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Are you interested in people, language and language teaching or people, language and artificial intelligence? Then the pre-master’s programme in Linguistics is the perfect fit for you.

If you do not fully meet the admission requirements for the Master’s programme in Linguistics but you are interested in language, the pre-master’s programme in Linguistics at VU Amsterdam is tailor-made for you. Check whether you meet the admission requirements and apply.

Check whether you meet the admission requirements and apply

  • Admission requirements

    Based on your prior education, the Admissions Committee will decide whether you can be admitted to a pre-master’s programme and what your programme will look like. Pre-master’s programmes can only be started in September. You can take the courses at VU Amsterdam, along with other pre-master’s and Bachelor’s students. You can also take the pre-master in Applied Linguistics as a Distance learning programme.

    Please note: even if you have a university Bachelor’s degree, it is possible that you may only be admitted to the Master’s programme after first completing a pre-master’s programme. This may be the case if, in the opinion of the Admissions Committee, your Bachelor’s programme does not adequately furnish you with the prerequisites for enrolment in the Master’s programme (see the Admission Requirements and Application page). The Admissions Committee will then give you further instructions.

    You can find more information about the pre-master’s programme and costs on the pre-master’s programme page.

    Intake interview

    For information about the content of the pre-master’s or master’s programme, please contact the coordinator of the relevant specialisation. The contact details are shown below. You can then arrange to have an intake interview with the coordinator, during which the two of you will review your prior education (higher professional education (HBO) or university Bachelor’s degree or otherwise). This is then taken as a basis for explaining to you what your pre-master’s programme will look like. You can also use this interview to discuss practical issues, such as combining part-time or full-time study with a job.

  • Applying for the pre-master’s programme

    For admission to the pre-master’s programme in Linguistics, you must apply before 15 July in Studielink. In Studielink, first select ‘Bachelor’s or other non-master’s programme’, followed by the pre-master’s programme. 

    Within two days after your application in Studielink you will receive login details for your personal dashboard. You complete your application and can upload your passport photo in this dashboard. Make sure you enter the correct specialisation.

    You need to upload an application form in your personal dashboard. Select the correct format of the VU Application Form here. The form explains which documents are required to enable your application to be assessed.

    You will receive notification in Studielink as soon as a letter of acceptance is issued.

Want to know more about the pre-master's in Linguistics?

For substantive information about the pre-master's or master's degree:

Contact the coordinator of Applied Linguistics: Dr. P. (Petra) Bos:

Contact the Text Mining coordinator: Dr. H.D. (Hennie) van der Vliet:

Contact the coordinator of Language Description and Comparative Linguistics: A.C.J. (Antoinette) Schapper: