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Tackle today’s sustainability challenges

The Master’s in Environment and Resource Management trains you to become a sustainability professional with the skills and knowledge to become a changemaker.

From transitioning to a sustainable food and energy system, to finding solutions to floodings and the plastic soup. With this Master's programme you will be on the path to finding solutions for a more sustainable world.

Why choose Environment and Resource Management at VU Amsterdam?

  • One-year programme - allowing you to quickly immerse yourself in current sustainability challenges. 
  • Diverse group of students – from different educational backgrounds, countries, cultures and with various experience and expertise.
  • Excellent staff – engaged and diverse group of teachers and researchers from the leading sustainability institute IVM with many connections in the field.
  • Flexible programme - tailor the master to your personal interest by 5 different specialisation tracks.
  • Vibrant campus in Amsterdam - study at the most sustainable university of the Netherlands with many possibilities to engange in the extracurricular sustainability inititiatives.

Sign up for a taster lecture on the VU campus on Wednesday November 29th.

Discover your Environment and Resource Management programme

Discover your Environment and Resource Management programme

During this programme, you’ll become familiar with several key Environmental Sciences and Resource Management disciplines and learn to integrate different bodies of knowledge in a solution-oriented way.

The specialisations cover some of the most fundamental environmental problems of our time, notably the provision of sustainable energy and the sustainable governance of water, climate, food systems and ecosystems. You can determine your own focus.

Explore the programme content

Change your world, study Environment and Resource Management