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Positive review enrollment process plus recommendation to prevent no-show

28 November 2023
An evaluation of the current enrollment process for courses and exams was conducted again among education offices and student administration, as respondents. The previous measurement dates back to 2021, when the registration regulation was revamped. The evaluation report focuses on three main areas: registration and deregistration deadlines, automated registration for exams and the late placement process.

Registration and deregistration deadlines 
Respondents appreciate the registration deadlines, adjusted in 2021, more than the deregistration deadlines for both courses and exams. Although automatic registration for exams is viewed positively, there are concerns about the growing number of no shows: students who, despite a registration, do not show up. There are calls for more clarity among students about deregistration procedures and an evaluation of deregistration deadlines. 

Automated registration for exams 
Automatic registration for the exam after course registration is received with positive feedback. If a student gets a failing grade on the first exam, he/she is automatically registered for the resit. This removes a lot of manual labor from the Educational Office, but leads to issues elsewhere in the logistics chain, such as more no shows. More control over student deregistrations is an intervention high on the agenda in 2024. 

Late placement 
The automated late placement process, intended for students who are late in signing in, is rated more positively than it was in 2021. At the time, there were some pain points, such as room overbookings and scheduling conflicts. These have been addressed in 2022. Respondents indicated they are now very satisfied with automatic processing of late placement requests. 

The report highlights the ongoing need for evaluation and improvements, especially with regard to student awareness of the implications of signing in, procedural clarity and reducing no shows. For specific problems, the expertise of the Educational Tracking Expert Group is called upon. 

Read more about registration and deregistration for courses and exams.