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NWA grant for research on circular building

5 December 2022
As part of the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA), NWO (Dutch Research Council) has awarded 1,400,000 euros to Circular Collaboration (CirCol): Delivering circular renovation at scale through multi-cycle, multi-scalar and multi-level collaboration. This research programme focuses on reducing CO2 and waste in the renovation of homes and buildings. Professor Alfons van Marrewijk is involved in this project on behalf of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

The research consists of three related parts. One part focuses on changing collaboration practices in the circular construction and renovation chain through action research and is conducted under the leadership of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the University of Utrecht. The next part focuses on changing collaboration practices in the socio-technical system and is conducted by Delft University of Technology and Utrecht University of Applied Sciences. And finally, the last part looks at value determinations of circular building materials, which is being conducted under the leadership of the University of Leiden. 

Van Marrewijk: "We are very happy with the grant because it allows us to contribute to actual change in cooperation between partners in the circular construction and renovation chain and in this way support the transition to a circular construction economy."

The universities work together in a consortium with large public clients, major construction firms, housing associations and demolishers. The new practices of collaboration between clients, contractors, suppliers, and demolishers in renovation projects are perceived to be an important challenge in the transition towards circular renovation. 

The construction sector can, being one the largest producers of CO2 and waste, significantly contribute to CO2 reduction and resource depletion by reducing the impact on the environment and climate during harvesting, manufacturing, production, use and reuse of constructions and construction products. Given the challenges of establishing the circular economy, meeting the energy transition and providing affordable housing, the scale of adapting the existing housing stock in the Netherlands presents a unique opportunity to accelerate circularity through new ways of collaboration. The aim of the PhD project is to explore, reflect and learn from behavioural interventions in the collaborative practices in renovation projects to support the transition to a circular and energy-neutral renovation. 

The research programme of the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) is carried out by NWO on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The aim of the NWA is to utilise knowledge to make a positive, structural contribution to the society of tomorrow, by building bridges today and jointly ensuring scientific and societal impact.