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VU Amsterdam joins Accelerate EEE project.

27 October 2022
VU Amsterdam is pleased to announce the launch of the Accelerate - Entrepreneurship Education in Europe (EEE) project. Accelerate EEE is funded by the European Institute of Technology's Digital KiC (Knowledge Information Community) project called Higher Education Initiative.

Accelerate EEE brings together three universities, namely University of Glasgow, Corvinus University Budapest and VU Amsterdam. The leading IoT accelerator in Scotland, is also involved in this project. The vision of Accelerate EEE is to build capacity at partner universities to catalyze the development of data-driven entrepreneurial companies in areas such as fintech, med-tech, AI and IoT. By working together, partners leverage the distinctive and individual nature of their respective ecosystems to achieve synergies as part of an integrated, open and collaborative network.  

Four main objectives
Accelerate EEE has four main objectives. The first is to remove barriers to participation in entrepreneurship by building a high-quality online module for academic staff and students who want to learn about building data-driven start-ups. Second, communities of practice between partner universities will be created to achieve long-term impact. Third, capacity is developed through learning from industry by working closely with established business accelerator Finally, efforts are being made to become essential entrepreneurship educators for partner universities.

EIT HEI Initiative
Accelerate EEE is one of 26 winning consortia selected to take part in the EIT HEI Initiative. Nearly 300 higher education institutions and their partners from 38 countries will receive up to EUR 31.2 million in total to strengthen their innovation capacities.

Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth said: "Over the past year, the EIT HEI Initiative has built up great momentum to make higher education institutions more innovative and entrepreneurial by linking them with businesses and research centres. 294 additional organisations will benefit from expertise, coaching and knowledge exchange. This support will help them to build local innovation ecosystems and achieve real institutional change."

ACCELERATE EEE will train nearly 600 students during the course of the project. A further 57 academics and 57 non-academic staff in support roles will be trained, with over 171 HEI stakeholders mentored through the international network.

Check out the website Accelerate EEE.