CIS-L&S-MKDA
  • Early Modern Literature and Ecocriticism
  • History of Knowledge
  • Creative Writing and the Publishing Industry
  • British Literature 1900-present
  • Novel and Identity: Women Writers in the Eighteenth Century

This year's complete course schedule can be found in the Studyguide.

The third year

The third year is all about your specialization. You can study in an English-speaking country for five months, choose a minor from another bachelor's program or intern at a publishing house, bookstore or other literary organization. In the second semester you will write your bachelor thesis on a topic related to one of the two specializations: English Literature in a changing world or English literature in a visual culture.


  • Bachelor Thesis Literature and Society English
  • Literature in a Changing World 1
  • Literature in a Visual Culture 1
  • Literature in a Changing World 2
  • Literature in a Visual Culture 2
  • Career Orientation

This year's complete course schedule can be found in the Studyguide.

  • 1st year

    The first year

    You will engage in various reading techniques, research methods and learn to write English at an academic level. You will get an overview of the major literary movements and dive into the wide range of classic literature, from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" (including the movie) to Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby," and unravel that text from fifteen different theoretical perspectives. You will read books by American and British writers such as Chaucer, Austen, Conrad and from other English-speaking countries, for example, by the Nigerian writer Chimamanda Adichie.


    • English Language Test
    • Literary Theory
    • Literature, Culture and Society
    • Orientation Literature and Society 1
    • Academic English CIS-L&S Grammar
    • Academic Skills 1
    • Genre and Literary Analysis
    • Academic English CIS-L&S Writing
    • Academic Skills 2
    • Creative Writing L&S
    • Literature and Globalization
    • Orientation Literature and Society 2
    • Life writing
    • English: International Communication
    • Shakespeare on Film

    This year's complete course schedule can be found in the Studyguide.

  • 2nd year

    The second year

    In this year you will receive a historical overview of literature, ranging from Renaissance texts to the present. You examine different genres and countries of origin and investigate why, for example, novels and poems have a certain status and comic books and fan fiction do not. You will learn to be a creative writer yourself, get to work with different writing styles and become acquainted with the process of editing and publishing. One of your projects will be creating a literary magazine, together with your fellow students.


    • Global English
    • Transatlantic Travel Writing
    • American Literature 1914-present
    • Presentation
    • Pronunciation
    • Writing 2
    • Philosophy CIS-L&S-MKDA
    • Early Modern Literature and Ecocriticism
    • History of Knowledge
    • Creative Writing and the Publishing Industry
    • British Literature 1900-present
    • Novel and Identity: Women Writers in the Eighteenth Century

    This year's complete course schedule can be found in the Studyguide.

  • 3rd

    The third year

    The third year is all about your specialization. You can study in an English-speaking country for five months, choose a minor from another bachelor's program or intern at a publishing house, bookstore or other literary organization. In the second semester you will write your bachelor thesis on a topic related to one of the two specializations: English Literature in a changing world or English literature in a visual culture.


    • Bachelor Thesis Literature and Society English
    • Literature in a Changing World 1
    • Literature in a Visual Culture 1
    • Literature in a Changing World 2
    • Literature in a Visual Culture 2
    • Career Orientation

    This year's complete course schedule can be found in the Studyguide.

Verander je toekomst met de studie Literature and Society

Verander je toekomst met de studie Literature and Society

Na de bacheloropleiding kun je je specialiseren door een masteropleiding te volgen.

Als afgestudeerd literatuur expert kun je aan de slag als docent, redacteur, vertaler, uitgever, assistent-onderzoeker bij de overheid, non-profit organisaties, scholen, literaire evenementenbureaus of je wordt zelfstandig ondernemer. 

Ontdek je toekomstperspectief
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