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23 January: Launch of Yoda – the new research data management tool

19 January 2023
After several successful pilot projects, Yoda, will be launched VU-wide on 23 January. Yoda is a SURF application that supports research data management during all phases of a research project. It provides a single solution for storage, sharing, archiving and publishing. VU researchers can start using the new software as soon as it is launched.

A new alternative for data management 
Yoda offers several advantages over other data management software. It supports the entire research process, is suitable for sensitive data and offers researchers the possibility to categorize data sets. It also offers possibilities to optimise the findability of datasets using metadata schemes. The availability of raw data makes it easier to replicate studies and can increase the accuracy of repeat studies. The new system not only offers technical advantages, it is above all accessible and user-friendly.  

Increasing the impact of research with FAIR principles 
Yoda contributes directly to increasing the impact of research results by making the stored data FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable). In doing so, it meets international RDM requirements of funding bodies and publishers.  

Want to know more? Visit the information session! 
Are you interested in Yoda and do you want to learn more about the experiences of the first researchers that used Yoda? Attend the Data Conversation on 2 February. During the session, you’ll receive information about the benefits of Yoda, and VU researchers will tell you about their experiences with Yoda. In the Yoda portal, you can find information regarding the use of the software, the associated costs and the application process.  

Questions about Yoda?

Contact the RDM Support Desk!


This is a picture of Diógenes Cruz de Arcelino. He is team member of Digital Services and Infrastructure.