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Share the latest peer feedback video with your students!

9 April 2024
Disover the newest animation video designed to assist teachers in enhancing their students' peer feedback skills.

It provides practical tips for students on handling challenging feedback, improving their work, and fostering constructive dialogue. Share this video with your students when assigning them a peer feedback task.

Interested in more materials from the VU Education Lab to support students? Check out these didactic tips:

Tip 11: How to help students give and process peer feedback better - part 1

Tip 13: How to help students give and process peer feedback better - part 2

Tip 37: Do’s and don’ts for effective peer feedback - part 1

Tip 38: Do’s and don’ts for effective peer feedback - part 2

Teach students to better receive peer feedback

Want your students to better receive peer feedback? Then share this animation with them. The animation is short, powerful and aimed directly at students.