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The pre-master’s programme carries a maximum of 30 credits. Within the programme, you take linguistic and academic subjects.

If you meet the admission requirements, the Admissions Committee will determine the content of your individual pre-master’s programme based on your previous education and specialisation preferences. 

In the Applied Linguistics track of the Master’s programme in Linguistics, you can choose from two specialisations: Dutch as a second language and Language Disorders. Your chosen specialisation will partly determine the subjects in your pre-master’s programme. Examples of the subjects include Academic Skills, Foreign Language Teaching or Dyslexia. 

The Text Mining track of the Master’s programme in Linguistics includes subjects such as Introduction to Linguistics, Introduction to Python or Academic English.

Subjects in the Language Description and Comparative Linguistics track of the Master’s programme in Linguistics include Morphology and Semantics, Applied Phonetics, Academic Skills and Academic English.

Check out the annual plan to get an idea right now of the subjects that you will possibly take.

This pre-master’s programme can only be started in September.