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Understand the world of language learning

Language and Mind

Communication and Information Studies

How do children and adults learn, develop, and use language? Language is crucial to human communication. Language acquisition is the key focus of the track Language and Mind, part of the Bachelor’s programme Communication and Information Studies.

On the one hand, language acquisition seems to be the easiest task on the earth: every healthy child learns to speak his or her mother tongue without ever paying attention to learning it. On the other hand, language acquisition can be so complicated. Why does learning one’s native speech cost little effort whereas learning a second or a third language can be time- and effort consuming? Or even: frustrating? Why are certain aspects of languages extremely difficult to grasp, while others are relatively easy to learn? 

For students taking our Communication and Information Studies track Language and Mind*, such questions,  addressing different facets of language acquisition will keep coming back during their study. This track is entirely in English and studies how language systems are built up, how young children learn their mother language, how adults learn new languages and how to analyse these processes.

*The Language and Mind track was previously called ‘Language Learning and Language Teaching’ - as of September 2024 you can register as a student of Communication and Information Studies with specialisation: Language and Mind.

Discover your Language and Mind programme

During the Language and Mind track of the Bachelor's programme in Communication and Information Studies, you will study topics such as the structure and the learnability of language, the relationship between language and cognition, language and mind, and various factors which influence the process of language learning and language teaching. Together with your fellow students, you will dive into the world of child language, communication between parents and children, language teaching methods, the development of language proficiency tests, the characteristics of specific groups of language learners, and what happens in our brain when we use our native or a foreign language.

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Studying at VU Amsterdam