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VU Narrowcasting

Last updated on 11 March 2024
The VU Narrowcasting network allows you to reach students, staff and visitors at the VU campus with a message on monitors, a beamer, the coffee machines or toilet posters.

At VU Amsterdam, we have several platforms to display your message: (landscape and portrait) screens, coffee machine displays, a beamer, a LED bar and posters in the washrooms. Depending on the message and budget, we can help you choose the most suitable means. Specific delivery specifications apply for the different platforms. All supplied texts and images must comply with the VU house style and guidelines.

VU Narrowcasting is meant for a wide audience. Consider whether the message is intended for a broad target group of staff and students. Narrowcasting is generally less suitable for an audience of less than 1000 people. 

For advice on deployment of VU narrowcasting (or any other communication ool) and the strength of the message, please contact Communication & Marketing. Reach us at

Monitors and projections

  • When to choose monitors or projections?


    Portrait and landscape screens spread across the campus 

    • Free of charge and low-threshold. The message is displayed for a maximum of 3 weeks. 
    • Suitable for short messages. The screens are quickly viewed in passing; therefore choose little text and appealing images. Use a QR code or a shortened url where more information can be found. Maximum 1 slide per application or a second slide in English. 
    • Target audience: students and/or employees. 

    Beamer and screen in central hall of the Main building (A-spot and B-spot) 

    Projection on the ground in the central foyer (B-spot) and horizontal screen in the central foyer(A-spot) 

    • The A-spot and B-spot can be reserved to showcase content while standing on the designated spot. Ideal for activities such as promoting events, selling tickets or hosting specific engagements. 
    • The screen (A-spot) shows the regular VU-narrowcasting images (News ticker), but can interrupt the playlist with your own images or video. 
    • Physical spot (separate from narrowcasting) can be reserved at Servicedesk FCO ( Narrowcasting on A-spot or B-spot can be requested free of charge via the Audiovisual Centre (AVC)

    LED bar 

    Screen above white counter in central hall of the Main building.

    • Under certain circumstances (e.g. if you are organising a conference), a specific text message can be displayed here.  
    • If you would like to use the LED bar, please contact the Servicedesk FCO at:
  • Planning

    The screens are updated weekly.

    When submitting content, please indicate how long you would like it to be displayed (no more than 3 weeks). It is also possible to display certain kinds of content for a longer period, for instance as part of a campaign. In this case we recommend that you change the image and text regularly. Get in touch with us as at to discuss the possibilities.

  • Submission guidelines

    Content can be submitted to

    For the horizontal screens

    • VU Amsterdam announcements (including from VU partners), addressed to students, staff and visitors.
    • Texts should be as short as possible (title max. 45 characters, message max. 150 characters).
    • Possibly a short URL or QR code to a website (max. 35 characters).
    • An image of 1920x1080 pixels (16x9, landscape). Note that the image will be partly covered by a text box on either the left or right half of the screen, so make sure the subject is visible in one half. The image should comply with VU Amsterdam’s image guidelines.
    • A maximum of two slides per message: for example, one slide in English and one in Dutch.
    • Once you have submitted your content, we will enter it into the correct template.

    For the vertical screens (only for students/events)

    • Messages to and from students. There are no rules for the layout and design. Submit the final slide, including layout.
    • A vertical image of 1080x1920 pixels (9x16, portrait).
      The text must be included in this image. Make sure the publication is in accordance with our guidelines, as described above.
    • A maximum of two slides per message: for example, one slide in English and one in Dutch.

    For the projector

    • Projector slots must be booked with FCO Service Desk through
    • One or several images of 1024 x 768 pixels (4x3).
    • There are no rules for the layout and design, except for official university communications, which must be consistent with VU Amsterdam’s corporate identity (see guidelines for horizontal screens).
  • Image guidelines

    • Keep the general VU house style and guidelines in mind, as described above.
    • Realistic, documentary-style photography. Images may show people in a setting appropriate to the story you want to tell. More information at the VU Brandportal
    • Images must be in the public domain. If you want to use copyrighted images, you must be able to submit proof that you have the right to use them.
    • The VU Narrowcasting team has editorial control over all content that is displayed. We reserve the right to reject images and to shorten and alter texts (by mutual agreement) at our discretion.
    • Use of VU Narrowcasting is free, but it is not a right.
    • Images are shown on either the horizontal or vertical screens, not both.
    • In consultation, a video can be published on the monitors as well.  Send your request to to discuss the options.
  • Screen locations

    Horizontal screens

    The horizontal narrowcasting screens are all located on the ground floor of VU Amsterdam buildings. Screens not listed here are managed by other owners (such as the Green Office or StudentenD0k).

    If you submit content in landscape format, it will automatically be displayed on all horizontal screens. It is also possible to display an image on one screen only, for instance if the content is intended for students of a particular programme.

    Vertical screens

    • at the main entrance of the Main Building
    • by the group of six lifts in the Main Building

    Projector in the foyer (B-spot)

    If you reserve the B-spot in the foyer, you can have an image or video displayed on the floor. The image or video will be displayed only when there is someone present at B-spot, in 4:3 projector ratio. Deliver your content in time and indicate when someone will be present at the B-spot.

