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VU Education Lab experiments with AI to support teachers

14 May 2024
The VU Education Lab is not sitting still. For instance, many activities are being carried out to introduce teachers to generative AI through VU CTL workshops and events such as the EdTech Day. But technical experiments are also taking place. For example, with a teacher support system, focused on course design.

AI help for educational design
Generative AI can also be used to design courses and lessons: for instance, various educational materials, including rubrics, syllabi, images, videos, assessment questions and more. However, it is important to have good prompts at your disposal, which take time and expertise to create or find. This new experimental system can help with that.

Solve my teaching problem
On the VU CTL website, you can find the 'AI prompts for educational design' section. There are six powerful ready-made prompts that you as a teacher can fill in for your own situation. And more prompts will follow.

The most interesting prompt is about 'Solve my teaching problem'. Under that tab, you can select a number of standard problem situations and the generative AI will do its job. Still not completely satisfied? Then adjust the prompt and try again.

We have already received feedback from a select group of users. Reactions range from 'the output is rather general and superficial' to 'it is nice that you have recognition as a teacher for these common problems' and 'if I had had this knowledge earlier, it would have saved me time'.

Try it yourself
Try out the web environment and see for yourself what this experimental system can do for you as a teacher. We would love to hear your feedback so that we can make improvements.

The system is still experimental. Please read the instructions carefully before using it. The use of this system is on a small scale and will be monitored by the VU Education Lab.

Do you have any questions or comments?

Please email for more information.

VU Education Lab is part of VU Centre for Teaching & Learning.