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Course: Successful communication in English 2 oktober 2023 - 30 november 2023

The course Successful communication in English is intended for study advisors and other support staff who need to communicate with (international) students and colleagues in English. We focus on the conversations you have in in your daily practice.

Dates & location

November/December 2023, dates to be decided. The in-class sessions will be taught at VU campus.

Registration & contact



  • 4 in-class sessions of 2 hours
  • 4 weeks self-study in the online course MOOC English Pronunciation in a Global World
  • assessment of learner progress
  • group size: max 5 participants | course materials included
  • certification upon completion of the course (course attendance and course work)
  • taught by the Centre for Global English, Faculty of Humanities, VU Amsterdam
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Over Course: Successful communication in English


  • 2 oktober 2023 - 30 november 2023

Georganiseerd door

  • Centre for Global English


  • Engels

Successful communication in English

Course oct-nov 2023

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