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Outstanding results for Physics and Astronomy in 2024 National Student Survey

19 June 2024
The Physics and Astronomy department is thrilled to share the exceptional results of the 2024 Nationale Studenten Enquête (NSE; National Student Survey) for the Bachelor in Physics and Astronomy. The NSE is a comprehensive, nationwide survey that gathers students' opinions on their course programmes and institutions, providing invaluable insights into the quality of Dutch higher education.

Highlights from the 2024 NSE results

The Bachelor in Natuur- en Sterrenkunde (Physics and Astronomy) program has achieved remarkable recognition, standing out prominently among all Dutch physics, physics and astronomy, and astronomy Bachelor programmes. Here are the highlights of the achievements:

  • Highest Score Overall: they received the highest overall satisfaction score among all Dutch physics, physics and astronomy, and astronomy Bachelor programmes.
  • Highest score nationally for their teachers
  • Highest score nationally for study guidance.
  • Highest score nationally for connecting students to potential career paths.

These accomplishments proves their commitment to providing an exceptional educational experience and supporting their students' academic and professional growth.

Join Us

If you are considering a career in physics and astronomy, the department invites you to explore their top-ranked Bachelor in Natuur- en Sterrenkunde program at VU Amsterdam. Experience firsthand the outstanding education, guidance, and career opportunities that set us apart.

The department is involved in teaching in the programs Physics and Astronomy (joint degree with the University of Amsterdam), Science Business and Innovation, Medical Natural Sciences (all three BSc and MSc), and the BSc program in Mechanical Engineering (together with University of Twente).

For more information about the department, please visit the website