In methodically structured conversations, you get a better and better picture of your development as an educational leader. What (educational) vision are you guided by? What personal strengths can you use (even better)? What do the team and the organizational context demand of you? And how can you translate the insights from this analysis into concrete steps in your personal and professional leadership development?
During the program you will be fed with new scientific insights from interesting guest speakers. As a participant, you will have the opportunity to learn fresh and exciting perspectives on leadership and translate them into your own context. In an inspiring exchange with the VU scientists and with the other participants, you will learn from and with each other and immediately apply the newly acquired insights in your personal quest for effective leadership. In the harvest session, all participants will present their learning outcomes.
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A compact and powerful interdisciplinary programme
Teacher trainer: Kerstin Hämmerling
Kerstin Hämmerling is a teacher trainer at the VU Centre for Teaching and Learning involved in various programmes in the areas of leadership, didactics and Mixed Classroom.
"The question of how we learn and develop fascinates me. Through decades of research on education and leadership, we now understand so many things. The challenge remains to connect these insights to our practice and create a stronger awareness of where we are, what our strengths are and where our challenges lie. I believe in personal and professional growth through inspiration, exchange and reflection and want to provide opportunities for this in my programmes."

Teacher trainer: Karen van Oyen
Karen van Oyen is teacher trainer/education specialist at the VU Centre for Teaching and Learning.

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