    Screen in the foyer (A-spot)

    This screen normally shows the regular VU Narrowcasting programming, but if you reserve the A-spot you can interrupt the playlist with your own content (images or videos). Content will be displayed in 16:9 widescreen ratio (use landscape template). To avoid screen burn-in, provide moving content. This could be two or more alternating images, or a video. The images or video will be displayed only when there is someone present at the A-spot. Deliver your content in time and indicate when someone will be present at the A-spot.

    LED bar

    Messages can also be displayed on the LED bar above the white counter in the central foyer. This is only possible under certain circumstances (for instance if you are organising a conference). If you would like to use the LED bar, please contact the FCO Service Desk at

  • Screen malfunctions

    Do you see a screen that is not working properly? For all technical questions and to report malfunctions or defects, you can contact the Audiovisual Centre (AVC). This includes all narrowcasting, including the light projections on the windows on both sides of the New University building.

Displays on coffee machines

  • When to choose narrowcasting via coffee machines?

    • Limited availability and intended for VU-wide messages only. VU Narrowcasting maintains control and advises on the appropriate means of communication. 
    • Planning per month: message is displayed for a whole month and must remain relevant throughout this month. 
    • Effective reach: the displays are well viewed by both students and staff while waiting for the hot beverage from the vending machine. There are 130 vending machines spread across the campus, both at restricted office areas and in public areas frequented by students.
    • Coffee machine displays can be used against a payment. This costs 365 euros per message (sheet), including the design and placesment by Designstudio..
  • Submission guidelines

    Submit your application at If there is no availability, other resources may be suggested.  

    You can choose the screensaver (max 5 messages) or the display during preparation of the beverage (1 message). This is done in consultation with VU Narrowcasting. 

    Due to planning and formatting, input should be provided well in advance. After the request is approved, the final image and text should be emailed to by the 15th of the month before it is posted. Please mention the cost centre in your request. 


    We use a template. Check the information to check how much text you can supply, how the image looks, etc.

    Type of announcement

    • VU-wide announcements for both staff and students.
    • Short, catchy English text (bilingual posters are allowed).
    • No (commercial) promotions at catering outlets/shops.
    • Communication and image must not violate the VU code of conduct.
    • Write your message so that it remains current and relevant throughout the month. 

    Form and style

    • Direction on content is provided by C&M. Layout and placement on the vending machines is provided by the Design Studio according to fixed templates. When providing content (images and text), please adhere to the VU corporate identity and guidelines, as described at the top of the page.
    • If an affiliated party is co-dispatcher, the logo of this party will also be placed. Affiliated party's house style is negotiable.
    • At least one (royalty-free) image.
    • Reference to relevant VU web page (via QR code or shortened URL).
    • Message must be relevant throughout the month.

Toilet posters

  • When to opt for toilet posters?

    • Limited availability; request must be made in advance. 
    • Very effective outreach to both staff and students: distributed in all toilet cubicles across the Main building, W&N building, Initium, MF building, BelleVUe, Transitorium, and New University Building. A total of 1090 posters, typically divided into two messages. 
    • Message is displayed for a whole month and must remain relevant throughout this month. Planning for toilet posters is combined with the coffee displays to ensure better consistency. Contact for more information. 
    • Also suitable for slightly more elaborate messages (more text), as long as it is a visually appealing image in the VU house style. 
    • Cost indication:
      • Layout: Toolbox (free) or via Design studio (request price from Design studio)
      • Printing costs: 545 copies cost €192.00, 1090 copies cost €350.00
      • Placement costs: more than 50 units €1.61 per copy
      • For external parties, the mentioned prices are subject to VAT.

    Alternatives to toilet posters

    In addition to the mentioned means, there are various options to display a message on the VU Campus, such as posters in advertising display boards, distributing flyers, or hanging posters in public display areas. For the design of products, you can contact the VU Design studio.

    VU Narrowcasting can also provide advice on various communication tools.

  • Submission guidelines

    Submit your application at If there is no availability, other resources may be suggested.  

    Type of message

    • VU-wide announcements for both staff and students.
    • Short, impactful English text (bilingual posters are allowed).
    • No (commercial) promotions for food and beverage establishments/shops.
    • Messages and images may not contradict the VU Code of Conduct.
    • Craft your message to remain current and relevant throughout the entire month.

    Form and style

    • VU corporate identity and guidelines (layout and imagery) is mandatory.
    • If an affiliated party is a co-sender, their logo will also be included. The corporate identity of the affiliated party is negotiable.
    • Avoid placing text in corners to allow space for magnets.
    • Include at least one (royalty-free) image.
    • Reference the relevant VU webpage (via QR code or shortened URL).
    • Poster size: A3 portrait.
    • Print file (with trim lines) should be digitally submitted to VU Narrowcasting, along with a cost centre, one week before the end of the month.

VU Narrowcasting