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BKO and SKO Alumni Innovation Fund Awards

20 februari 2023
New Opportunity from VU Centre for Teaching & Learning's Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Team: BKO and SKO Alumni Innovation Fund Awards

On Monday, 13th February, 2023, the LEARN! Academy celebrated the success of twelve diverse projects that were awarded the BKO and SKO Alumni Innovation Fund. These projects were the first batch to receive this grant.

Their themes included sustainability, blended education, community service learning, professional skills and orientation, diversity and inclusion, Mixed Classroom methods, digital tools, and co-creation of education. These topics are important for education at VU, and VU Centre for Teaching & Learning’s Scholarship of Teaching and Learning team supports these pillars with endeavors aiding innovative educational practices. The team seeks to build communities that help improve education, assist with professionalization, enhance programmes across disciplines, and conduct research in the various academic layers at the VU.

Apart from the scholarship renumeration, awardees get to work with a specialist mentorship network that facilitates interdisciplinary collaborations, coordinates research and development, helps with trainings, offers expertise, along with opportunities for sharing the findings. 

Click here for more information about the fund.

Award-winner Projects of the BKO and SKO Alumni Innovation Fund 2023:

  • ORG Timeline Platform
  • Making future-proof experiential neuroscience practicals by using programming
  • Climate Action Leadership: Partnering up with students to co-create education
  • CREDO: free online entry level course
  • Sustainable for Students, Staff, Society: A Comparative Pilot Study for Incorporating Inclusive Sustainability Transitions in Arts & Humanities Curricula
  • Anthropology matters! Introducing "professional anthropology" in the MSc Social and Culturual Anthropology
  • Teaching sensitive topics in the Peace and Conflict Minor: Helping students cope with negative emotions
  • IBA LAB: Designing student-led solutions to societal problems via blenden co-creating with societal stakeholders
  • Measuring the Effectivity of Educational Activities in a VU MOOC: Providing English Education for All
  • Mathematical Visualization in Classroom Settings
  • Broadening our past to prepare for our future
  • Envisioning the role of AI tools in teaching academic writing

Snelle navigatie VU Centre for Teaching & Learning

Ga hier direct terug naar de homepage van het CTL.
Veelbezochte cursussen: BKOSKOLeergang Onderwijskundig Leiderschap
Cursussen per doelgroep: junior docentendocenten met een BKOonderwijsleidersPhDs met onderwijstaken

Wil je een vraag aan een van onze medewerkers stellen? Neem dan contact op met Carin Weitering, medewerker studentzaken, ctl@vu.nl.
Of bel ons op: 020 598 4263. (op werkdagen tussen 9.00 en 17.00). 


Carin Weitering

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