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In Memoriam: Nel Velthorst

30 March 2023
The Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences of VU University Amsterdam has learned with regret of the death of emeritus professor Nel Velthorst (* 23 March 1932) on Wednesday 22 March 2023.

Prof. Nel Velthorst was professor of General Chemistry (1972-1997) within the then (sub)faculty of Chemistry of the VU. Nel was also the department's first female professor, making her a role model for many. She was known for her involvement with our students and education, and she defined our department through her outreach activities to schools. Nel was an honorary member of the study association VCSVU. In 2007 she became Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau for her services to science, education and society.

The farewell service for Nel took place on Wednesday, March 29 at 2 p.m. in De Kruiskerk, Van der Veerelaan 30a, 1181 RB Amstelveen. The MT of the Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences expresses its condolences to the immediate family and all who knew and appreciated Nel.

On behalf of the MT S&F,

Matthias Bickelhaupt


prof. Dr. FM Bickelhaupt, FRSC, Chemistry Europe Fellow

Head, Department of Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Sciences

Amsterdam Center for Multiscale Modelling

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


